The Real Deal JFK Special (18 NOVEMBER 2021)

Dedicated to Oliver Stone, whose new film will be released on 22 November 2021. His “JFK” was a masterpiece with three flaws: he did not know Oswald was in the doorway of the Book Depository at the time the JFK motorcade passed by or that the Zapruder film had been massively edited.

No doubt because he was relying upon advice from Robert Groden, who has played the JFK community (virtually) from the beginning. And he posited three hit teams, when there turn out to have been eight (8) assassins. My worry is that this sequence, which I have been told was screen-written by one Jim DiEugenio, may suffer from similar defects.

We shall see. I have the greatest admiration for Oliver, who has been doing his best to get the truth about JFK out to the public–and I wish him nothing but success in that endeavor!

Source: Bitchute

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Comments (2)

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    I doubt that we will ever know the proof, but we can see the lies. My understanding is that all the crucial evidence has been destroyed.


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    The CIA “COULD” have murdered RFK!


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