A New 2024 Climate Report Is Fueled By Fear Not Facts

The recent article published in BioScience, “The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth,” is a parade of exaggerated claims and half-truths, a propaganda piece designed to scare the public into adopting misguided policies while turning a blind eye to the real drivers of human progress

While it projects an image of scientific rigor, a closer look reveals that most of these dire warnings don’t even align with the IPCC‘s latest report.

Particularly when scrutinizing the IPCC AR6’s scientific foundations.

Let’s break this down.

Heat and Cold: Cherry-Picking for Panic

The article wildly exaggerates heat extremes and cold spells, ignoring that most of these changes are well within natural variability, as even the IPCC AR6 admits.

According to IPCC’s AR6 Chapter 12 (Table 12.12), heat extremes are increasing in some places, but not uniformly across the globe.

What the BioScience article ignores is that most of these heat extremes are natural fluctuations. Meanwhile, extreme cold, which kills far more than heat, is thankfully on the decline, as energy access has improved globally.

And let’s look at the actual data: A Lancet study found that cold temperatures are responsible for far more deaths than heat, yet cold extreme [deaths] are on the decline, thanks, in large part, to modern energy sources like coal, oil, and gas.

Yet these are the very energy sources the article demonizes.

Fraction of all-cause mortality attributable to moderate and extreme hot and cold temperature by country. Source

For those in developing nations, these so-called temperature extremes aren’t even on their radar. The reality is that access to cheap, reliable energy is what allows people to survive both heat and cold.

Western elites conveniently forget that the world’s greatest public health achievements, from heating homes to powering air conditioning, have been driven by ‘fossil fuels’, not solar panels or wind farms.

Wet and Dry: The Fear of Floods and Droughts Misplaced

The article’s ominous portrayal of floods and droughts paints a picture of the world on the verge of catastrophe. However, according to the IPCC, the patterns of precipitation are far more complex and regionally specific.

There’s no evidence to suggest that the developing world is suddenly facing greater risks from floods than they have for centuries. Sure, some regions may see slight increases in flood risks, but is it an “emergency”? Absolutely not.

The focus on “hydrological drought” and “agricultural drought” as ticking time bombs is equally misleading.

Historically, humans have managed droughts through technology, irrigation, innovation, and improved agricultural practices, not by cutting emissions.

Global agricultural productivity is at an all-time high, and hunger levels have declined in the era of the so-called “climate emergency,” thanks to ‘fossil fuel’-based fertilizers and mechanization.

Deaths from temperature extremes have reduced, world hunger has reduced, and crop yields have never been higher, yet the BioScience article seems to want you to believe all these things are bad.

See more here climatechangedispatch

Header image: Clintel.org

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    It just proves that the editors of bioscience are well versed in the transfer of brown paper bags under the table, or they are uneducated morons, or both….

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    I read the ‘good’ guy, Dr. Matthew Wielicki, stated: “The reality is that access to cheap, reliable energy is what allows people to survive both heat and cold.”

    However, known HISTORY proves no ‘artificial heat or cooling’ is required for humans to survive as other animals naturally did before Humans were created by the CREATOR GOD. This is proven by the African Nigerians and the North American ESKIMOS who ADAPTED to their extreme climates as did many other PEOPLES who adapted to other extreme climates.

    Look around you and see what INVENTIVE HUMANS have done instead becoming AFRAID because of what EVIL PEOPLE were and are stating.

    Have a good day

    The reality is that access to cheap, reliable energy is what allows people to survive both heat and cold.

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    From time to time Secular History and Biblical History intersect each other. Beyond grade school I never formally studied Secular History. Now because I interact with the street people of Salem OR I have friend named Alex. Which I know is a shorten version of Alexander; and without studying history, I know of the existence of Alexander the Great. However, I had never learned why he was GREAT. So I began a literature search of his activities. Can one imagine my surprise when I learned he founded the city of Babylon to be the capital of his empire? And I just checked that there is no reference to Alexander the Great in The Holy Bible. But from the Bible I learned how the Babylonians had captured the Jews in Jerusalem without any battle by cutting off their water supply. And a major Bible story is how Daniel and his three friends were taken to Babylon to be educated and they became Alexander’s principal leaders at the Babylon until Alexander’s empire came apart.

    “Dare to be a Daniel” has become a great Biblical challenge.

    Have a good day

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