A beginner’s guide to the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’
Throughout the pseudopandemic, the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ soared through the zeitgeist.
Suddenly, anybody found questioning any official story was deemed a ‘conspiracy theorist’ worthy of censorship and, in some instances, jail time.
Many of my podcasts questioning the existence of COVID-19, for example, were censored and even reported to authorities for ‘misinformation’.
Is having an opinion deemed a threat?

Quick history
The phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ first appeared in the 19th century, referring to the study of conspiracies, often focusing on political intrigue and secret plots. Initially, it had a neutral or even positive connotation, highlighting the importance of investigating covert activities.
Or what was once fondly known as ‘journalism’.
Then, in the 20th century, the phrase began to take on a negative tone, thanks to the CIA.
Warren Commission
“The Warren Commission was a sham. It was a political cover-up from the start.”
– Gerald Posner, author
Why does the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ unsettle so many people?
The answer is: propaganda.
Since the 1960s, proaganda has been used to discourage discussion or investigation into numerous events, from JFK’s assasination to the Apollo Missions and, recently, COVID™.
Following growing public doubt over the Warren Commission’s conclusions on JFK’s assassination, the CIA issued a comprehensive directive to its stations. To be clear, the general public did not believe the official story that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.
The Warren Commission, set up by President Lyndon B Johnson on 29 November 1963, was tasked with investigating the assassination of JFK on 22 November 1963.

Titled Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report, this memo massively contributed to the use of ‘conspiracy theory’ as a term to discredit those who question the government’s secret operations and policies.
Ironically, the Warren Commission’s namesake, Chief Justice Earl Warren, likely knew about the coverup.

In other words, the CIA did not want people questioning the assassination of JFK and wanted, instead, to control public discourse, which led to the implementation of Operation Mockingbird.
Even Lee Harvey Oswald’s lawyer suspected foul play.

CIA directive
The directive, known as Document 1035-960, was released by the CIA in 1976, after a FOIA (Freedom Of Information Access) request by the New York Times, in which it details a series of actions and techniques for ‘countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.’

One example was to remind ‘friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)‘ about the accuracy and soundness of the report and that ‘further speculative discussion only plays in to the hands of the [Communist] opposition.’
Basically, if one challenged the government’s story, then one was an evil commie.
And nobody wanted to be an evil commie.
“The CIA’s attempts to plant disinformation about Oswald and shape the Warren Commission’s findings is evidence of their involvement in the assassination.”
– James Douglass, author
The CIA also told its members ‘[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.‘

It’s a compliment
The phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ is now often used pejoratively. When people use it to shut down conversation, they inadvertently play into the hands of the CIA.
The truth is, being labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is a compliment because it means you’re thinking critically for yourself.
Search for truth and ignore the labels.
Before he got booted from FOX, Tucker Carlson did a segment on how the CIA was involved in killing JFK. It was something that no other mainstream news outlet had the balls to do.
When the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ gets thrown around, the CIA smiles.
“I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
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John V
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It’s a badge of honor, to us CT (Conspiracy Theorists).
The pro Warren Commission zealots are LN (Lone Nutters). Actually, Posner is one, his book “Case Closed” is how he “proves” Oswald did it. Lol Just like Bugliosi’s doorstop about LHO, pure propaganda and misinformation. Bugliosi’s also came up with the con job about Helter Skelter and Manson. He was a legend in his own mind.