Debunking The ‘Deadly’ Covid Narrative, Once And For All

Exclusive data analysis of Florida Health ought to end the argument. In any decent, honest, intelligent society at any rate

The Narrative

A novel, indiscriminate virus is killing people at mass extinction-level rates. A miracle vaccine with a 95+ percent effectiveness against death from this virus has saved the world.

The Truth

In Florida, there are four major, distinct waves of death, two before the “vaccine” and two after.

Before the “vaccine”

Prior to the ”vaccine”, between March 2020 and April 2021, in spite of the multitude of inappropriate actions taken by the state, like denial of early treatment with IVM and HCQ and antibiotics, together with zealous over-attribution due to the over-sensitive PCR test 1 and foul incentives for hospitals, preference to use dangerous, on-patent therapies (like Remdesivir), and end-of-life protocols for care home residents, the official COVID mortality only manages to represent a mere 1.2 percent of all deaths and 17 percent of excess deaths in the under 25s, and 5.3 percent of all deaths and 30 percent of excess deaths in the 25 to 44 year olds.

So, clearly, this virus was not as indiscriminately deadly as the official narrative would have you believe.

Even for the 45 to 64 year olds, it represented less than 11 percent of all deaths even though it also correlated with 87 percent of excess deaths.

And for the over 65s, it represented only 14 percent of all deaths, nevertheless correlating with all the excess deaths.

But even that, does not tell the whole truth. Virtually none of those deaths, in any age group, was of someone who was healthy. I know this for a fact, having personally requested and examined thousands of death certificates from every county coroner in Florida during 2020.

When we consider the “collateral” deaths resulting from disruption to the healthcare system and other societal stresses arising from restrictions to business and social activity and inappropriate use of masks in community settings, the excess mortality in Florida pre-jab is about double that for the regular, seasonal pattern in 2019 for the over 65s.

The 45 to 64 year olds, who don’t usually experience such severe seasonal mortality, and the 25 to 44 year olds who usually experience virtually none, both experience the same magnitude of excess mortality as the over 65s.

Given the very clear data on risk, known since March 2020 at the latest (from the Diamond Princess 2), it is evident, therefore, that these mortality spikes are not due to viral activity, even though they are coded as “COVID” deaths.

And Florida was considered to be a somewhat “light touch” state. Imagine how bad it might have been if they had been more draconian in their interventions, like, say, New York? Eeeesh.

After the “vaccine”

OK, so COVID wasn’t the extinction-level virus that the narrative suggested. But, at least the “vaccine” was still effective, right? At least against severe disease and death as they claimed (after finding nowhere to hide after their mendacious claims of it stopping transmission too3).

By May 2021, 65 percent of the over 65s have completed a course of COVID “vaccination” and are, therefore, considered to be “fully protected” against severe disease and death (we’ll let the claim about stopping transmission slide).

Almost 30 percent of the 25 to 64 year olds are also “fully protected” but, given the “priority” given to the most vulnerable, we can safely assume that every eligible, vulnerable person in Florida is “protected” at this point.

And then, this happens…

Does this look like an effective intervention?

COVID deaths literally explode. In the middle of summer.

Unfortunately, Florida Health changes the format in which they present their data in their PDF bulletins 4, making it impossible to derive reliable data for the under 25s and necessitating some arbitrary interpolation for the 25 to 44 year olds and 45 to 64 year olds.

Nevertheless, it is clear that COVID in the post-jab era is substantially worse than before.

For the 25 to 44 year olds, COVID deaths rise from 5.3 percent of all deaths to 6.6 percent, and have doubled, now representing 50 percent of all excess deaths, instead of 30 percent. Still not exactly indiscriminately “extincting” people, but worse than before the jab all the same.

For the 45 to 64 year olds, COVID deaths rise from 10.8 percent of all deaths to 11.6 percent, again doubling, but still representing the same proportion of excess deaths.

Only the over 65s have a lower proportion of COVID deaths to all deaths, dropping from 14.1 to 10.7 percent. However, the amount of COVID deaths has remained the same.

So, all that has happened is that this age cohort is dying in excess of something else in addition to COVID in the post-jab era. I wonder what could explain that?

When we look at how this manifests in terms of all-cause excess mortality, the picture is stark, especially for the under 45s:

What was most likely an ordinary, not-so-novel respiratory pathogen that contributed much less to excess mortality than the ill-conceived political response, did indeed mutate into a potential extinction-level emergency when the “vaccine” was introduced.

And this was especially so for the younger ages for whom the original “virus” posed statistically zero risk to people who were not already moribund.

Fortunately, the damage did not persist and the excess mortality tapers off as the jab campaign dwindles… One can only wonder what the outcome might have been if Big Pharma had succeeded in getting quarterly jabs mandated into the arm of everyone, regardless of age and risk.


However you might speculate about the true cause of death in the first year of “COVID”, it was never the “worst pandemic since the Spanish flu” 6, as proclaimed by the official narrative.

Moreover, the patterns of mortality and even the official counts, do not support the notion that COVID is responsible for much of the apparent excess deaths in the younger age groups.

Similarly, no matter what mental gymnastics you exercise to rationalise the unprecedented spike in mortality from May 2021, the fact remains that official COVID mortality is materially higher in the era that the official narrative tells you it should have been pretty much non-existent.

Again, this is especially so for the younger cohorts for whom the virus, per se, was never an issue in the first place.

The “vaccine” is not effective. No need to make claims about it causing COVID and other fatal adverse event outcomes. It is simply sufficient to state that the myth that the “vaccine” saved any lives is just that, a myth.

Didn’t have to take into account the logical expectation that the virus should attenuate.

Didn’t have to take into account that there should be fewer deaths because so many people had already died.

Didn’t have to take into account that there should have been greater protection of self and others due to higher community immunity.

And yet, still, there’s simply the same number of COVID deaths in the over 65s after the “vaccine” and substantially more in the younger age groups.

So, tell me again, how many lives does that mean the “vaccine” saved?

See more here

Bold emphasis added

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    Problem number one, calling any deaths “covid” death is just plain wrong.


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