A takedown of Dr ‘fake’ Fauci in an unexpected place
Sam Adler-Bell is with Dissent magazine, and has no right-of-center sympathies. He just wrote an article called “Doctor Do-Little: The Case Against Anthony Fauci.”
It has the flaws you’d expect from someone of Adler-Bell’s background, to be sure. Much of the first portion of it is devoted to claiming that Fauci’s problem is that he didn’t stand up enough to Trump’s “lies” about the pandemic. In other words, we didn’t get quite enough propaganda from Fauci.
Uh, no.
And it’s not exactly the article that Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya, one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, would have written. When I asked Bhattacharya on my show to give me a frank assessment of Fauci, he said this:
“I think during this epidemic he has failed. I think he has not kept up with the science. That interchange with Rand Paul is instructive, because the T-cell evidence was available then. He’s failed on schools. The evidence about children not spreading the disease — that contact-tracing study in Iceland where they did the mutation analysis, that came out in April…. But yet Dr. Fauci spread fear about that….
“And on the Great Barrington Declaration, he mischaracterized it I think knowingly — our [alleged] saying that we believe the disease should spread rampantly. We don’t. We want to protect the vulnerable. We want to protect the old. That’s central to the Great Barrington Declaration idea. Just simply so he didn’t have to discuss it with us, I think — if I’m trying to be charitable. He’s behaved in ways that are detached from science, and in many ways irresponsible. And I think the harms from his leadership during this epidemic — we’re going to be counting these harms for a long time.”
That’s what the beginning of a critique of Fauci should look like. Or that — as far as I can see — we didn’t hear any acknowledgment from him of the collateral damage from lockdowns until September or October.
A real critique doesn’t begin from the ridiculous premise that lockdowns and masks are the right strategy — we have example after example of countries doing the “right thing” according to the voodoo where the numbers have been horrendous, and disparate places with varying responses and yet exactly the same curve. At some point we have to drop the b.s.
Still, Adler-Bell has accomplished at least something by taking Fauci down a peg. He is correct to point out what so many left-liberals have tried to deny: Fauci clearly did flip-flop on masks. He is likewise correct that Fauci
lied to the public about herd immunity, gradually raising his estimate of the percent of the population that needs to be inoculated to defeat the virus. As The New York Times reported in December, “Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.” This admission betrays his carefully cultivated image. Clearly, Fauci is willing to indulge in pious fictions when he decides they’re necessary. In truth, the cult of Fauci is based on a character; a performance that has served him, and sometimes the public, very well.
Adler-Bell continues:
In another moment of lucidity in May 2020, Trump said of Fauci, “He wants to play all sides of the equation.” I think that’s right. In the past, Fauci has plausibly played all sides to the benefit of the public. His shrewd AIDS advocacy assuaged homophobic politicians, motivated apolitical scientists, and met the demands of activists and patients. In the case of Covid-19, it’s harder to see how Fauci’s machinations have helped anyone — except Anthony Fauci.
Again, not exactly the article we need, since it inexplicably buys into the “public health measures can protect us” nonsense that the experience of the past ten months should have made laughable by now, but anything that punctures the myth of Fauci is a step forward.
Now, on to business before wrapping up from today:
I’ve just made a detailed video showing you under the hood of Tom Woods, Inc. I’ve got a bunch of moving parts in terms of the way I make my (entirely online) living, most of which are not evident (it seems as if all I do is a podcast). It’s taken me ten years to figure out what works and what doesn’t when it comes to supporting yourself without a boss and entirely from a laptop. Some of what I do is exclusive to my brand and probably can’t be copied, but most of it can, and it’ll probably save you a lot of frustration.
I’m not charging anything for this video. Here is how you get it: http://www.tomwoods.com/
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Steven J. Blue
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You want the truth? I’ll give you the truth. But first. “Why do I know this and you don’t?”
Very simple, Dr. Anthony Fauci exists as a “sock-puppet” for Bill Gates…
Even more simple – FOLLOW THE MONEY!
It can’t get much more simple than that.
Tom O
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Can’t agree with you on your analysis. Fauci is what Fauci has always been, and long before Gates turned from making buggy software to making buggy vaccines. Probably takes money from Gates as well, but he was always been the same lying fake doctor.