Bursting The Germ Theory Bubble

In 2020 with the onset of The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity there began a series of psychological and physical assaults against populations around the world.

Perhaps one of the strangest COVID rituals was  governments instructing people to live in a “bubble” – that is, severely limiting their contacts to a tiny number of others.

Most of the public went along with these civil rights restrictions apparently due to the erroneous belief in the notion of contagion.

Although the “bubble” concept appeared new, the word was already embedded in germ theory folklore and its origins can be traced back to 1971, the year in which David Vetter was born.

Claimed to be without an adequate “immune system” he became famous around the world as the “Bubble Boy”. The disturbing life-long experiment that took place prompted a member of the clergy to state:

“There is some evidence that David’s very existence presents the specter of a virtually autonomous medical technocracy at work in our society, a technocracy that is at best only dimly aware of the subtle and delicate boundaries of the human.”

– The Reverend Raymond J. Lawrence, 1985

As we wrote in both Virus Mania and The Final Pandemic, the public is being bombarded with germ fear campaigns that are constantly growing in scope. While David was one boy, the impact his story had in stoking this propaganda cannot be underestimated.

In this video we investigate David Vetter’s life, the scientific claims involving so-called ‘severe combined immunodeficiency’ as well as what really killed him.

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