US Biomedical Authority Orders Massive Amount Of Avian Flu Vaccine

About a week ago, I learned via John Cullen that the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) just ordered 4.8 million doses of the Avian Flu vaccine

However, there have been only three cases in America and less than 10 worldwide.

This move does seem excessive, so what gives?

I listen to many intelligent voices who discuss the all-encompassing world of Vaccine Maniacs.

John Cullen has a knack for seeing things others don’t, like the second apparent virus, H7N9, that was circulating in Wuhan in 2020.

Cullen says it’s veterinarian Yoshihiro Kawaoka‘s H7N9, yet another GOF virus. Except nobody talks about that.

I interviewed John Cullen on Friday, June 7, at noon EST. We discussed H7N9, the avian flu, and his other fascinating findings. Tune in!

For the record, others contend that gain-of-function research is a red herring. I personally think GOf, or ‘directed evolution,’ is real.

Meanwhile, all viruses have the potential to develop into a secondary bacterial pneumonia infection, which is what kills. If you recall, the Chinese initially classified the sick with ‘unidentified pneumonia,’ and there were rumors that the disease started as early as mid-November 2019.

I think the Rona Regime overlooked the bacterial aspect. They called it Covid pneumonia. But really, what is that?

Whatever the truth, the first patients in Wuhan had nothing to do with a wet market. The wet market narrative regarding COVID-19 was complete bullshit. It’s literally a passage in the 2008 movie Contagion.

Even ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield says there is ZERO evidence of this.

And Dr. Larry Brilliant, who has worked for Google and the WHO, said Hollywood was seemingly instructed to make the flick. “We made that Movie ON PURPOSE” with ‘honesty’ and ‘good science,’ he said in 2015 at The Aspen Institute. ‘

Pre-Pandemic = Zoontic Jump?

The multi-year government contract was awarded to CSL Seqirus, “a proud champion of pandemic preparedness,” with a manufacturing facility in Holly Springs, N.C. They will complete the fill-and-finish process for the pre-pandemic vaccine as part of the National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile (NPIVS) program.

It’s their fourth avian influenza preparedness award. Yay!

The company’s press release states that ‘pre-pandemic’ is also called zoonotic. It is? When did those two words become synonyms?

CSL is a global biotechnology company that started in 1916. For context, the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed in 1847. CSL Seqirus, built through a public-private partnership established in 2009 with BARDA, is the world’s largest cell-based influenza vaccine producer and the first such domestic facility.

Under the agreement, CSL Seqirus will deliver millions of doses of a “pre-pandemic” vaccine “well-matched to the H5 of the currently circulating H5N1 strain.”

“The CDC maintains the risk to public health as low. We are closely monitoring the situation because we are acutely aware of the threat that influenza virus strains like H5N1 can pose and take seriously our role in preparedness efforts alongside our government and public health partners,” said Marc Lacey, CSL Seqirus, Global Executive Director for Pandemic Preparedness. “This agreement, … will help support the U.S. government’s ability to respond swiftly if (Italics mine) the current avian flu situation changes.”

Is Avian Flu Disease X?

Did you know that in December 2022, we had the deadliest bird flu outbreak in US history? The culprit is highly pathogenic avian influenza or HPAI. The U.S. “endured” an unprecedented poultry health disaster, with a highly contagious bird flu virus triggering the deaths of some 52.7 million animals.

As those birds traveled, so did the virus. It was the worst toll on the poultry industry since 2014-2015, when more than 50 million birds died.

The WHO and World Economic Forum (how are the WEF involved – Ed?) have amazingly predicted that the avian flu could mutate to become more infectious.

In March 2023, former Wellcome director and WHO chief scientist Jeremy Farrar said the pandemic potential of H5N1 was a “big worry” and is one of several voices suggesting we must do more to prepare for a potential outbreak.

Of course.

The FDA meanwhile states that H5N1 – Avian Flu – will kill 1 in 5 Americans.

And apparently, a new variant of avian flu derived from intensive poultry farming is supposedly decimating wildlife.

Other countries, such as the Netherlands, Russia, Australia, and the United Kingdom, are conveniently also affected by the Avian Flu. The European Union has also just ordered more than 40 million bird flu vaccines from CSL Ltd. for 15 countries to combat the virus’s spread.

Finland is the first country to get the jabs. The four-year contract includes an initial supply of 665,000 doses, with an option for an additional 40 million doses. The vaccine targets high-risk individuals such as poultry farm workers and veterinarians.

On June 6, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that a 59-year-old man supposedly died from Avian Flu in Mexico. The guy supposedly had “chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes” and no prior exposure to poultry.

Did he really die from the Avian Flu?

Apparently, he also died two weeks before the news. And a small detail: Mexico’s health secretary reported it was a chronic illness that caused the death.

By the way, these headlines read straight out of a tabletop exercise.

BARDA’s purchase followed Michigan’s Department of Health’s announcement of a third case of bird flu in a dairy worker. Unlike the two previously reported cases, this person suffered respiratory symptoms, supposedly had direct exposure to an infected cow, and wore no protective equipment.

Natasha Bagdasarian, chief medical executive of the Michigan Health Department, said this suggests that direct exposure to infected livestock poses a risk to humans.

Zoonotic jump, anyone?

Let’s keep that possible outcome in our back pocket, shall we?

Avian influenza is an infectious type of influenza that spreads predominantly among birds, not humans. However, the claim is that humans have been infected with avian influenza viruses in rare cases.

Is a zoonotic jump even a real thing? The spread of avian influenza from one human to another is very rare. I’m not even sure it’s really ever happened.

Enter the Fear Porn.

“…How scared should people be?” a reporter named Amber recently asked Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “How is this transmitted to humans? Do we have an effective vaccine?”

“Well, I don’t think people should be scared,” he responded. “They should be interested.”


Yes, tell us more, professor.

Schaffner added that they are watching this virus very closely.

“Between infectious diseases and public health, this virus, this H5N1 bird virus, does not yet have the capacity to spread readily to people and among people.”

“Does not yet?”

According to Schaffner, the virus could potentially evolve to spread through human-to-human contact. Bird flu viruses are part of a range of variants of the influenza virus family that undergo regular mutation and recombination.

“If this virus does accept the genetic capacity to spread from person to person suddenly, then that will be, as they say, a new ballgame,” he said. “Because the influenza virus resurfaces about every 15 to 20 years, we have the capacity for this virus to be transmitted widely throughout the world, creating another pandemic.”

The only way that would happen is if it’s been manipulated in a lab.

If you are concerned about the prevalence of the virus in birds and its transmission to cattle, don’t worry. Our health officials have “enhanced surveillance” for these H5N1 bird flu strains.

The surveillance system is like a radar system out there, giving us advanced notice.

Additionally, the CDC, as well as local and state-located public health officials, agriculture, and the veterinary community, is reaching out to dairy farmers, educating them about bird flu, conducting surveillance among many of these herds, testing them to see if any of those cows are positive, and thoughtfully doling out PPE to dairy workers.

All farms are very much being encouraged to use masks, gloves, and Tyvek suits.

After plunging PCR tests into the nostrils of cows, dolphins, cats—oh my—we are told that animals may harm us, given that they carry this virus, at least in their nasal passages.

For instance, it is said that consuming contaminated eggs or meat from chickens with this H5N1 could increase the possibility of transmission to humans.

So the message becomes, ‘If you want to reduce the risk for H5N1 bird flu, you might want to avoid eating animals and animal products.’

Where have we heard this before?

See more here

Some bold emphasis added

Header image: New Scientist

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Comments (3)

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    Many have been awakened to the fact the medical community is a shill for big Pharma products. They’re well paid to do so, therefore don’t take what they’re. pushing.


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    Take your fake birdy flew and go fly to the moon, you freaking idiots.


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