Chaos and Subsoil, where Science Prospers
Is there a better place to bloom prosperity in science, commerce, legislation, education, bureaucracy and even religion than in a Constitutional Republic?
We live in such exciting times for the advance of science, technology and education. The Internet has created an environment for us to find each other, communicate ideas and bring new and better technologies to fruition. That being said, John Naisbitt in his prophetic 1980 book “Megatrends” stated; “We keep hoping science and technology will deliver us from moral responsibility. It never has and it never will.” Science and technology by definition is designed to either build on or outmode that which came before. Truth, morality, spirituality, faith and great works of art fall into the category of “No new sins, just new spins!” Truth is what it is. Our job is to seek it, find it, apply it and protect it. Truth never changes, though our perception of it does as we grow and shrink.
Mathematical Philosopher Count Alfred Korzybski noted that plants are land binders, animals are space binders and humans are time binders. The term means humans not only exist on land and space, but bind time by the ability to pass on knowledge – not just instinct – to the next generations. Each generation must deal with lawmaking and bureaucracy that inevitably form hardpan on the fertile soil of a free society. It clogs real growth and the health of the lives that draw from its riches. Bureaucrats trap themselves in the mess while the spices of ingenuity that make wonderful societal sausage lose their flavor. Draconian laws and regulations only drain a nation’s wealth and the brain trust it developed as a land of opportunity. Have you noticed where all the great new skyscrapers are being built – in the Middle East with American citizens’ wealth drained via our ridiculous energy and monetary policies?
Hardpan – The legislative and bureaucratic process has created hardpan, impervious to the cleansing waters of common sense and the greater good. Call it “political correctness” – Academia’s gift of ignorance, arrogance and the loss of intelligent discourse. (Here’s a note I got from a far left law professor I’ve been sparring with for three years. He wrote a blog about “evil” Rush Limbaugh over the Pelosi/Fluke fiasco. I countered him politely. Exhibit “A”: “Just to let you know, I am unilaterally suspending our exchanges. The suspension will last until you have publicly apologized for siding with the sexist pig who slandered Ms. Fluke. Until then, please don’t send me any correspondence. I won’t respond.”) I suggest whoever came up with the terms, “sexist,” and “homophobe” must be publicly flogged. Case closed!
The roots of freedom and the rain of ingenuity from above must penetrate to the deep subsoil. The Topsoil of beauty and creativity can be washed away in the storm of daily routines that would only create a spiritual wasteland. The President, members of his czar army or their useful idiots defecating on the streets say we are “out of touch,” I just roll my good eye with incredulity.
It is time to reach down into our rich and deep founding subsoil, based in the trinity of the Chaos of human interaction; Subsidiarity of personal responsibility, and the Solidarity of “e pluribus unum.” It certainly works in scientific endeavor!
Chaos – Chaos Theory defines the infinite interactions of ideas, goals and resources that lead to discovery, invention, entrepreneurship, prosperity and a successful pursuit of happiness. Chaos is not disorder unless it is formed to goad the ignorant into rioting in the streets, burning and pillaging the visions and labor of others. The beautiful freely formed fractals of natural Chaos makes a free society work by creating infinite beauty, unexpected opportunities for new relationships, exchanging peer reviews of new research, overcoming the Cloward & Pivens overwhelmers who perpetrate unproven ideas at great cost to all for power to dominate.
Subsidiarity – The foundation of subsidiarity ispersonal responsibility burned into the heart of the individual. It is the opposite of “entitlement.” The Internet has created a vast array of hierarchies – both good and bad – where ideas can be exchanged, technologies developed and friendships sealed across the globe. Every network needs a hierarchy to exist. Subsidiarity thrives on the Internet. This might explain why “progressives” aim to control or ban it. Do we strive to “help by dominating” others or “serve and exhort” to realize our visions and meet life challenges? Help when needed must come from the bottom up – the family, community, state and finally the central government – each for a progressively shorter time.
Solidarity – A nation of free men and women working together are seen as having solidarity. A mob of demonstrators chanting Marxist or theocratic slogans and fouling the peaceful environment can also be seen as having solidarity. Free people have a choice. Subjugated people swarm the streets, demanding social justice always at the goading of anarchists. We must discern the difference between the infinite diversity of individual gifts and talents and the limited diversity of ethnic and racial division.
Real diversity is in the chaos of free interchange of ideas and services that are allowed to grow, stumble along, succeed or fail; subsidiarity has assured the broadest venue for one’s gifts, talents and dreams. It works best when optimized in the solidarity of a free people unfettered by the mediocrity or dominance of the mob, the union thug, the unjust employer or the misguided bureaucrat. Forced into dependency, many are easily led by the political despot. Every day is renewal day. Every day we are called to serve God and one another.
The ideal combination of subsidiarity and solidarity should be called “Subsoil”1 – a simple derivation of these two complicated sounding principles create a solid moral, ethical, spiritual and philosophical foundation for human discourse, development and commerce. The topsoil is of human creativity and freedom of action and interaction. Subsoil is the foundation for lasting success and societal stability. Topsoil can be blown away. Like the Declaration of Independence, it projects both the endowment by our Creator and the misdeeds of the king and his satraps who are sent to “eat out the people’s substance.” It is a place of struggle to maintain a balance of personal responsibility and our eternal gifts and talents with the need to interact with others in a unified nation and even a just world.
We elect representatives in a Constitutional Republic to carry out the messy business of legislation. The process creates ever growing and overlapping bureaucracies that have become the fourth and dominant branch of government. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Education are two good places to start cleaning house. I believe that if we took the above guidelines seriously, we would readily fulfill the optimal requirement for Subsoil – the combination of Subsidiarity and Solidarity in the Chaos of human discourse. Political correctness must end up on the trash heap of history.
© 2012 Gerald V. Todd, Ph.D. Permission to use with credits
1 Subsoil, or substrata, is the layer of soil under the topsoil on the surface of the ground. The subsoil may include substances such as clay and/or sand that has only been partially broken down by air, sunlight, water, wind etc., to produce true soil. Wikipedia
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