Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA Vaccines

Hundreds of doctors and scientists from around the world have signed an accord calling for the suspension and investigation of mRNA Covid vaccines due to serious concerns about their safety and efficacy.

The statement, called the Hope Accord, was released this week and swiftly gained nearly 3,000 signatures. These included endorsements from over 200 doctors, 300 other healthcare professionals and over 100 scientists and academics, with all signatures being verified to ensure they are from real and qualified people.

The statement, which also calls for recognition and support for the vaccine injured, addresses five key priorities:

  1. Immediate suspension of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine products: It says mRNA vaccine products should be suspended immediately due to a growing body of evidence suggesting a link between the vaccine rollout and alarming trends in disability and excess deaths.
  2. Comprehensive re-evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy: It demands independent investigations to thoroughly reassess the safety and efficacy of all COVID-19 vaccine products, ensuring transparency and full disclosure of data.
  3. Recognition and support for the vaccine injured: The accord stresses the need to acknowledge and support individuals who have suffered vaccine-related injuries, providing them with the necessary medical care and compensation.
  4. Restoration of ethical principles abandoned during the COVID-19 era: It calls for a return to core medical ethics, including informed consent, bodily autonomy and the protection of children, all of which were compromised in the last few years.
  5. Addressing the root causes of the current predicament: The accord advocates an honest investigation into the factors that led to the current ethical and medical issues, including institutional groupthink, conflicts of interest and the suppression of scientific debate.

The initiative grew out of the U.K. People’s Vaccine Inquiry, beginning life as a statement by members of Doctors for Patients U.K., including GP Dr. Ayiesha Malik, Surgeon Dr. James Royle and Cardiologist Dr. Dean Patterson. Emergency physician Dr. Tim Kelly saw the need for a broader international ethical statement and drew in supportive clinicians from the U.S., Canada, South Africa and Australia.

In a press release, the organisers said the accord “calls on the medical community and policymakers to reassess the ethical breaches of recent years and ensure future health crises are managed with greater adherence to ethical principles and scientific integrity”.

Healthcare professionals, scientists and concerned members of the public are invited to join the movement by adding their signature and support.

Top heart doctor Aseem Malhotra has endorsed the statement in a video on X.

Jordan Peterson has also backed the initiative, saying that while he doubts ethics can really be brought back to medicine, “these people are worth supporting”.

Dr. John Campbell has done a video looking at the Hope Accord that is worth a watch.

See more here Daily Sceptic

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Comments (3)

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    There should be a Call for the suspension and comprehensive investigation of all mRNA technologies/mRNA delivery systems (including injections, patches, mosquitoes/insects, aerosols, transference/self replicating delivery systems, mRNA adulterated livestock, crops, food etc.)

    ‘…“The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self-replication vaccine and plans to start to supply it this fall and winter,” Inoue said. Noting that he has visited the production facilities for these new vaccines firsthand, he said, “This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.”

    He said the Japanese government is soliciting large-scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X, proposed during this year’s World Economic Forum meetings.
    He said:
    “It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI’s [Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation] ‘100 days mission,’ which aims to shorten the time to one-third of Operation Warp Speed.

    “Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights angle.”

    Inoue said the proposed IHR amendments and pandemic treaty are attempts “to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.”…’
    April 16, 2024

    The ‘go softly’ Medical Science Ethical Committees that failed us should be thoroughly investigated and dismantled and/or restructured where deemed necessary.

    Any scientific journals that engaged in suspected biased partisan activities including the possible blocking/censorship of the peer reviewing of and the publishing of Papers should also be investigated and if found to have engaged in subjective unscientific practices then measures should be developed and put in place to prevent such questionable activities from ever happening again.


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    Saeed Qureshi


    One should be careful with such callings and claims associated with them. On the face of it, they look catchy and honest; in reality, they are deceptive and counterproductive.

    The article’s first line is, “Hundreds of doctors and scientists from around the world have signed an accord calling for the suspension and investigation of mRNA Covid vaccines due to serious concerns about their safety and efficacy.”

    Was the vaccine not approved by THOUSANDS of doctors and “scientists,” including high-ranking experts in regulatory agencies and some of those involved in this initiative who considered it safe and effective?

    So, what are they going to do differently this time? Most likely nothing, except seek more funding to promote themselves as scientists who find solutions (medicines or vaccines) to non-existing or made-up problems (such as illnesses).

    The main problem is their “science and them being “scientists.” Doctors should stop considering and promoting themselves as scientists, as they do not study or practice science. They mostly hold a typical undergraduate non-science degree (e.g., M.D.). Therefore, their involvement in illness assessment, particularly new and novel, and their treatments are not valid, more like fraudulent.

    On the other hand, if they, or anyone else, would like to address the issue, they will consider seeking help or collaborating with the actual scientists. Considering medicines as chemicals, the most relevant science experts or scientists would be from the science/chemistry area. The first step in this investigation is the development of tests (e.g., in the area of viruses, it will be the PCR test, which is a scientifically invalid test). Once it is accepted, the whole thing will fall apart, and people will start living a normal, healthy life without the fear of viruses or having to get fake medicine like vaccines.

    Will the doctors and medical “scientists” consider such an option, with or without an accord?


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    History repeating itself?!
    We’ve been seriously fooled/deceived twice now with the PCR (false positives) case Pandemic.
    Will it happen a third time with the Bird Flu or Pandemic X or whatever it might be called?!

    Nobel Prize Winner Challenges The Myths About AIDS
    Created and narrated by Gary Null
    December 2011
    18mins31 edited down version from the 1996 Full interview


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