A Possible Aether Explanation for Two Light Phenomena
Independent researcher, Dr Raymond Gallucci, submits his latest paper, ‘A Possible Aether Explanation for Two Light Phenomena:Varying Speed with Medium and Cosmological Redshift‘ for reader feedback. We have pleasure in publishing his summary with a link to the full PDF, below.
A Possible Aether Explanation for Two Light Phenomena:Varying Speed with Medium and Cosmological Redshift
Dr. Raymond HV Gallucci, PE
[email protected], [email protected]
(This is a summary article – for the complete article, including tables and figures, see [via cut and paste into browser] https://vixra.org/pdf/2006.0039v1.pdf.)
It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to imagine any kind of particle, even an allegedly massless one such as a photon to be capable of ballistically speeding at 3.00 x 105 km/s. Nonetheless, that is what mainstream physics would have us accept as gospel, with some wave-like properties thrown-in for good measure. It is almost as difficult to envision the same speed of a pure wave propagating through some sort of medium, such as an aether for light. Nonetheless, this would seem the only possible means of such speedy travel, and perhaps alternative concepts such as an aether consisting of “ropes” (Gaede’s intertwined electromagnetic “threads”) or standing waves could render the implausibility less difficult to imagine. (Gallucci, “Does Gaede’s ‘Rope Hypothesis’ of Light Align with a Standing-Wave Aether?” http://vixra.org, item 1801.0420; https://principia-scientific.com/does-gaedes-rope-hypothesis-of-light-align-with-a-standing-wave-aether/ [April 23, 2018]) With this possibility of an aether as light’s propagating medium in mind, two phenomena of light are examined from an aether perspective – its speed varying with medium and the cosmological redshift.
- Two Light Phenomena
When light travels from one medium to another of different density, its speed changes, decreasing with increased medium density, as shown in Table 1 (see full article). However, the “color” (frequency) of light does not change with medium, implying that the speed change arises solely from a change in wavelength, since “color” is a function solely of frequency, such that any change in speed must arise solely from a corresponding change in wavelength. Cosmological redshift refers to the observed, roughly linear decrease in frequency of light emanating from galaxies as a function of distance (i.e., a shifting toward the “red” in terms of “color”), alleged by mainstream physics to result from the ever-expanding nature of space itself. In three dimensions, this is often likened to raisin bread rising as baked. In two dimensions, this is likened to a polka-dotted balloon as it is inflated. “Tired light” advocates contend that this “reddening” results not from cosmic expansion but due to energy losses by the light itself as it traverses the vast distances of space, often due to interactions with particles in the non-pure vacuum of intergalactic space. (For a comprehensive review of many “tired light” theories, see Marmet, “On the Interpretation of Red-Shifts: A Quantitative Comparison of Red-Shift Mechanisms II,” Feb. 29, 2016, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/58e7/cf3f681962ccef6cb4dd283a6b81c1d0f5a0.pdf.)
- Light Speed vs. Medium
Figure 1 (see full article) illustrates the concept of an essentially incompressible aether, consisting of a “string” of adjacent “aetherons” (spherical, for simplicity) arrayed linearly to represent a light ray spanning a distance “d” in a vacuum. A light pulse traveling at speed “c” over distance “d” “unhindered” in a vacuum requires a travel time of t0 = d/c. However, if the same light ray now travels through a non-vacuum medium composed of atoms of diameter 2r (nuclear diameter), the light pulse, still traveling at “c,” must now cover a greater non-linear distance, d – 2r + (pi)r = d + (pi – 2)r, increasing the travel time to t1 = [d + (pi – 2)r]/c > t0, per atom. Therefore, the light pulse, now traveling through a non-vacuum medium, is perceived as traveling at a slower speed over the linear distance “d” of v = d/t1 < c = d/t0.
Now, in Figure 2 (see full article), this same light pulse is viewed as a series of waves, propagated via the adjacent aetherons. This illustration shows the pulse through the vacuum being comprised of a total of seven wavelengths, spanning the distance “d.” With the atom of nuclear diameter “2r” now present in the non-vacuum medium, the light pulse must travel the slightly greater non-linear distance d + (pi – 2)r, with a corresponding addition of approximately one-half wavelength (when passing “around” the nucleus) to cover the linear distance ”d.” Over this linear distance, the equivalent wavelength of the light pulse through the non-vacuum medium has decreased by the ratio 7/7.5, and the light speed, which is the product of frequency and wavelength, has also decreased by the same ratio, since the frequency (“color”) of light does not change when passing from one medium through another. This decreased wavelength is also consistent with the phenomenon of light refraction when passing to/from a less dense from/to a denser medium.
- Cosmological Redshift
Cosmological redshift refers to the “reddening” of light from other galaxies, roughly as a linear function of distance. It is not applied to light emanating from within our own galaxy. This brings into question the many “tired light” theories that explain the reddening as light energy lost (i.e., a reduction in frequency [“color”] since light energy is the product of Planck’s constant and the frequency) via interactions with particles in a non-pure vacuum. Given the higher density (non-“pure”-vacuum nature) of intragalactic vs. intergalactic space, such “reddening” would be expected from light emanating within our galaxy as well, not just from other galaxies. If we dismiss the mainstream explanation of “expanding space,” as well as the “tired light” theories requiring energy loss through interactions with particles, what might an aether perspective suggest?
Figure 3 (see full article) illustrates a possible difference between intragalactic and intergalactic aether that might explain cosmological redshift without either expanding space or tired light. In an intragalactic vacuum, the aether is represented as a string of adjacent “aetherons” (20 shown, no “attenuation”). Next consider an “attenuated” string of nearly adjacent “aetherons” in an intergalactic vacuum (16 shown, with 15 interstitial spaces of distance “delta” between each, yielding a total space among them = 15 x delta). Finally, envision an “attenuated” string of adjacent “aetherons,” now compressible, in an intergalactic vacuum (20 shown as ellipses slightly compressed in direction of motion, with displacement = 15 x delta).
In an intragalactic vacuum (no aether “attenuation”), a light pulse is transmitted across the distance “d” with essentially no force required and no interstitial distance needing to be traversed; thus, the effective energy “lost” is essentially zero. In an intergalactic vacuum (“attenuated” aether), some force is required for the pulse to cover the interstitial distance, which totals a displacement of (15 x delta) in this illustration, corresponding to some energy lost since energy (work) is the product of force and displacement. Since light energy is the product of Planck’s constant and frequency, any decrease in energy translates into a decrease in frequency, thereby yielding a redshift due to the “attenuated” nature of the “aether” in an intergalactic vs. an intragalactic vacuum.
Why might the nature of the aether differ between intragalactic (adjacent, incompressible aetherons) and intergalactic space (either non-adjacent incompressible aetherons or adjacent but compressible aetherons, either referred to as “attenuated”)? One can only speculate. Perhaps the gravitational or electromagnetic fields present with a galaxy vs. essentially absent (at least in terms of vanishing magnitude) between galaxies may play a part.
- Summary
Envisioning light to be capable of traveling ballistically at 3.00 x 105 km/s in the form of a particle (photon), even one that is “massless,” would seem to stretch all credulity. And while envisioning this speed to be attainable even by a pure wave phenomenon is almost equally incredible, there is at least some plausibility to this being possible via a propagating medium such as an aether. Two light phenomena have been examined here from an aether perspective, speed varying with medium and the cosmological redshift, with explanations offered as to how both could be consistent with light propagating as a wave through an aether.
Read/download the full paper at: https://vixra.org/pdf/2006.0039v1.pdf
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Herb Rose
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Hi Dr.Gallucci,
I admire your courage in disputing Einstein’s nonsense. (The photoelectric effect is just another version of the piezo electric effect where a disturbance of an ionic/metal bond in a crystal causes an electron (already disassociated from an atom) to flow.) It is sure to bring the condemnation of the wikipidiots who substitute answers from “experts” for thinking. for themselves
Light is purely a wave. Objects are composed of matter and energy. Matter radiates positive and negative electric fields while energy radiates an attractive force, identified as gravity (general) and magnetic (directional force). The forces from the two fields act in opposite ways. When energy fields combine (like 2 magnets) the size and strength of the field increases creating larger object (magnet). When a proton and an electron combine the size and strength of the field decreases becoming a neutron. When opposite. similar poles are forced together the size and strength of the energy field becomes weaker and shrinks . When electrons are forced together the size and strength of the field increases.
When the energy force pulls objects together, the strength of the repelling force between electron fields increases keeping the objects apart. This sets an attractive-repelling tension equilibrium between objects. When energy is added to an object it pulls neighboring objects closer increasing the repelling force between them. When the added energy is dispersed to neighboring objects the repulsive electric force between the objects pushes them apart again. This oscillation is what we identify as light (energy/mater waves) and the medium (aether) it travels in are the fields that objects radiate. The speed of light varies with the strength of the fields which decrease with distance, going faster in stronger fields.
Light travels slower in a vacuum than in denser objects. The appearance of light traveling slower in water or glass is from refraction which causes the light to travel a greater distance in these objects. Dr. Nimitz’s experiment, where he showed microwaves travel faster through a brass block than through air, was a result of him having the wave strike the block at the appropriate angle that allowed it to travel straight through the block.
When observing a fish under water the false position of the fish is attributed to the light slowing as it enters the water and refracts. If you see the fish the light is coming from the fish to your eye and the slowing and refraction occurs when the light exits the water
Light bends around the sun not because of gravity but because of the greater strength of the fields..
In space the wavelength of light increases as the strength of the energy decreases. When the disturbance enters the field of a neighboring object the wavelength will shorten (blue shift) as the strength of the field increases heading towards it source. Whether light has a blue or red shift depends if it travels a greater distance in a weakening field or increasing field.
Robert Beatty
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Thanks for a stimulating discussion. I note your summary sentence “Envisioning light to be capable of traveling ballistically at 3.00 x 105 km/s in the form of a particle (photon), even one that is “massless,” would seem to stretch all credulity”, which raises the thought, maybe your hypothesis is not correct?
You maybe aware of my paper https://bosmin.com//PSL/ExposedLight.pdf in which I propose a transient stage of mass interspersed between the electro and magnetic stages of light/EMR transmission. This proposal comes from a consideration of the Shapiro Effect which shows EMR is influenced by gravity changes and therefore likely includes a mass component. The introduction of a mass component also explains why EMR has momentum, as discussed at https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_pressure
I note: “Michelson–Morley type experiments have been repeated many times with steadily increasing sensitivity. These include experiments from 1902 to 1905, and a series of experiments in the 1920s. More recent optical resonator experiments confirmed the absence of any aether wind at the 10−17 level.”
And your comment “there has been ample evidence for the existence of at least a “dragged” aether around the Earth since neither the MMX nor subsequent more accurate experiments (e.g., Miller) yielded purely “null” results”; which seems to be at variance with the optical resonator experiments.
Light/EMR seems to me to be a photon energy compact cycling between electro, magnetic, and mass phases – with due recognition that E=mc^2 can also be fully reversible. As such, a transmission medium (aether) should not be required any moreso than a magnetic or gravity field. These phases are influenced by transit medium changes to an electric field, gravity or density variations which act to produce the observed light beam changes.
Raymond H Gallucci
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I have come across at least two other theories that might allow for the fantastic speed of light in at least a “semi-ballistically” manner (discussed in the article below). While I have proposed aether explanations for light, I also remain on the fence regarding whether or not there is an aether, since it remains only indirectly observable at best (e.g., MMX and Dayton-Miller).
Gallucci, R. 2016. “The Speed of Light: Constant and Non-Constant” Proceedings of the Second Annual Chappell Natural Philosophy Society Conference, July 20-23, 2016, College Park, MD, pp. 67-73; submitted to Galilean Electrodynamics, https://home.comcast.net/~adring/ (also http://vixra.org/pdf/1606.0128.pdf; https://principia-scientific.com/the-speed-of-light-constant-and-non-constant/ [February 1, 2018]).
Robert Beatty
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I was unable to open the first two references, but have previously commented on the PSI one.
It seems possible to calculate the native speed of light from the reaction “E=mc^2 which is fully reversible. My logic for this is shown at figure http://www.bosmin.com/WaveVector3.jpg
Here we have the electrical and magnetic vectors shown to form a photon. Each vector has a maximum speed of c which must be attained before a photon can travel at the speed of light. If either vector is diminished through electrical, magnetic, density, or gravity interference, the speed of the photon will be reduced.
Another thought regarding MMX and Dayton-Miller. I note the experiments were conducted with due recognition to earth’s orientation, but wonder what galactic orientation the experiments occurred at, or if that was ever recorded? You will note I am proposing that solar system gravity is a polar force directed towards the Monoceros galaxy. If either experiment had one interferometer arm in this direction and the second direction at right angles, it might be possible to measure a speed of light difference. The interesting point here is that the difference would be as a result of gravity variation, not the presence of aether.
dave jr
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It would seem an aether would have to be compressable in order to propagate waves. EM waves more than likely are successive compressions and decompressions (energetic vibrations) of the aether itself. The aether would also have variable ‘density’ depending on its proximity to mass. Higher density results in shorter wavelengths. In a variable space/time continuum, is there really any difference between frequency and wavelength? Perhaps, EM waves (including the narrow band of visible light) ‘red shift’ as they leave distant galaxies and ‘blue shift’ as they enter our own galaxy and we perceive the ‘net shift’ as regulated by the respective cumulative masses of said galaxies.
It is fun to speculate about an aether as a ‘field’ within which the entire universe is immersed and how it may be related to gravitational fields and if they are indeed one in the same, only operating within different parts of a vast ‘aethereal’ spectrum?
Thank you for another thought provoking article. Please keep them coming!