More Proof of the Decline and Fall of Enlightenment Science

Jo Nova has a superb post up now that delves into the current nature once-respected Nature journal.

The publication has surrendered to the blob pushing the climate narrative on which the fate of trillions in grift depend. Here are few excerpts:

File this lesson away in the Decline and Fall of Enlightenment Science. Nature, formerly known as the esteemed science journal, is now achieving everything a captured tabloid industry sales mag could hope for.

They’ve squeezed a disaster out of a tiny change in a short record, and from a good news story. Let’s not forget, for the last 100,000 years most humans would have been happy that a bit of Antarctica was greening…

All this shock and drama arise from an area of  “less than a square kilometer” expanding all the way up to “nearly 12 square kilometers”.

These numbers “shocked us” say the PR team, I mean, the scientists, who continue on in their best Agony-Aunt impression: “It’s simply that rate of change in an extremely isolated, extremely vulnerable area that causes the alarm.” Sob sob, and Boo hoo too. It’s a lonely peninsula. Can we find it a friend?

Everything about this shows the pathetic decay of Western science. We’re talking about 12 square kilometers of more habitable land on a continent with 14 million square kilometers of ice. The horrible affliction of unexpected tundra now covers 0.00009% of Antarctica…

Nobody mention the 91 volcanoes they discovered there  seven years ago which line up with the warmest parts of Antarctica. We sit on a ball of lava, and there is an edge of crustal plate under there. But really, it’s more likely the warming is caused by your Ford fiesta and those beef kebabs…

Antarctic volcanoes couldn't be melting the ice right?
Click the image for the source and an earlier JoNova article

Quick, someone build a wind farm to kill off this feral moss!

It’s not possible to improve on Jo Nova’s writing so let me just add my own questions:

  • Where is the science in using alarmist adjectives and descriptions such as employed in this article? Examples include “alarming rate,” “rapid change,” “shocking speed,” “dramatic transformation,” “temperatures that are soaring,” “swathed in plants,” “phenomenal,” “fast warming,” and “extremely vulnerable.” This sort of hype is purely political.
  • Why does the article not even mention, let alone discuss, the volcanic activity in the area where the moss is growing?
  • Why are the figures presented in multiples and not in amounts? Twelve square kilometers is but 4.6 square miles or less than 3,000 acres – about the size of a small ranch in Wyoming or a dairy farm in Western New York and but 0.008% of Antarctica (that’s eight-thousandths of one percent for those of you who write for Nature.)

What is demonstrated here is this: it is not only the hype that perpetuates the climate narrative as told by academics and the mainstream media, but, much more importantly, what is not said, what the authors refuse to see.

Pardon my own hype, but this is the shocking complicity of those writing up our science in pushing a climate narrative, a narrative that is the foundation of trillions in corporatist wealth at the expense of energy security.

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    Ah well…..thats another mag for the bin….


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