What is an ‘Antivaxxer’?

An ‘antivaxxer’ is the derogatory word used by the government and medical industry to dismiss people who are critically thinking about the evidence for vaccines

They are people who are interested in seeing the type of evidence that governments are using to make claims of ‘safety, efficacy and necessity’ for each vaccine.

Remember, just because you think one vaccine is beneficial doesn’t mean that every marketed vaccine has benefits that outweigh the harm.

Who is doing the risk assessment for each vaccine and the combination of 16+ vaccines in an infant?

The pharmaceutical companies that profit from the these vaccines (PhD Ch 6).

The word ‘anti-vaxxer’ is used as a term of ridicule in the media. It is a form of bullying or hate speech, and it is used by the government to incite others against your opinions that are based on researched information.

This is done to ostracise you in the community or workplace to prevent others from questioning the government narrative. They are manipulating your behaviour so you believe in vaccines – without viewing any evidence.

The government and powerful medical-industry lobby groups use this term in the media to stop people looking at the evidence (or lack of) supporting government claims about vaccines. They also use the label of ‘conspiracy theorist’ as hate speech to manipulate people’s understanding and use of vaccines.

When society is unable to have open and transparent scrutiny of the evidence in public debates it is no longer science. It becomes propaganda or a form of religion.

The government wants you to trust the claims they are making so that you will believe in vaccination and they manipulate your behaviour with propaganda and by calling those that think critically – ‘anti-vaxxers’. This word has been weaponised.

The government’s narrative became a religion when they started vilifying parents/professionals with name calling to attack their educated arguments three decades ago. Even the official channels for debate, the vaccination conferences, select against our arguments by claiming it is ‘anti-vaccination material’, instead of openly debating the evidence.

In Australia you are vilified if you say that you do not vaccinate.

The Liberal government, in 2016, implemented policies in the Social Services Department (not the Health Department), that ensure people lose their jobs, their welfare benefits or are discriminated against in the community, if they have an educated view supported by university research, and do not vaccinate.

These policies are being continued by the Labor Party.

The New Anti-Vilification Laws in Australia

The Australian government is bringing in new Anti-Vilification laws and the state of Victoria has proposed that the offense of ‘inciting hatred against, serious contempt for, revulsion towards or severe ridicule of a person or group based on protected attributes’, will lead to up to five years in jail.

These protected attributes include sex, gender identity, race, religion, sexual characteristics, sexual orientation and disability.

So if the new laws are properly applied anyone denigrating people for their beliefs about vaccines, with inciteful language, such as ‘anti-vaxxer’, should go to jail. But they won’t.

However, if the Anti-Vilification Laws do not include vilification against scientific and political opinions, even when the government promotes these issues in a religious fashion, (that is, with propaganda and without scientific debate), then universities will no longer matter.

Currently, the vilification of professionals and academics with the words ‘anti-vaxxer’, ‘conspiracy theorist’ and many other labels, for example, telling parents to ‘grow a brain’ (WA Premier, Mark McGowan 2021), means that university degrees are worthless.

How is the Australian Prime Minister going to enforce these Anti-Vilification laws with consistency when he and his ministers are using hate speech to create a religious belief, and not educated opinions, about vaccination?

My own journey of investigating vaccines at university for 10 years (2004-2015) demonstrates how degrees no longer matter because journalists, comedians and politicians are permitted to vilify and denigrate academics and professionals when they speak against the government narrative.

In 2004 I began researching the evidence supporting the government’s vaccination program. However, when I graduated in 2015 with a Masters of Science Degree (Population Health) and a PhD analysing the evidence underpinning the government’s vaccination program, I was not allowed to debate my university research in public forums or national conferences.

I was ridiculed by government health officials as an ‘antivaxxer’ and a ‘conspiracy theorist’, and powerful industry lobby groups ensured that our events in council venues were cancelled by claiming ‘anonymous complaints had been made’ and by providing false information about us in the media.

The people who are pro-vaccine are trusting (blind faith) that the government is telling the truth and hence vaccinating has become a religion in our society.

My book Vaccination: Australia’s Loss of Health Freedom is based on my PhD research at Wollongong University and it describes the political strategies that have been used to prevent the public from having a voice in government vaccination policies ever since 1986 when the pharmaceutical companies gained indemnity for any harm that is caused by a drug called a ‘vaccine’.

See more here substack.com

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    There is no independent proof that ANY vaccines or mRNA poisons are safe and actually do anything to help you live healthier or longer. We are not anti-vaxxers since many of us never consider vaccines as part of anything. We seek healthier health alternatives and vaccines as well as all big pharma drugs ain’t it.

    The diseases and illnesses you experience are never from a lack of big pharma drugs, which is what your doctor wants you to believe. There is no shame or guilt at all if you do not use vaccines or big pharma drugs. They simply are not a part of your life and seldom need to be.


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