STIRLING: No, Canada’s not on fire!

Environment Canada has pumped out a Xeet with the summer temperature forecast map of Canada covered in flaming orange red almost from coast to coast to coast, with a thin band of blue/grey down the West Coast.

They also promise that within a week of an extreme hot temperature event, Environment Canada will be able to provide attribution to human-causation.

As Dr. Madhav Khandekar has shown in public presentations, extreme weather events are integral to climate; they are not evidence per se of climate change.

Climate change is measured in periods of 30, 50, 100 and millennial time-scales. Thus, when we look historically at the Holocene Epoch (the last 10,000 years) there is a clear change in climate during the Medieval Optimum, a warm period of stable weather and abundant crop growth, from 900-1300 AD.

By the early 1300’s, weather patterns changed dramatically. Year-long periods of heavy rain hit Britain and northern Europe.

Temperatures cooled, crops failed, and chaotic weather conditions set in. Things got much worse from 1560-1630, a period said to be marked by volcanic activity, only restabilizing about 1860 until today.

Weather extremes were so frequent and bizarre, that thousands of (mostly) women were burned at the stake for the alleged crime of ‘Weather Cooking’ with the help of satan, as reported by historians Wolfgang Behringer and Jacek Wijaczka.

As astrophysicist Dr. Sallie Baliunas said in her presentation on the subject, the witch-burning was “…an example of fear and ignorance of extreme weather events in the Little Ice Age.”

Witch burning is an example of attribution of climate change to human-causation, and today’s Environment Canada initiative is on the scale of such superstition.

Only now the witch-burning will occur in corporations, largely due to them being required to make formal climate-risk disclosures to investors and securities authorities.

What do I mean?

Canada is about to implement the Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) requirements on Climate-related Risk Disclosure (aka “The Mother of All Sustainability Reporting Standards”).

This will require corporations to count every carbon dioxide/equivalent greenhouse gas molecule related to their operational use, emissions on site, and emissions downstream at the user level.  By doing so, they will be providing the extreme weather event ‘attribution’ hunters with perfect grist for the lawfare mill.

As CBC’s “What on Earth?” reported on June 13, 2024, “This scientist helps link climate change to disasters. That’s helping victims sue.”

By reporting a corporation’s GHG emissions in such detail as required by the CSSB, the weather-attribution hunters will be handed their so-called ‘evidence’ on a platter; in fact, a corporation’s own good faith.

Soon-to-be mandatory public reporting will be used to draw and quarter any company every time some individual or community is victimized by a flood, wildfire, heavy snowfall, tornado, severe thunderstorm, damaging hail, killing frost, or blazing heat dome.

Long-time climate policy analyst Roger Pielke, Jr. and colleagues have done yeoman’s work exposing the misuse of implausible climate scenarios as if ‘business-as-usual.’  He doesn’t stand for nonsensical attributions of wildfires or extreme weather events as human-caused.

Roger Pielke, Jr. explained in a recent post, “…for those who believe that climate policy can be used to detectably affect the weather that you or I experience.

That is simply a fantasy borne from today’s overheated claims of attribution and the fanciful idea that emissions are a disaster control knob.

In the lifetimes of everyone reading this and our children’s lifetimes, the attribution of changes in extreme weather to climate policy at high levels of confidence is not expected to be possible. Don’t take it from me, that’s straight from the IPCC.”

“But…but… muh killer heat dome!” climate activists will cry.

Caused by a Mobile Polar Anticyclone.  Aka Mother Nature.

“But…but… high winds and May wildfires in 2023!” cry the climate activists.

An Omega block – also due to a Mobile Polar Anticyclone.  Aka Mother Nature.

“But…but… Calgary’s 2013 catastrophic flood,” cry the climate activists.

A rare but known meteorological event, my friends.

“But…but… Guterres said it’s global boiling!” cry the climate activists.

Not human-caused, but Hunga Tonga. Expect at least 5 more years of warming or strange weather due to Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption pumping 146 metric megatons of water into the stratosphere like a geyser, based on a new study published in Nature Climate Change.

Canadians have been paying huge carbon taxes on the promise by the federal government that this will somehow stop extreme weather events.  Now we know it was all just expensive witchcraft.

If we let the CSSB reporting go on, it will be our economy burning at the stake, sacrificed to pagan Gaia worshippers through lawfare wrought by ardent attribution hunters who are beyond reason or evidence, and beyond understanding rational dissent on climate ‘consensus.’

To appease them, will we have to resort to throwing virgins into volcanoes?

Or will societal collapse be enough?

See more here Western Standard News

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    Turned our a/c on here in Ontario, three times so far. The rest of the spring and now early summer has been cool and wet. I don’t need any government agency to tell me when it is or is not raining.


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