VAERS Dive Into Inorganic Publication of Non-Covid Reports Over Time

The garden variety Simpleton would think VAERS usually publishes reports within a couple of weeks of receipt, but this is the furthest from the truth.

In hindsight there seems to be a method as to “why” they throttle publication of reports. The why, when, and how they publish non-covid reports has everything to do with actual Covid-19 reports and how they want statistics framed and to follow whatever supposed “uptake” may be going in reality.

It is to keep the illusion alive for people who don’t have the wisdom to know the difference, and just casually believe reports published today must be from adverse events that roughly happened the month before?

Again, my veteran readers know that’s furthest from the truth, but I’ve never shown how that also applies to NON-COVID reports, until now.

So as of today there are 2.61 million reports in VAERS total. I want to focus on just the 500K Non-Covid reports published since 2015 or almost a full 10 years worth. Here is a good look at these reports by published date.:

It must be stated in the pre-covid jab era VAERS, reports were basically published monthly. they pivoted to weekly updates as soon as the unicorn jabs rolled out and it remained weekly up to Nov 2023 when VAERS went back to monthly updates.

Focusing on 2015-2020 we can see a sizeable uptick in reports starting at the end of 2016. It does average out a bit but those 4 big spikes are end of the year spikes as if VAERS wants to publish as much inventory as possible before the start of a new year?

With the exception of 2019, all years between 15’-20’ seem to have this E.O.Y. spike. Another bullshit observation is the amount of reports with a unknown state of origin that were published in 2015-2016 and part of 2017, that looks ridiculously high even from this bird’s eye view.

The monthly averages are below and seems pretty reasonable but the end-of-year spikes should be unacceptable for a early warning system in my opinion. Reasonable if we assume that VAERS publish all legitimate reports received, which I don’t believe they do.

Now let’s chop away all the pre-covid era and focus in a little more..:

Is the terribly low volume of reports published Jan~Apr 2021 related to the big spike of non-covid reports published Oct~Dec 2021? One superficial reason could be that VAERS was so slammed with incoming Covid-19 reports.

They had to put non-covid reports on the back burner and then caught themselves up during the last quarter of 2021?

Again, I’m stretching for reasonable explanation for a early warning system, but this explanation even if correct is unacceptable is this was an honest system, which it’s not.

One good insight to make determination on what this spike was about is to look at the vax dates of this spike…:

Well folks this is my money shot and smoking gun! You see behind the first mound of reasonable vax dates for this publication period, is a 2nd mound vax dates that fits perfectly into gap of missing reports.

Some people might call this the backlog, but it’s very Tom Foolery if you ask me! It really disingenuous when you see what General Dynamics and CDC were saying back and forth to each other around this time.

I was already calling out CDC & GDIT for not publishing all legitimate reports received by March 3, 2023. I practically started my Substack with this fraud, scam, collusion between GDIT/VAERS/Manufacturers:

Is General Dynamics really caught up on VAERS backlog?

March 24, 2023
Is General Dynamics really caught up on VAERS backlog?

My friend Josh Guetzkow has been all over General Dynamics and their contract with VAERS and his articles I will be referring to are these:

Getting back to the topic, there has been more non-covid reports coming in because people are inclined to blame anything but the unicorn jab?

Maybe the covid jab is weakening people’s immune system over time and the kool-aid drinkers are more susceptible on their next scheduled vaccine what ever vax type that may be?

Whatever the reason, the non-covid reports have been steadily increasing in VAERS.

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