Death by Cell Towers? Are the 5G Towers Safe?

They are getting creative in how they hide these 5G Towers, but in other locations there is no hiding these monstrosities and their death rays

It is important to note that there are two sets of exposure limits set by the FCC and two groups affected; the well informed workers and the poorly informed unassuming public.

And those exposure limits were set back in 1996 and we now in 2023.

Is Radiofrequency Radiation From 5G Safe?

The FCC set 2 limits for how much RF people can absorb: one for the general public, and one for the worker known as the “occupational” limit.

The worker’s limit is 5 times higher than that of the general public and is only for people trained to work near antennas. The Occupational level is still 10 times below the known range to cause health effects.

On August 1, 1996, the Commission adopted the NCRP’s recommended Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for field strength and power density for the transmitters operating at frequencies of 300 kHz to 100 GHz.

5G spectrum is typically between 24GHz to 47GHz and is therefore covered by the MPE limits.

But would you believe it that according to a report represented by a ranking Senator and a Congresswoman, there may be 250,000 workers that may be suffer negative health from working near these Towers.

So the correlation is there at least between 5G Towers and health outcomes and has been known for years, yet the Towers are going up with no real warning to the public other than warning signs to stay away from the immediate area.

Is Radiofrequency Radiation From 5G Safe?

U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (D-Calif.), ranking members of the House Communications Subcommittee sent a letter to the FCC on September 17, 2015, stating despite the FCC’s human exposure limits and current guidelines aimed to protect workers from harmful RF levels, recent reports have identified an estimated 250,000workers at risk.

They said beyond the hazards to cell tower workers of free-standing structures, the towers are now found atop all kinds of buildings, from apartments and schools to hospitals, churches, and fire stations.

The letter stated, “Rooftop and building-mounted antenna sites also endanger not only the wireless industry’s trained RF technicians but also roofers, water proofers, electricians, carpenters, building maintenance personnel, HVAC technicians, painters, firefighters and other workers who may come in close proximity can be placed at risk of RF injuries.

Dangers of Cell Towers

  • Over 250,000 telecom workers suffer from RF poisoning each year due to misconfigured and overpowered cell towers.
  • These towers are often pointed towards areas where people congregate such as churches, parking lots, gas stations, busy roads, elementary schools, and playgrounds.
  • Even if someone lives a couple of miles away from a cell tower with a clear line of sight but within its beam range, there is a high probability of being exposed to harmful radiation.
  • Each cell tower emits a beam like a spotlight, and being within these hot zones can result in significant exposure to radiation.
  • Having an EMF meter is crucial for individuals to be proactive and avoid living near these dangerous cell towers.
  • The influence of telecom lobbying firms and politicians has allowed the proliferation of these death towers in neighborhoods, putting people’s health at risk.

Your proximity to the Towers and the transmitting hardware makes a big difference.

We will never reach the Causation stage to prove that 5G Towers are causing Cancer, just like today we still cannot say Cigarette smoking causes Cancer, but it certainly is a contributing factor and therefore still in the realm of Correlation not Causation.

See more here

Header image: Reuters / Erik de Castro

Editor’s note: there is a 5G mast not far from where I live, and last year I saw some men working on the equipment cabinets at the base of the tower, so I asked them if the installation was 5G, and if so what did they think of the rumours about 5G being dangerous. They said it is 5G, and the one guy said he’d been working on such systems for some years with no ill effects. They all said they thought the rumours were totally stupid.

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Comments (2)

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    Re: Editor’s note…..
    Was the installer simply giving you a well rehearsed script monkey response?
    He said he has been working on such systems for a few years but were they all 5G because 5G is relatively new.
    Would the towers even be ‘activated’ during installation, maintenance and repair?!
    Wonder does the company that installer works for have insurance for EMF’s and are these installers sub contractors?


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    Not forgetting, that here in England at least, the heads of some streetlight’s have been fitted with 5G transmitters, also.


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