A Callous Disregard for Humanity, But No one is Responsible Part 2

This article , published by PSI HERE sets out what was known in 2020 and 2021 wrt Covid and the predicted harms of the policies which followed, it follows on from PART 1 It begins though with an exchange with our CMO in December 2022 in which I invite him to address key questions-and which, in the absence of a response from him, I later provide him with the answers, his failure to respond epitomizes the lack of accountability of our governing classes

Margaret Anna Alice wrote this companion piece to “Mistakes were not made”, which neatly sums up my quest. It is read by Dr Ahmad Malik.

“it will never end without acknowledgement, it will never end without accountability, it will never end without remorse, it will never end without justice”

The exchange with our CMO referred to was in fact a follow up to an earlier exchange I had had with him in February 2022, in which I had set out the data wrt to children and the science wrt masks, PCR tests, lockdowns, (which obviously was available much earlier) I had then asked him why was no risk benefit analysis carried out before going onto ask him to explain HIS scientific basis for:

  • the continuing restrictions on children attending school
  • the continued mask policy for school children
  • the continued use of PCR tests
  • the continued pressure on children who have a 99.9987 percent (the number at the time) survival chance and who do not transmit to be vaccinated and whether he was monitoring the number of adverse effects caused by vaccinating children.

I finished by saying that if he disputed any of the Government data on which my questions were based to indicate on what basis he did so.

The authorities knew that masks, a heinous affront to us and our children, and school closures/lockdowns did not work ,all based on a flawed test which many did not understand and most of those who did knew did not work. Just watch this.

Once again I use the authorities’ own words and a range of eminent scientists to highlight the actual science.

Professor Michael Levitt,  Professor Mark Woolhouse, Professor Martin Kuldorf ,  Professor Brighthope and Professor Angus Dalgleish who now is even more scathing. Donald Henderson ( called the 20th century’s most acclaimed disease eradicator) had set the tone, in 2006 he wrote about how a FREE society deals with pandemics:

“The negative consequences… are so extreme… that this mitigation measure (lockdowns) should be eliminated from serious consideration”

The article notes that current research carried out by Professor Norman Fenton, Dr Gerry Quinn et al at the University of Ulster  revealed that seasonality was overwhelming more important than any of the government measures and serves to underpin what the eminent scientists mentioned earlier have been saying.

In January 2022 Swiss Policy Research Group had reached a similar conclusion.

The article also draws upon a range of evidence from official bodies highlighting what has happened to our children. Eg Association of Directors of Children’s Services report:

“the devastating impact Covid (and austerity) had on children in England”

A leaked document and an untelevised BBC N.I Spotlight programme reveals that the then Health Minister knew that he was quoting worst case scenario figures of 14000 deaths -branded in the report as “unrealistic” indeed he kept secret the actual modelling which suggested 250 deaths, presumably to scare the public.

(Actual deaths in N.I in 4 years=275 -source NHS N.I). The programme notes “seriously ill people did not want to go to hospital” and the Health Minister himself notes “ how quiet our emergency departments were” The programme also refers to 7500 red flag cancer patients untreated.


I had previously written in the newspaper on the issue of coercion HERE

Still the same.

It was as if the scientific evidence and the views of experienced, esteemed and highly qualified academics counted for nothing.

Why was that?

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