Opening Pandora’s Electronic Box

With assassination by pagers and electronic devices occurring in Lebanon, the weaponization of things electronic, the world has entered into a sphere of activity where there is no refuge, no safety, no security, and no privacy. 

This weaponization, the booby trapping of, the hacking of all things electronic can make phones, laptops, computers, television and radios vulnerable to being blown up.

It affects all modes of communication, transportation, utilities, all local and state law enforcement, all national defense installations, including nuclear sites, the entire infrastructure of modern life. Nothing is protected and nothing is safe.  Everything electronic is a weapon.

We have journeyed from the Internet of Things to the destruction of all things and all people connected to the internet. Turning electronics into personal bombing devices will have major economic and social consequences.

It is both discriminate and indiscriminate, personal and impersonal, mass murder and mass injuries, calculated to induce fear, to break communication between people, to bring about a system of control by government(s) and to ultimately undermine our freedoms. We have just witnessed the opening of Pandora’s Electronic Box.

Who developed this technology?  Where was it tested?  How was it implemented?  Why?  Where will it be used next?

That such murderous technology was employed, and detonated remotely, against the people of Lebanon, in the name of attacking Hezbollah echoes the genocidal fury against the people of Gaza in the name of wiping out Hamas.

It is a mission which will only embolden the enemies of Israel and will erode its support in the civilized world.

This is appropriately a matter for the world community.  But as an American and as a potential Member of the next United States Congress.

I want it made known that if the United States is involved in either the development of, or the sharing of this technology, or in the attacks in Lebanon using devices booby trapped through an illicit incursion into a supply chain.

I will seek the indictment for war crimes of every individual involved, no matter their rank or station.  The  world and everyone in it is at risk from a new type of terrorism.

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    The article seems a little paranoid.

    It’s a weapon of war. innocent casualties are part of the parcel. It’s why war is so stupid and wasteful.

    It took science to achieve this, yet isn’t scientific innovation welcome? It’s one of the negatives that are never addressed. Science is all good, right?

    “I will seek the indictment for war crimes of every individual involved”
    What about all other forms of death of innocents past and present?


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