A re-evaluation of Earth’s CO2 History

The ongoing debate and investigation into the causes and impacts of global warming bring to the forefront the significance of understanding Earth’s climatic past to forecast its future

Central to this discourse is the theory of anthropogenic global warming, which posits that human activities, primarily through the emission of ‘greenhouse gases’ such as carbon dioxide, have significantly altered the Earth’s atmospheric composition, leading to global warming and ‘climate change’.

Let’s explore the essential crux of the anthropogenic global warming theory, examine the reliability of ice cores in recording atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and explore alternative methods such as plant stomata analysis to gain insights into historical CO2 levels.

The anthropogenic global warming theory is underpinned by the analysis of atmospheric CO2 concentrations over geological timescales. Scientific evidence suggests that for the past 800,000 years, atmospheric CO2 levels fluctuated between approximately 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm).

This range is considered to reflect natural variability, driven by Earth’s orbital cycles, volcanic activity, and interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere.

However, the stark increase in CO2 levels to the current concentration of around 420 ppm is attributed to anthropogenic emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes.

It is claimed that this significant departure from the historical range is a key indicator of human influence on the climate system.

Understanding the historical context of atmospheric CO2 levels is crucial, and ice cores have been an invaluable resource in this endeavor. Ice cores are cylindrical samples extracted from ice sheets and glaciers.

They contain trapped air bubbles that have been sealed off from the atmosphere, or at least that is the assumption, as the ice forms, preserving a record of past atmospheric conditions. By analyzing the gases within these bubbles, scientists can reconstruct atmospheric compositions, including CO2 concentrations, over hundreds of thousands of years.

However, the formation of glacial ice is a prolonged process that occurs over centuries to millennia. This slow encapsulation process means that ice cores may not effectively capture short-term fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 levels, which could last only a few years to decades.

The question then arises: How accurately do ice cores reflect short-term variations in CO2 concentrations?

This is where alternative methods, such as the analysis of plant stomata, come into play. Stomata are microscopic pores found on the surfaces of leaves and needles, facilitating gas exchange between the plant and the atmosphere.

The density of stomata on plant leaves is influenced by atmospheric CO2 levels; higher concentrations lead to fewer stomata, and vice versa. By examining fossilized leaves and comparing stomatal density across different periods, scientists can infer past CO2 levels with a higher resolution than ice cores, potentially capturing more significant, short-term changes.

The figures above show a simple flow chart of the different parameters required to calculate CO2 from this proxy. Source: https://paleo-co2.org/proxiesStomatal

The evidence from plant stomata analysis suggests that there have been many more large, short-term fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 levels than those recorded by ice cores. In fact, some studies suggest levels approaching 400 ppm in the 14th and 16th centuries, challenging the notion of stable CO2 prior to human emissions.

Furthermore, other studies have shown short-term increases of CO2 of about 200 ppm in two centuries, naturally, which are not observed in the ice cores.

Comparison with Antarctic ice core-based atmospheric CO 2 record. On the left hand side is the Hässeldala Core 5 stomatal index based CO 2 concentration record, showing approximate minimum and maximum CO 2 concentrations (see Table 3 for errors). On the right hand side is an Antarctic CO 2 record reconstructed from air bubbles in the ice cores obtained at Dome C by the EPICA project (Monnin et al., 2001), synchronized with the Greenland ice core timescale (Lemieux-Dudon et al., 2010). The ages of the main climate change boundaries for each record are illustrated with dashed lines, surrounded by their error ranges in light grey (based on Walker et al., 2008 for the Greenland ice core chronology). The darker grey bars, which overlap the error ranges shown in light grey, illustrate that the ages for each of the boundaries are comparable within their error ranges. The records, although displaying some similarities, are clearly different. Firstly, the magnitude and range of CO 2 concentrations are much larger in the Hässeldala Port record. Secondly, the stomatal-based record shows a more dynamic CO 2 development through time, in particular across the climate change boundaries, while the ice core-based record shows an almost linear, smoothed development.  Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379113000553

These discrepancies raise important questions about our understanding of natural CO2 variability and the baseline levels of atmospheric CO2 in the absence of human activities.

In conclusion, while ice cores provide a critical long-term perspective on Earth’s atmospheric history, their limitations in capturing short-term fluctuations underscore the need for complementary methods like plant stomata analysis.

Together, these tools offer a more nuanced understanding of natural versus anthropogenic influences on the Earth’s climate.

As we continue to unravel the complex interplay between natural variability and human impact, it becomes increasingly clear that the rise in CO2 levels can not merely be assigned to anthropogenic means.

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Comments (5)

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    The essential crux of the theory is not ice cores – it’s “back-radiative forcing” of the Earth’s surface to higher temperatures by the cooler atmosphere.

    That was disproved experimentally in 1909 by R.W. Wood, upholding the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

    All this other bla bla is fairies on the head of a pin.


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    Kevin Doyle


    Mr. Crackpot has hit the nail on the head.
    The term “back-radiating forcing” is a non-reality based term made up by ‘Environmental Scientists’. The term does not exist in any textbook on radiation heat transfer, heat exchanger design, nor nuclear reactor design and operation.
    It is simply childish gobbledy-gook, which sounds convincing to the 99% technically illiterate people on our planet.

    If ‘back radiation’ existed, then placing a mirror next to a candle would cause the candle to burn hotter…


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    “Control carbon and you control the future”
    Regulating it comes first.


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      Kevin Doyle


      Agreed, Wise One.
      Also, Control access to medicine of your Subjects, then you control Them.

      Whether it be food, medicine, transportation, or home heating/cooking. Those seeking Control will use these devices.
      Strange how these subjects intertwine…


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    “the significance of understanding Earth’s climatic past to forecast its future”
    They can’t predict the future even if they understood the past. Complete understandings of how the planet truly works are as elusive as the proverbial needle in a haystack. Occupy time with something productive.


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