The Mask Mandates Are Back

Several weeks ago, we all started noticing the increased chatter about the latest Covid-19 variant and the booster that was coming in the Fall

Immediately, I was concerned that this meant a return to the Mandate regime.

Unfortunately, this was confirmed today. The mask mandates are back.

This time however, we are ready for them.

It is vital that VSRF continues our work in defeating the mandates before they once again spread across the country- destroying millions of lives and tens of millions of jobs, small businesses, and educational dreams.

In addition to ramping up production of our Rumble weekly broadcasts, VSRF is gearing up to produce and distribute an up-to-date guide to defeating any new mandates that appear this fall.

This brochure will provide families, individuals, employees, and students with all the resources; financial, legal, educational, they need to resist and refuse to comply.

We need your help more than ever.  Will you reach deep and support our work?  So many organizations and prominent individuals have “moved on” from Covid-19 but VSRF remains constant, steadfast, and prepared for this next wave of Covid mandate madness.

See more here

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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    Stupid, I will not comply!

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    I will NOT comply !!!!

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