A new Hypothesis on the Origin of Saturn’s Rings

With so many highly educated and intelligent scientists conducting research at JPL and NASA everybody must wonder why so many anomalies in the rings of Saturn elude a definitive explanation. It is time to question whether the wrong paradigm is responsible.

If you listen to the sound of the impacts recorded on the radio and plasma wave science instrument and reported on the Sept. 13, 2017 NOVA program it more closely resembles the sound of static electricity from ionized atoms of gas discharging to a conducting surface than dust particles hitting the antennae.

 This offers an entirely new insight into the origin of the rings and all of the anomalies that can be explained with the known characteristics of electromagnetic energy and within the laws of physics. For instance, only the precise magnetic field lines of force can create the hundreds of precision rings and the ultra precision separations that can endure for hundreds of years without blurring the separations.

Only the magnetic field of the small moon Pan of like polarity with the rings can cause the magnetic field of the moon to repel the rings out of its area of influence and then the rings to return to their original position on every orbit for hundreds of years.

Then the “propellers” being of opposite polarity to the rings will simply add the energy of its magnetic field to the adjacent rings and cause the atoms of gases to glow brighter and return to their normal brightness as soon as the “propellers” move away.

The “dark spokes” are caused simply by the diminishing cloud of gas in the vicinity that reduces the volume of gases that can be stimulated to a glowing state o excitement by the magnetic field current flow of the rings.

A fluorescent light and neon tubes offer the very same glow with the very same magnetic field current stimulating atoms of invisible gases I a near vacuum to a glowing, visible state of excitement.

 Again, if you rub a piece of polyethylene material briskly with your bare hand it will generate a charge of static electricity in both the material and your hand.. Then, if you move them alongside an unplugged fluorescent tube in a dark room, the magnetic field current surrounding the static electricity charge will stimulate the atoms of invisible gases within the tube to a glowing, visible state of excitement. You will notice that even though the tube contains the very same volume of gases in the entire tube, only the gases in the direct path of the stimulating current flow will be stimulated to a glowing state of excitement. This is precisely what occurs in the rings of Saturn.

Even though there is a vast cloud of gases detected by the Pioneer spacecraft around Saturn in 1980, only the gases in the direct path of the swirling magnetic field around Saturn is stimulated to a glowing state of excitement.

This concept not only explains all of the anomalies in detail but even offers a pragmatic physical demonstration to prove without any doubt the viability of this concept of static electricity stimulating atoms of invisible gases to a glowing, visible state of excitement.

 After 37 years of intensive research by JPL and NASA nobody can explain where the incredible volume of particles came from, or how they managed to become concentrated in the immense but very thin configuration of the rings. The swirling magnetic field explains this in accordance with the known and demonstrated characteristics of electromagnetic energy. All of the visible anomalies that have defied explanation with the concept of particles of dust and ice reflecting sunlight have failed to explain any of these features.

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