Multiple Media Outlets Claim Antarctica Seeing A ‘Heatwave’

Various media outlets have recently claimed Antarctia is seeing record high temperatures. Some have even described it as a ‘heatwave’ and claimed 70F above usual

SciTechDaily, CNN and The Economic Times all of course blamed these ‘record’ temperatures on ‘climate change’, when nothing could be further from the truth.

A peer-reviewed paper published on July 31st this year described these events in the abstract thus:

Record high temperatures were documented in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, on 18 March 2022, exceeding average temperatures for that day by nearly 30°C.

Satellite imagery and stream gage measurements indicate that surface wetting coincided with this warming more than 2 months after peak summer thaw and likely exceeded thresholds for rehydration and activation of resident organisms that typically survive the cold and dry conditions of the polar fall in a freeze-dried state.

This weather event is notable in both the timing and magnitude of the warming and wetting when temperatures exceeded 0°C at a time when biological communities and streams have typically entered a persistent frozen state.

Such events may be a harbinger of future climate conditions characterized by warmer temperatures and greater thaw in this region of Antarctica, which could influence the distribution, activity, and abundance of sentinel taxa.

Here we describe the ecosystem responses to this weather anomaly reporting on meteorological and hydrological measurements across the region and on later biological observations from Canada Stream, one of the most diverse and productive ecosystems within the McMurdo Dry Valleys.

Notice the words ‘for that day’, ‘weather event’, ‘may’ and ‘could’.

In other words, the temperature at four locations went above zero for ONE DAY, before dropping to BELOW what is usual for that time of year for several days, then returning to ‘normal’.

As usual, none of the MSM articles that covered it bothered to mention that fact.

All four locations were in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, one of the coldest and driest places on the planet.

Notice the paper calls it a weather anomaly and a weather event, not a change in the climate, and says this may be an indication of a future climatic state that could affect resident organisms.

That is pure speculation, and probably had to be included by the authors to avoid the paper being rejected by the reviewers.

The paper can be seen here, with the title ‘Response of a Terrestrial Polar Ecosystem to the March 2022 Antarctic Weather Anomaly

By the time it came to the attention of the mainstream media, a ‘weather anomaly’ had morphed into ‘climate change’.

CNN carried an article on August 3rd this year with the headline ‘‘Astonishing’ Antarctica heat wave sends temperatures 50 degrees above normal

It can be seen here

Two days later, The Economic Times carried an article entitled ‘Antarctica’s record heat wave: A threat to global sea levels and ice integrity

It can be seen here

SciTechDaily seemed unaware of it until September 6th, with the headline ‘Earth’s Last Frontier Burns: Record-Breaking Heat Strikes Antarctica in Winter

It can be seen here

All three of these articles completely ignored what the paper actually said, and automatically blamed this ‘heatwave’ on us.

None of them carried a link to the paper.

The paper included the graphic bwlow, which again none of the articles above bothered to include:

You can see the temperature spike does not qualify as being a ‘heatwave’ as it occurred for just one day.

The British Met Office describes a heatwave as being three consecutive days above the average temperatures for the time of year.

It should not be forgotten that for decades, a heatwave was seven consecutive days above the average for the UK, then about ten years ago it was reduced to three days, allowing people to claim heatwaves are becoming more common.

The American NOAA website describes a heatwave as being the same, but for just two days, which allows for even more propaganda.

The most annoying part is despicable reporting is that the indoctrinated and the gullible will believe these lies without question, and will be totally unaware of the existence of the published paper, let alone what it actually says.

The three alarmist articles also fail to mention that the following year; 2023, saw Antarctic tempertures in July and August much colder than usual, as reported by us here.

About the author: Andy Rowlands is a university graduate in space science and British Principia Scientific International researcher, writer and editor who co-edited the 2019 climate science book, ‘The Sky Dragon Slayers: Victory Lap

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    Maybe this shows how they cheat on climate temperature. For example, this one higher than average data point will increase the annual high temperature average for the site by approximately 1/10 deg C (30 deg C ÷ 365 =.082).
    Rather significant impact for one day reading that could be due to some instrumentation issue.


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