Tidal Pumping & Geothermals drive Changes to Weather & Climate

By way of introduction, I am a retired Chemical Engineer with 40 years total experience, all in commodity industrial chemical processes

Many of these simple reactions occur within the Earth and under those conditions just about all of these reactions are exothermic.

The amount of heat is indeterminant at this time, but suffice to say that none or very little of this heat from chemical reactions has even been acknowledged in the current literature.

Likewise Tidal Pumping or Tidal Heating is a very well understood phenomenon in astrophysics but surprisingly, it has only recently been acknowledged in the gravitational relationship between the Sun and the Earth plus the Earth with other major planets (Kent & Olsen 2018).

Jupiter’s gravity pumps the moons Ganymede, Europa, and Io but these moons also pump one another (NASA).

I will leave the more detailed discussion of Tidal Pumping and Geothermal Heat to my linked paper, but some points bear emphasis. Newton’s Laws of Gravity do not consider the Earth and other major celestial objects as deformable bodies.

It is this deformation that has shaped the Earth as a globe. Similarly, Tidal Pumping is related to the deformation of celestial bodies and the resultant tectonic movement of the thin, brittle crust. It really does not take a great deal of force to yield this result.

Another point of emphasis is the reasonable thinking that the heated fluids delivered by hydrothermal vents on the broad ocean floor or associated with ridge systems are quickly diluted and the heat absorbed by the bulk liquid.

Several scientists, including Dr. Roy Spencer, have dismissed the heat contribution from hydrothermal vents so they still focus on variations in solar radiation as the principal driver of weather and climate.

My point is that the pressure at the bottom of the Tonga Trench Tonga is 15,000 psi. The pressure at the bottom of the Peru/Chile Trench is 8,000 psi. This great overburden allows an extended period for seismic heating and pressure build-up.

When the pressure build-up is sufficient to overcome the overhead fluid pressure, the heated fluid jets out the trench as a pulse sufficient to reach the sea surface.

Note also that there is a plume effect from east to west such that heated fluid produced in the Tonga Trench yields the elevated sea surface temperatures (SST) east of Papua-New Guinea, the Bismarck Sea and the Torres Strait, resulting in a La Nina.

Heated fluid arising from the Peru/Chile Trench produces elevated SSTs in the Central Pacific, signaling an El Nino.

I would propose a research endeavor with temperature monitors arrayed along the bottoms of these trenches. I predict that temperature rise would proceed somewhat slowly — perhaps a bit faster during the period(s) spanning the Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) and the Perihelion (Jan. 4).

I predict that when the heated pocket of water releases as a pulse, the temperature(s) would fall dramatically as the cold abyssal waters rush in to fill the bottom of the trench.

I feel very confident in my explanation for the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, the final discussion point in my paper only suggests some of the Tidal Pumping effects resulting in Ice Ages which can span centuries.

There is much more work to undertake and I welcome any commentary or independent inputs.

Just some final notes. I hold in great appreciation the papers by Dr, Anne Hofmeister, Univ. of Washington – St. Louis and Dr. Carlo Dogliani, Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology.

Working independently, they describe the “de-spinning” of Earth’s rotation due to the drag force imposed by the moon’s gravity acting upon Earth’s tectonic plates.

Their papers published in 2022 were my starting point.

See more here papers.ssrn.com

Header image: Journal of Earth Science

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Comments (4)

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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    This morning we have, side by side, two great articles written by Richard F. Cronin and Robyn Arianrhod which I cannot understand because I do not have the necessary mathematical talent. But that should not stop any reader from reading both articles. I would describe Robyn as being a science historian and Richard as someone who shares knowledge which might be termed a current event as he refers to the papers by Dr, Anne Hofmeister, Univ. of Washington – St. Louis and Dr. Carlo Dogliani, Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology as these two, working independently, first describe the “de-spinning” of Earth’s rotation due to the drag force imposed by the moon’s gravity acting upon Earth’s tectonic plates.

    Have a good day

    (Fixed your own first name spelling, do you know what proofreading is?) SUNMOD


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi SUNMOD
      Thank you. But I doubt you are 83 and when you get there you might become more understanding. I do try.

      Have a good day


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    I have a previous comment undergoing ‘Moderation’ in which I stated I didn’t really understand what Richard wrote in this article. But upon rereading I find I do. However, I consider another probable contributor to the geothermal energy to which he directs attention. It is nuclear fission and I consider violent volcanic eruptions to be due to the explosions of natural fission bombs. Which I do not believe is original with me even if I cannot reference this idea to others who have written about this possibility.

    Have a good day


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    Shawn marshall


    Your comment on exothermic reactions caused me to reply. Photosynthesis is endothermic so the vast population of trees in the greening of the earth will offset or stabilize variations in solar irradiance and the warming oceans gas off more carbon dioxide which is plant food for the trees. This is another stabilizing feedback to moderate climatic variation. Since the vaporization of water seems to limit top ocean temps it does seem that tides and ocean thermal vents cause heating that must be dissipated if we are to have a stable climate. Carbon dioxide as a boogeyman is Halloween costume for frauds like Al Gore, Greta Thunberg and Michael Mann, the suer man.


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