Expect another ‘pandemic’ in early 2025

If you think the next “pandemic” isn’t coming soon, you’d better check out the International Bird Flu Summit scheduled for early October

Remember Event 201, the war game—er, “tabletop exercise” that took place at the Johns Hopkins “Center for Health Security” on Oct. 15, 2019, cosponsored by that outfit along with Bill/Melinda Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation?

If you do remember that “event,” you might also recall the rollout of “the coronavirus” three months later.

That interesting coincidence suggests that we—or those of us who didn’t much enjoy the last “pandemic,” and want intensely not to see another one—pay close attention to the date of this next predatory confab: October 3rd / 4th this year.

If indeed the past is prologue, those dates suggest the possibility that “bird flu” will start to crush the world (or what’s left of it after “COVID”) in early January 2025.

Could that timing indicate an elite intention to distract a population raging at the cancellation of this year’s elections, and justify a national crackdown on “bird flu denialists” (a/k/a) “anti-vaxxers) and (let’s call them) “election absolutists” both? (They tend to be the same people.)

Such “far right” trash could well end up in those internment camps that “our free press” laughs off (if they mention them at all), closely guarded by the “migrants” that have made life so much fun in the big cities of the West.

That’s my rather dark thought, yet I also hope that you will pause a moment while you’re partying, or whatever, to consider just how strange it is (some might say “wrong”) that “Independence Day” is still a thing in this collapsing country, where independence is a crime, whether you express it as (say) a doctor, or a parent, or a nurse, or a professor, or a student, or a journalist, or an artist, or a scientist or (above all) a citizen.

In any case, anyone who’s wide awake and brave enough to crash that party in October may want to share what those war gamers have to say about “Mass Fatality Management Planning” (which “management” is going on right now) or “Delivery of Vaccine [sic] and Antiviral Medication,” to name just two of the fun “topics” that the killers will discuss.

See more here substack.com

Header image: The Times of Israel

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (5)

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    So we can expect more lies and more stupid people running around in circles like demented chickens.


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    So why will the 2024 election be cancelled per the article if the rollout is scheduled for 2025?


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    If ANY of these fake pandemics were real, they would be totally unpredictable in every way. The fact that they are saying there will be a pandemic in a certain time frame reveals the utter absurdity of these events happening. Gates is NOT that freaking intelligent nor is the WEF or WHO. Ignore these idiots.


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    In the morning! Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak on the No Agenda podcast have been discussing this and think that it’s more probable that Dengue Fever (did I spell that correctly) will be ramped up. I guess that we’ll see. . .


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    Boris Badenov


    The ‘story’ about how the bird flu got into milk cows. Factory farm, they have combines harvesting cow feed, it ground up some ducks that the cows ate, the cows milk tested positive for the bird flu.


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