The New Sun: Phase-Shift of the Century
Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille is the inventor of ultra-high field MRI. He conceived, designed and supervised the construction of the first 8 Tesla MRI scanner at Ohio State University and with if captured the world record in MRI images of the human body.
At the time the theoreticians claimed, in their peer-reviewed published journal papers, that it could never be done.
So much for the imaginings of the theoreticians!
When the 8T scanner was energised Dr. Robitaille noticed an unexpected response from the magnet that indicated inconsistency with theoretical physics related to cavity radiation.
Applying standard cavity radiation theory he used data from the 8T to calculate the temperature of a human head and obtained a temperature of less than 1 Kelvin.
Since this result was absurd and the 8T was not at fault, he suspected that the problem was with the theory of cavity radiation. This led him to investigate further and he discovered that Kirchhoff’s 1859 hallowed law of thermal emission is false.
According to Kirchhoff’s law, all opaque cavities at thermal equilibrium contain blackbody radiation, irrespective of their nature and form. Dr. Robitaille found that this is not true. The material composition of a cavity affects the radiation field within it.
Consequently, Planck’s equation for thermal spectra is not universal and strictly applies only to a blackbody cavity, such as one made of carbon. Interestingly, resonant cavities are found in a variety of technologies today, including MRI.
In 1859 Kirchhoff did not know of resonant cavities. If he did he would never have advanced his arcane law; as he did without any experimental or theoretical proofs, merely by his imagination. Resonant cavities contain standing waves.
If Kirchhoff’s alleged law is true then resonant cavities would not exist because the radiation field therein would be absorbed and re-emitted by the cavity walls, so that standing waves could not be built up within the cavity.
This alone is certain proof that Kirchhoff’s law is not and has never been a law of physics. Dr. Robitaille has written extensively on this for at least twenty years.
Dr. Robitaille realised that astronomy, cosmology and astrophysics employ Kirchhoff’s law throughout their theories, directly or indirectly. Since Kirchhoff’s law is false, the much greater part of the theories of astronomers and astrophysicists, and of the cosmologists entire, is false.
In particular Dr. Robitaille has shown that the so-called cosmic microwave background is a delusion and so too the standard gaseous model of the Sun and stars. It is the Sun which now ushers in a paradigm shift of immense importance to science.
Dr. Robitaille has shown that all the observational evidence reveals that the Sun is not gaseous plasma but is composed of condensed matter.
The solar thermal spectrum, for instance, has a Planckian distribution over frequencies. Only condensed matter can produce such spectra because the latter requires a vibrational lattice to produce it.
Gases do not possess a vibrational lattice so it is impossible for gases to produce a thermal spectrum; which is precisely why gases have never been observed to emit thermal spectra in the laboratory.
That the Sun and stars are condensed matter nullifies the gaseous theory of the Sun and stars to which the astronomers and astrophysics are so enamoured. The consequences are cataclysmic for the astronomers, astrophysicists and cosmologists.
Dr. Robitaille has advanced that the Sun is composed of liquid metallic hydrogen. This model is consistent with all the observational evidence whereas the gaseous model is not.
Dr. Alexander Unzicker in Germany has very recently released his new book: The Liquid Sun – The Coming Revolution in Astrophysics
You can learn about it here from Dr. Unzicker:
It is available from Amazon. This release is in English; French and German versions will be released soon. The book explains the work of Dr. Robitaille on the Sun in some detail.
Anybody interested in the constitution of the Sun and stars, scientists and laity alike, are urged to read this book.
The revolution in astrophysics is upon us.
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Herb Rose
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What radiation wavelengths an object emits or absorbs is a function of its surface structure. What energy contains is a function of its volume as the energy equalizes with all the mass of the object. The sun’s surface contains atoms of all the elements which are the ashes of energy converting matter (neutrons) into matter-energy objects that radiate both matter fields (positive and negative electric fields) and energy fields (gravity (non directional) and magnetic (directional)).
The false laws goes well beyond kirchhoff’s law. Newton’s first law (an object will travel in a straight line unless a force acts upon it) means that an object traveling through changing energy fields does not equalize with those fields. The second law of thermodynamics is wrong. Energy will flow from an object with whose mass has a higher level of energy to an object with mass with a lower level of energy regardless of the total energy (kinetic energy) of the objects. Objects do not equalize energy with other objects by radiation, but with the energy fields they are in. Planck’s law (Energy of light equals frequency times a constant) is wrong. If it were true, since the energy of light decreases as a function of the square of the distance, the light must exhibit a red shift that is a function of the square of the distance. There could be no blue shift since that would necessitate that the light gain energy with increasing distance. All of Einstein’s theories are wrong since they are based on the false assumption that light has a particle nature and a constant speed when it is a wave traveling in the energy/matter fields of objects and its velocity is determined by the strength of those fields.The problem with theoretical physics and physicists is that they ignore anything that doesn’t sup[port their beliefs.
T. C. Clark
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According to Herbphysics, Einstein is wrong….2nd Law of Thermodynamics is wrong…Planck’s Law is wrong….and from previous comments… holes don’t exist…and neutrinos don’t exist…is there more to Herbphysics? What are energy/matter fields? What is a Herb “object”?
Joseph Olson
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I have followed Dr Pierre-Marie Robitaille since Electric Universe 2014. I have followed Suspicious0bservers for several years. I recently found Professor Dave [Farina] Explains channel on FewTube. Dave is the self anointed Gatekeeper for Science Orthodoxy, including Carbon climate forcing. We would like to debate the professor on the AGW false hypnosis on TNT Radio.
T. C. Clark
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Astronomer Hubble discovered the red shift of faraway galaxies and the reason which is expansion of space. Einstein had assumed the Universe was static and admitted that it was his biggest mistake. If the Universe was imploding instead of expanding, there would be a blue shift, no?
Herb Rose
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You continue to demonstrate what a Wikipedidiot you are. You look for answers but cannot think, so have no understanding. Relativity is based on a constant speed of light and it is this constant that all other measurements are referenced to. Relativity is founded on the assertion that the movement of the source of light cannot have any effect on the light being emitted (train thought experiment). If the red snd blue shift are a result of the movement of the source of light, then relativity, Einstein, and the constant speed of light are all wrong. Try explaining how it is that since the speed of light is constant and any expansion of time must have a comparable expansion of distance, so when you get closer to a source of gravity and time expands, the distance to the source of gravity increases.
T. C. Clark
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I seldom refer to Wiki so you are wrong….again. The expansion of space is like what happens when a balloon is expanded….2 points on the surface expand away from each other. The change in frequency of light does not affect its speed….Hubble saw the red shift because of the expansion of space. Radio waves…X-rays…all electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light in a vacuum.
Herb Rose
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Since the energy (v^2) of light is a function of its frequency (Planck’s law) how can a change in frequency not effect its velocity?
T. C. Clark
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Well, uh, lemmee see….do you want X-rays….or radio waves passing thru your body at the speed of light?….and don’t look at Wiki. Hint: Is there any difference in the amount of energy?
Herb Rose
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We are not dealing with reality here, just your beliefs. The photoelectric experiment is purported to show that the intensity (amount) of light is irrelevant and it is only the wavelength (frequency) that determines how much energy is transferred.
T. C. Clark
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The speed of light on the scale of the Universe is actually very slow….when you are talking about 13 billion light years away as some red shifted galaxies were recently seen by the Webb telescope…you are looking at very ancient light….coming from so far away that the expansion of space is a big factor…so big that it is in the area of a place where light emitted from a galaxy would never reach earth because the expansion of space would be faster than the light emitted by a galaxy. If light traveled instantly….the night sky would be a very different picture than we now see, no? And…. in enough time….the night sky will become more dark as fewer stars and galaxies can be seen due to space expansion.
T. C. Clark
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Visible light is a very small spectrum. Astronomers are trying to see the very early Universe via the radio waves from hydrogen ions which made up the early universe and the roughly 200 million year “Dark Age” of the early time. It requires radio telescopes and the quietest place where they have radio receivers is in the Australian desert…but apparently too noisy there for the best work so they are looking a the dark side of the moon….protection from all the man made radio waves.
Herb Rose
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Right T.C.. The light with the least energy is able to travel the furtherest and the more energy the light has the less distance it can travel.
T. C. Clark
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Our galaxy has been roughly mapped even though it is tough due to dust and the fact that we are within the galaxy….thanks to radio telescopes and measuring the red shift of hydrogen ions that are more dense in the spirals.
Herb Rose
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When you say “hydrogen ion” you are saying proton. How does a proton produce a red shift or radio waves?
Physicist said that physics didn’t have to make sense since it was just a description of reality, so people should believe what ever stupid statement came out of their mouths. This inspired politicians to hire idiots to claim they were climatologists and as scientists so we should believe what ever stupid thing they told us. Learn to think
T. C. Clark
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I refer Herb to …..History of the Universe – What is Hidden in the Darkness at the Beginning of Time?….on YouTube. What happens to the 21 cm band when it is stretched to 2 m?….that’s what you call a red shift, no?
Herb Rose
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Atoms emit a spectrum of light that is the result of their electrons changing levels. The spectrum of an element is a unique pattern produced by their unique electron structures. When a red or blue shift occurs the wavelengths of the spectral lines change but the pattern remains the same. A “hydrogen ion” has no electrons and no spectrum. Radio waves are not produced by changes in the energy levels of electrons in an atom but by the movement of electrical charges in the electric field. The speed of the movement determines the wavelength of the disturbance and there is no standard pattern that can be referenced to determine if there is a red shift or a charge moving at a different speed. I suggest you look up what the spectrum of emitted light is and how light can have both red and blue shifts. It is not the result of the emitting object moving towards and away from the observer simultaneously. It is the result of the speed and wavelength changing as the wave passes through increasing and decreasing strengths of electric and energy fields, causing a blurring of the spectral lines.
T. C. Clark
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Most of the hydrogen in the Universe is ionized, no? Some ions catch an electron and under quantum mechanics rules, a low energy photon can be emitted from some of these cold H atoms….this is the famous and useful 21 cm line. There is a proposal to use a crater on the moon as a dish by spreading a wire mesh …..and collecting those 21 cm emissions. Gamma rays….X rays….and 21 cm radio waves move in space at the same speed….same as visible light.