Thousands injured by covid shots abandoned by Australian govt

On September 29th, the Australian government’s Vaccine Claims Scheme stopped accepting new claims, despite thousands of people continuing to suffer with covid-19 vaccine injuries

Many victims feel abandoned by the government, saying the scheme’s eligibility criteria were too narrow, too cumbersome, and lacked transparency.

The scheme was set up to provide compensation for those who suffered “moderate to significant harm” and loss of income due to covid-19 vaccination.

It was also designed to be “a streamlined alternative to court proceedings” and reduce the risk of legal action against healthcare providers involved in the vaccine roll-out.

The government has reportedly paid out more than $32 million in compensation to victims but has not disclosed how many claims have been approved or rejected for compensation.

One of the primary criticisms of the scheme has been the overly stringent criteria for eligibility.

Recognised harms included myocarditis/pericarditis, certain blood clots, erythema multiforme (severe skin condition), transverse myelitis (inflamed spinal cord), capillary leak syndrome and Guillian-Barré syndrome.

But there have been many harms caused by the covid-19 vaccines that were not recognised, and even if an individual had written confirmation from a doctor that their injury was caused by the vaccine, their claims were still deemed ‘ineligible.’

Rado Faletič is one of those individuals.

In October 2021, he took his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and experienced pain in his lymph nodes and numbing across his body, but his doctor assured him that it was safe to take his second dose.

Within hours of his second dose though, his symptoms rapidly escalated requiring several trips to the emergency centre.

“I had headaches, chest pains, abdominal pains, unbelievable muscle twitching and issues focusing my vision and terrible brain fog,” he said.

Faletič, a scientist with a PhD in hypersonic technology from the Australian National University, says he is still incapacitated and unable to work due to his vaccine injury.

His doctor, a clinical immunologist who specialises in autoimmune disease and immune deficiency, wrote a detailed medical report after assessing Faletič’s medical history.

“I have no doubt that Rado’s symptoms are due to the Pfizer vaccine,” wrote the Sydney-based professor. “As for future doses, Rado should not have Pfizer again. I would not administer Moderna [either], which causes the same illness.”

Then, when Faletič attempted to apply for compensation, he was notified that his injury “did not meet the eligibility requirements to make a covid-19 vaccine claim.”

Faletič continues to suffer with a broad spectrum of neurological-type symptoms such as numbness in his left arm, memory loss, brain fog and paraesthesia (pins-and-needles) in his legs and back. He says he is “disgusted” with the way the scheme has operated.

“Despite medical evidence and clear opinions from treating physicians, the vast majority of Australians who have suffered serious injuries from the Covid vaccines fail to quality for the Government’s compensation scheme,” said Faletič.

“This appears to be by design. The Government won’t acknowledge how many of us there really are. And now that they’ve ended the scheme, what are people like me supposed to do?” he added.

Federal Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent MP, agrees. “There is something seriously wrong when unelected bureaucrats are over-riding a medical practitioner’s advice.”

Broadbent says the position statement of the medical regulator [AHPRA], sent to doctors on 9 March 2021, had a chilling effect on doctors who might be critical of the government’s covid-19 vaccine roll-out.

“It has been highly successful in silencing doctors,” said Broadbent. “Most weeks, I hear from doctors who are being harassed or threatened by the regulator. It’s an absolute disgrace, and all I see across government is wilful blindness.”

Faletič says he, along with thousands of other Australians, did what the government asked of them, and now that they need support, the government abandons them.

“We’ve been strung along for 3 years with the promise of an easy-to-access no-fault compensation scheme as an alternative to legal action, and now that the statute of limitations window for legal action is also closing, the Government is choosing to no longer offer us any sort of compensation program at all,” said Faletič.

In July 2024, seven members of parliament, led by Broadbent, wrote to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese about the “cruel and inhuman” scheme, urging an extension to the closing date, and an expansion of the eligibility criteria.

“It makes absolutely no sense to close the scheme,” said Broadbent. “While the government continues to promote the covid jabs, there’ll be adverse reactions. The more jabs, the higher the risk of an adverse reaction.”

“The process is so arduous and overwhelming that many resort to engaging a lawyer or give up all together,” said Broadbent. “The scheme puts the onus on the vax-injured to prove the jab caused their injury. This is a higher bar than going to court where the decision is based on the balance of probability.”

Last week, Broadbent finally received a response from the office of Mark Butler, Minister for Health and Aged Care, on behalf of the Prime Minister – but the letter ignored any proposal to review or extend the scheme.

Disappointed by the Minister’s response, Broadbent said the “gaslighting and obfuscation” of the truth by those in power has left him with a “deep sense of foreboding.”

“Australia is not the country it once was,” he lamented.

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Header image: Reuters / Henry Nichols

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