A feeble attempt to minimise the obvious Excess Deaths

Following the release of a 521-page independent analysis and report on the number of unexplained, non-Covid deaths above historical average only since the ‘vaccine’ rollouts (not in 2020 or 2021) which indicated 17 million lost lives…..it appears a well orchestrated misinformation and disinformation campaign has begun

Australia’s Actuaries Institute have now conveniently come to the rescue of the TGA and the Australian Government and provided a report which claims Australia’s Excess Mortality has fallen dramatically from 8,400 in 2023 compared to about 20,000 in 2022.

The Institute claims that compared to other countries, Australia had a relatively low excess death rate.

Furthermore, these bean counters with little to no experience, knowledge or expertise in clinical trials, adverse drug reaction reporting, drug regulatory affairs, PCR testing, pathology, pharmacology or medicine have taken the bold step and concluded:

“While it is not conclusive proof, the overwhelming weight of the available evidence does not point to COVID-19 vaccines as a cause of significant numbers of additional deaths”

and there were:

“fewer than 20 deaths have been identified as being caused by COVID-19 vaccination.”

Wow! What good news……but wait!

Normally, in calculating Excess Deaths it is necessary to go back the previous five years to compare what the baseline death rate was and then to compare that death rate from all causes to the current year.

But the Actuaries Institute did not do that.

What they did was ignore the years 2020 and 2021 where there was no significant Excess Deaths and used a baseline 2023 which had a huge number of Excess Deaths and then said that in the first three months of 2024 the Excess Deaths have halved!

This is a cheap trick and one does not need to be a card-carrying statistician to see through this deception. But it does go to show that the government is on the back foot trying to defend against the damning Excess Death data which clearly supports the view that the COVID “vaccines” did more harm than good.

Because it is easy for the government to refuse to accept, no matter what were the circumstances, any single report indicating the shots may have caused a death (hence the laughable reference to fewer than 20 deaths caused by the shots), the Excess Death data becomes their Achilles heel.

The number dying each year cannot be fudged.

The 521-page analysis referred to above — by Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., former physics professor and lead scientist for 23 years at the University of Ottawa, Correlation’s president Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., and Christian Linard, Ph.D., from the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières — was published July 19 and can be found by CLICKING HERE.

The bulk of the vaccination program was completed toward the end of 2021. Deaths from all causes began to increase from then onwards. The huge increase in Excess Deaths in 2022 has abated somewhat in 2023.

Covid contributed only about three percent of the increase in all cause mortality.

After subtracting the Covid deaths, it has been calculated that more than 117,000 Australian deaths have occurred above historical average excluding Covid deaths since the rollout of the “vaccines”.

This should be cause for deep concern but calls for a Royal Commission on the safety of the Covid “vaccines” and Covid policies have fallen on deaf ears despite the current government promise to conduct such an inquiry.

CLICK HERE to view the Actuaries Institute report of 10 July 2024.

I’ve now added this cheap trick to my list of misinformation and disinformation (no. 61 below):


Updated July 2024

1.         Failure to acknowledge that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was man-made.

2.         Implementation of cruel lockdowns without any scientific evidence of usefulness

3.         Declare experimental gene-based mRNA injections “safe and effective” when this was not supported by the available evidence.  The 95% efficacy claim was false.  The COVID “vaccines” have been reported to cause more death and injury than any drug in history.

4.         Failure of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration to require appropriate quality, safety and efficacy data for the Covid “vaccines” and subsequently failure to properly evaluate the COVID injections for safety and efficacy.

5.         Failure to stop senseless vaccine mandates when there was never any evidence that the injections would stop transmission.

6.         Falsely claiming the COVID injections would keep you from getting COVID, getting seriously ill or going to hospital.  The hospital statistics show this is false.

7.         Falsely claiming masks prevent transmission or infection.  There is no credible evidence that masks prevent transmission or acquisition of air-borne viral infection.

8.         Falsely claiming it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

9.         Ramping up public fear to force people into getting “vaccinated”

10.      Denying early treatment which could have saved thousands of lives.  Such advice has never been given in medicine for any serious infection.

11.       Orchestrating and supporting outrageous epidemiologic claims of expected deaths (150,000 predicted by the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates)

12.      Failure to properly assess thousands of vaccine related deaths reported in adverse drug event reporting systems including DAEN.

13.      Courts failing to consider the scientific facts of regarding COVID and the lack of safety and efficacy of COVID injections

14.      Contributing to the media censorship of any scientist or doctor who criticised the government narrative of “vaccine” safety and efficacy

15.      Permitting the Australian Professional Health Regulation Agency (APHRA) to suspend the registration of any health practitioner who disagreed with the government COVID management policy.

16.      Preventing proper and full informed consent given to patients by doctors prior to COVID injections – patients were not fully advised of the risks.

17.      Falsely stating it was safe to use COVID injections for babies, children and pregnant women when there was no credible data to support such use in these groups.

18.      Falsely inflating “COVID” case numbers and deaths using an inappropriate test (PCR) to justify population wide COVID injections.

19.      Failure to recognise or investigate natural immunity in relation to vaccine    policy

20.      Falsely claiming there was no clinical evidence to support ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin in the treatment of COVID-19.

21.      Destroying millions of doses of hydroxychloroquin and blocking the prescribing of ivermectin for COVID-19

22.      Manipulating Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality data and Excess Death data using data analysis which effectively minimises the impact of All-Cause Mortality following COVID “vaccine rollout

23.      Considering plans for a World Health Organisation (WHO) takeover of future Australian government pandemic health policy by unelected, unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats connected to the vaccine industry and apex predators of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

24.      Maintaining total secrecy surrounding the contracted arrangements with vaccine manufacturers and spending hundreds of billions of dollars needlessly on unscientific and unsound COVID pandemic policies

25.      Brutally suppressing peaceful demonstrations using rubber bullets and physical force never before witnessed in Australia

26.      Proceeding to build pharmaceutical plants to produce “vaccines” using the mRNA platform without any long-term safety data and with the full knowledge these injections have produced the highest reported incidence of death and serious adverse events of any vaccine in history

27.      Failure to explain or investigate the cause of the non-COVID unexpected Excess Deaths following the COVID “vaccine” rollouts (estimated at 30,000)

28.      Failure to conduct a proper risk/benefit assessment of lockdowns, vaccine mandates or COVID “vaccination” OR to enquire why other countries had much fewer “cases” and death despite having much smaller health care budgets.

29.      Failure of the TGA to report the high incidence of ongoing cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with the COVID “vaccines”

30.      Failure to properly assess the ongoing safety and efficacy of modified COVID “vaccines” in light of worldwide reports of serious adverse events and death.  Vaccine manufacturers and drug regulators were overwhelmed with the number of adverse event reports and there is probably a huge backlog of reports to be assessed.

31.      Failure to report hospital COVID vaccination status of COVID patients in ICU and dying “with” or “due to” COVID

32.      Failure to adequately explain child deaths post vaccination reported to the Drug Adverse Event Notification (DAEN) Scheme

33.      Failure to investigate and report on multiple international reports of problems of COVID “vaccine” quality control (high death rate following certain batches)

34.      Failure to disclose to the public the vested interests of so-called “health experts”, expert committees and institutions providing public advice

35.      The TGA falsely claimed there is no evidence the COVID “vaccines” might interfere with your own DNA or have intergenerational adverse effects.

36.      The government knows and did not warn that the COVID “vaccines” do not stay at the site of injection but travel throughout the body and the mRNA in the injections produce Spike Protein which have been shown to be directly responsible for the observed heart attacks, stroke, neurological diseases etc.

37.      The government made no distinction between the minimal to near zero risk of COVID-19 in the young vs the risk to the elderly and exposed millions of younger Australians to needless gene-based mRNA injections which may have longer term adverse effects

38.      The Australian government divided society and demonised those who wisely chose not to receive the COVID injections by promoting the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” concept

39.      Despite unprecedented numbers of the vaccine injured, compensation has been rare and minimal.  Our government protects the vaccine manufacturers with full indemnity – amazing

40.      The effect of the COVID injections on fertility and miscarriages have been widely reported worldwide yet our TGA has not raised any concern

41.      Failure to admit mistakes and harm or to even investigate ways to improve future policies and strategies by conducting a Royal Commission.

42.      We were not told judges, Parliamentarians and their staff were exempt from vaccine mandates.

43.      The TGA have not responded to repeated worldwide observations and reports that the batches of COVID-19 “vaccines” were not made in the same way as the clinical trial batches.  The commercial batches were made using fermentation techniques using E. coli bacteria resulting in contamination of the vaccine vials with toxic DNA material which can potentially reverse transcribe into your DNA.

44.      Cheating in clinical trial data management and analysis (eg. counting people who died suddenly and unexpectedly within 2 weeks after injection as “unvaccinated”.

45.      Approval for use of remdesivir despite lack of safety and efficacy data and failure to give appropriate warnings about kidney toxicity to COVID patients.

46.      Discontinued reporting of the vaccination status of seriously ill COVID-19 patients in hospital (unvaccinated vs vaccinated).  The vast majority of COVID-19 patients are fully vaccinated and boosted.

47.      Failure by the Australian Government to investigate more than 30,000 non-COVID unexplained deaths following the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

48.      Failure to properly compensate the vaccine injured and those who have died due COVID-19 vaccination.

49.      The Victorian State government and other State governments sometimes inflate the number of “unvaccinated COVID-19 deaths” by including many vaccinated people whose vaccination status is either unknown or would later be confirmed.

50.      The governments around the world released COVID-19 “vaccines” which were made in a different way to clinical trial “vaccines”.  The commercial batches were contaminated with toxic DNA and endotoxins which could cause sudden death and serious side effects and governments knew this.

51.      Pfizer delayed reporting the deaths of vaccinated people in the pivotal COVID “vaccine” clinical trial before obtaining drug regulatory approval

52.      Irresponsible claims there is no need to investigate credible embalmer and vascular surgeon reports of the appearance of strange long white rubbery “clots” in both veins and arteries the deceased and living following the rollout of the Covid shots.

53.      False claims that vaccines are among the most well researched therapeutic agents for efficacy and safety.

54.      Laying the blame for the Covid pandemic primarily with the Chinese Communist Party and not the WHO, FDA and other drug regulators, US CDC or National Institute of Health according to ex-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield.

55.      False claims that the iconic medical journals are a reliable source of high quality scientific and medical/clinical information on the Covid “vaccines” and are free of bias and censorship of important safety and efficacy information.

56.      Covid “vaccines” specifically designed to produce toxic Spike Protein for the immune response was a good idea.

57.      The Covid “vaccines” saved tens of millions of lives.

58.      The government did not mandate vaccine mandates.

59.      The high incidence of ongoing cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune an d cancer illness and death can be attributed to a sequela of COVID-19 (“Long Covid”) and not the shots.

60.      The unexplained rise of the number of deaths above previous levels from all causes (Excess Deaths) following the rollout of the Covid shots (but not in 2020 or 2021 when there were either no vaccines or the population was only partly vaccinated) is NOT due to the shots themselves.

61.      Recent (2024) calculation of the Excess Deaths by the Actuaries Institute (10 July 2024) claiming Australia had a “relatively low” Excess Death rate following the Covid “vaccine” rollouts and “the overwhelming weight of the available evidence does not point to Covid-19 vaccines as a cause of significant number of additional deaths”….and “the number of [Excess] deaths is likely to be small, especially in the context of the estimated numbers of excess deaths and the lives saved by vaccination”.

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    Frank S.


    Something smells rotten in Denmark (and the rest of the world, as well).


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