Vaccines did NOT save lives, And I can prove it

The mantra parroted by doctors, scientists and many in the community is a fabrication. I have never yet seen any evidence that vaccines have saved even one life

What we’re taught vs what the data shows

In common with just about everyone who was born and raised in the last 75 years, I was taught that vaccination was the most effective medical therapy/preventative in the modern era and its use was responsible for saving untold billions of lives around the world.

So just shut up and “get the damned vaccine” as the Governor of the US State of Maryland said in the video below which really has not aged well.

The evidence for this ‘fact’ we’ve all been told about vaccines saving lives is the irrefutable decline in deaths from infectious diseases throughout the 20th century.

Enter vaccines, stage left – exit deaths, stage right. Simple science.

Except there is nothing scientific about this assertion and no evidence of any connection between the administration of any vaccine with a concomitant decline in deaths from the underlying condition it was meant to prevent.

Remember, correlation does not indicate causality.

I know this is a really bold claim and it will challenge many people’s strong belief, developed over decades of study, but bear with me and I will show you my evidence, If you disagree with me, that’s fine.

Let’s see your evidence so we can talk about it.

There are two books that I really recommend anyone who is interested in this subject buy and read. One of them is Australian and will only take 3-4 hours cover to cover. It’s called Fooling Ourselves on the Fundamental Value of Vaccines by Greg Beattie.

It’s available in both paperback and as an ebook.

The other title is Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk.

Both of these books illustrate very clearly – using government data from around the world – that vaccination has taken credit for causing declines in deaths from infectious diseases which the science shows is not true.


By the time the vaccine against measles was first introduced in 1963 in the US – 1970 in Australia – it was just considered to be a common and benign disease of childhood.

Read this description of measles from 1982 – nearly 20 years after the introduction of the measles vaccine (From the MacMillan Guide to Family Health (1982)),

“Measles is a highly contagious disease which chiefly affects the skin and respiratory tract.

.…In the vast majority of children who catch measles, the disease disappears within 10 days and the only after effect is lifelong immunity to another attack.”

That wasn’t always the case, however. As you can see from the table below, in the late 1800s, measles killed as many as 180 people out of 100,000 who contracted it. But something changed between 1870 and 1970 when the measles vaccine was first used here.

Deaths declined by over 99 percent! We’ve been told that measles deaths disappeared because of a vaccine that didn’t even exist until it was already gone.

Scarlet Fever

With symptoms that were very similar to measles in many cases, Scarlet Fever was more deadly than measles back in the 1800s.

In the table below, you can see that at that time, Scarlet Fever (represented by the solid black line) was killing nearly 250 people out of 100,000! Yet over the next 100 years, just like measles, deaths from Scarlet Fever disappeared – without any vaccine being used!

And for those who point out that Scarlet Fever, unlike measles, is a bacterial infection and therefore antibiotics caused this decline in mortality, I will remind you that antibiotics were not commonly available until the 1950s and as you can see in the graph, by the 1950s, deaths had already declined by over 99 percent – mirroring the decline in deaths from measles.

Deaths from both of these infections could not possibly have declined due to any medical procedure – including vaccination.

Whooping Cough

Whooping Cough is one of those infections that still strike fear in the hearts of parents of young children and infants. We’ve been told that it is and always has been deadly. But what does the data actually show?

According to government statistics, Whooping Cough killed over 90 people out of 100,000 in the late 1800s. Unlike measles, a vaccine against Whooping Cough was introduced much earlier – in the mid-1940s in Australia.

It was not widely used however until the introduction of the Australian Childhood Immunisation Schedule in 1953 and even then, until the late 1990s, the vaccination rate was never far above 70 percent.

By that time, as you can clearly see, deaths from Whooping Cough had declined by over 90 percent and use of the vaccine did nothing to cause that decline to accelerate.

Typhoid Fever was another illness that killed many people (historically more than Whooping Cough itself) but against which there was no vaccine in widespread use.

As you see below, the decline in deaths from Typhoid Fever tracked closely with Whooping Cough despite the fact that there was no vaccine. In fact, deaths from Typhoid declined more rapidly than those from Whooping Cough.

It’s not just Australia

This phenomenon of deaths declining well before the introduction of vaccines or antibiotics occurred in every developed country over the last 200 years.

Below is a document that has been removed from the internet (apparently – I can’t find it online anyway) by Dr Raymond Obomsawin whom I was lucky enough to have interviewed on Under the Wire prior to his mysterious and sudden death last year (no, he hadn’t taken the Jabberwocky).

Dr Obomsawin was a researcher who had worked with the WHO and who studied this issue and published on it widely. Please download and share this document since apparently, someone doesn’t want you to have it.

And a similar image from the United States:


Even smallpox, whose ‘eradication’ is held up as the greatest victory for vaccination, was not shown to have been reduced in any way by the vaccine given to prevent it.

Below are graphs clearly showing that mandatory vaccination against smallpox led to record-high deaths from the infection. Very much like what we’re seeing today from COVID-19, come to think of it.

This first graph is data from the UK – please note the deaths from scarlet fever (red line) as well and remember that there has never been a vaccine for this infection but it regularly killed more people than smallpox and declined in tandem with smallpox – only after mandatory vaccination was dropped.

The next graph is from Leicester, England. This was what I like to think of as the home of the most successful movement against compulsory vaccination anywhere in the world.

Leicester saw a huge increase in deaths following mandatory vaccination. Without access to the internet, telecommunications or any other communication, over 100,000 people converged on the Town Hall to oppose compulsion and were successful at overturning that law.

Please observe the rate of deaths following the stringent mandatory vaccination laws in 1867.

Another look at infectious disease mortality – this time, the United States from an excellent website (including the graphs above regarding smallpox) that has a great deal of data from the book, Dissolving Illusions, mentioned above shows the decline in mortality from five ‘killer infections’ – two of which were never vaccinated against on a widespread basis (Typhoid Fever) or at all (Scarlet Fever).

Look at this and tell me if you see any evidence that vaccines played any role at all in the decline in mortality.

If vaccines didn’t save lives, what did?

Civil engineers and plumbers are the real heroes of this story. Clean water, better living conditions and access to food are why fewer children and adults had died.

If we spent a fraction of the money we currently spend on sending toxic drugs and vaccines to the developing world, their experience would be similar to ours.

So if you still think that vaccinations played any role in reducing deaths from infectious diseases, I would love to see your evidence.

Please do share it in the comments below.

See more here

Header image: Reuters / Henry Nichols

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (7)

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    Excellent piece. I have been saying this for years… The decline of disease in developed countries is wholly due to improved sanitation practices and technology. Indoor plumbing, water treatment, trash haul-away services, improved hygiene education, etc all played a part in reducing and eliminating major diseases in the last 150 years.


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      OK, Chris,
      Many have missed the most important point: “The Fall of the Germ Theory.”
      How one achieves improvement of the “Terrain” is irrelevant…
      Cheers, JaKo


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    All vaccines and mRNA substances are not able to save anyone from anything. There are no control groups ever used in any studies. Or, the control groups are destroyed when they find out their silly vaccines are virtually useless or deadly. The FDA doesn’t care since they will approve any drugs that big pharma tells them to approve.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Merl,

    You began: “The mantra parroted by doctors, scientists and many in the community is a fabrication. I have never yet seen any evidence that vaccines have saved even one life.”

    Why, when I use a ‘finder app’ on your article, does it not find Diphtheria, Mumps, Polio?

    Have a good day


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      The worry is how many might have been killed by vaccines –

      Polio vaccine in Africa springs to mind –

      Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild …
      Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild virus … A new polio outbreak in Sudan has been linked to the oral polio vaccine …


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Richard.

        “Vaccine-derived polio spreads in Africa after defeat of wild virus.” Yes! That is because the polio vaccine being used contained the ‘live’ polio virus. Research the history of the two polio vaccines and you will find the profit motive of the present vaccines.

        have a good day


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