Government Climate Wars: Met Office versus NOAA

The changes made by Karl et al. were influential but small and temporary and are turning out to be irrelevant anyway because of what the data is actually doing. Should anyone still think that the higher trends that include the years 2015 and 2016 are due to long-term global warming take a look at HadCRUT4, Fig 3, where you can see the deviation caused by the recent strong El Nino. One can see the decline to 2014 temperatures and the return of the “pause.” — David Whitehouse, GWPF Observatory, 6 February 2017
Yet perhaps more damaging is the claim from some in the green lobby that our disclosures are small beer. In fact, their importance cannot be overstated. They strike at the heart of climate science because they question the integrity of the global climate datasets on which pretty much everything else depends. The only ‘fake news’ in our revelations is the claim that they don’t matter.
A new analysis shows that censorship has steadily increased at universities, with 94 per cent of campuses having some restrictions on freedom of expression, up from 90 per cent last year and 80 per cent in 2015. A university free speech ranking compiled by the radical online magazine Spiked found nine instances of campus bans on fancy dress costumes, 21 bans on visiting speakers, 16 bans on student societies, 17 bans on advertisements and 21 bans on tabloid newspapers in the past three years. –Greg Hurst, The Times, 11 February 2017
The Sunday Times, 12 February 2017
2) David Whitehouse: Karl et al. (2015) And The Return Of The ‘Pause‘
GWPF Observatory, 6 February 2017
3) David Whitehouse: Data, Deflection And The Pause
GWPF Observatory, 12 February 2017
4) David Rose: How Can We Trust Climate Scientists If They Keep Twisting The Truth?
Mail on Sunday, 12 February 2017
5) Christopher Booker: Will Donald Trump And The Republicans Bring An End To The Costliest Scare Story Ever Known?
The Sunday Telegraph, 12 February 2017
6) The New Dark Ages: Growing Censorship At 95{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} Of UK Universities
The Times, 11 February 2017
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