The spike protein of ‘Covid’ and the ‘vaccines’ has diminished us all

Last night at dinner with Dr. McCullough, we talked about the test he is now using in his clinical practice to detect antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

He frequently detects very high spike protein antibody levels in patients, even in those who never received a vaccine and who have not had acute symptoms of COVID-19 for over a year.

All of us have been exposed to the toxic spike protein that Ralph Baric, Shi Zhengli, et al. developed in their laboratories.

The only question is how long will it take our bodies to clear it. Dr. McCullough pointed out that the spike protein is, like the pathogens that cause syphilis and Lyme Disease, able to resist being cleared from the body.

Even if it does not cause obvious clinical diseases such as myocarditis, strokes, and blood clots, it is probably still affecting all of us to some degree in terms of diminished vitality.

We often think of poisons as substances that immediately result in spectacular distress and death—things like snake venom, ricin, botulinum, and cyanide. While the spike protein induced by the COVID-19 vaccines may indeed rapidly kill some people, for most of us, it is a “subtle thief of vitality” (to paraphrase Milton’s characterization of time as “a subtle thief of youth”).

Milton’s metaphor is useful because it appears that the spike protein is a poison that accelerates senescence, or aging. I currently know a lot of people in their seventies who were doing just fine until 2022, but experienced a sudden manifestation of diseases associated with aging—diseases such as Parkinson’s, dementia, and cancer—that seemed to advance at a terrifying rate.

For most of us, the symptoms range from ringing ears and sleep disturbances to a general diminishment of vitality. We are more inclined to feel fatigue and lethargy. We suffer brain fog, indecisiveness, and a depression of spirits.

We don’t move as quickly, and we seem to experience aches and pains associated with inflammation.

The whole world has been poisoned,” I thought as I went to bed last night. This morning, I read an essay by James Howard Kunstler that opens with the following quotation from my friend Ed Dowd:

The lies then and now are mind boggling. The people who continue to lap up the lies are beyond reach. The poison unleashed into the population will be with us a long time.

In this context, Ed was referring to the poisoning of our minds, but I know from my conversations with him that he shares my perception that our bodies have also been poisoned by the spike protein.

A weakened body is always accompanied by a weakened mind.

In spite of this essay’s gloom and doom, I see grounds for hope. While President Trump was duped by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex in 2020, he expresses signs that he now understands that.

Even more promising is his recently consummated alliance with RFK, Jr. Guys like Drs. Peter McCullough, Paul Marik, and Pierre Kory are working hard to discover antidotes to spike protein toxicity.

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Comments (4)

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    Not buying any of this for a moment.


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    Yes, to all the above. We are all being poisoned: processed foods, permanent toxins in our air and water, thus weakened immune systems equals “A weakened body is always accompanied by a weakened mind”.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    “Last night at dinner with Dr. McCullough, we talked about the test he is now using in his clinical practice to detect antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.”

    Doctors do not study or understand science, particularly test development and validation. There cannot be a test for spike protein, just like a virus, as developing a test requires reference standards (spike protein and viruses) that are unavailable. Hence, tests cannot be developed.

    Doctors are promoting quackeries. I am sorry.

    They are exposing themselves as fake science experts (“scientists”), and that is the good part!


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      Anche non essendo medico…concordo.


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