Ukraine War’s ‘Dirty Bomb’ as UK Sends Kyiv Depleted Uranium Shells

The UK government is providing Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions to Ukraine as the conflict with Russia enters a terrifying nuclear phase.

As NATO nations double down on a military rather than diplomatic solution offered by China [1], we examine the scientific evidence on the dangers of discharging such ‘dirty bombs.’

After the tragic military conflict in Iraq, the term Gulf War Syndrome was coined to explain the horrific aftereffects of exploded depleted uranium (DU) munitions on the battlefield. Studies link cancers to uranium dust ingestion while crop and land contamination is believed to pose generational health problems.

As reported by the BBC, a joint news conference between China and Russia ended with Kremlin leader, Vladimir Putin saying:

“Many provisions of the Chinese peace plan can be taken as the basis for settling of the conflict in Ukraine, whenever the West and Kyiv are ready for it.”

The Russian president expressed alarm that the West was now deploying weapons with a “nuclear component” and said Russia would be “forced to react” if the UK sent shells made with depleted uranium to Ukraine.

Downplaying Putin’s claim, the UK’s Ministry of Defence said depleted uranium was a “standard component” which had “nothing to do with nuclear weapons”.

In Any Form Uranium Poses Grave Dangers

However, while the depleted uranium in these British artillery shells may be less radioactive than natural uranium, it still retains all the chemical toxicity associated with the original element.

Indeed, there are numerous scientific studies indicating that toxic radioactive uranium waste is an emerging and worrisome pollutant avoidably introduced into the environment primarily by military activity.

“In large doses the kidney is the target organ for the acute chemical toxicity of this metal, producing potentially lethal tubular necrosis.”[2]

According to the study, ‘The Toxicity of Depleted Uranium‘ [id]

“Adult animals that were exposed to depleted uranium during development display persistent alterations in behavior, even after cessation of depleted uranium exposure. Adult animals exposed to depleted uranium demonstrate altered behaviors and a variety of alterations to brain chemistry. Despite its reduced level of radioactivity evidence continues to accumulate that depleted uranium, if ingested, may pose a radiologic hazard.”

In the first Persian Gulf War in 1990−1991 the world witnessed the horrors of depleted uranium (DU) munitions introduced into the battlefield in a significant way. [3]

In 2013 the UK’s The Guardian newspaper reported, ‘How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq’s nuclear nightmare.’ [4] In that article it was reported that “Ex-UN, WHO officials reveal political interference to suppress scientific evidence of postwar environmental health catastrophe.” [4]

This chilling assessment is backed by scientific research affirming that

“long duration exposure to low dosages of uranium. This concept implies that the exposure is not sufficient to produce the classic signs of toxicity, in this case renal failure, but would produce other detrimental effects. It is postulated that low level exposure to uranium for extended periods would produce an important low level or “subclinical” illness. We know this to be the case for lead exposure, where long term exposure to small amounts of lead can produce subtle neurodevelopmental defects, hypertension and increased rates of carcinogenesis.”

Lab Tests Verify DU’s Insidious Harms

Uranium, however, has not been well studied and population-based examinations of the effects of DU exposure have not been done. Our knowledge about the potential neurodevelopmental effects of uranium comes from experimental work on animals.

Doses of uranium given to pregnant animals that are not sufficient to produce renal damage can produce small litters, smaller offspring size, increased offspring mortality and skeletal abnormalities. Human studies of the teratogenic effects of DU, while suggestive, suffer from a number of methodological issues. [5]

60 Percent Rise in Birth Defects

According to the BBC, doctors had ascertained that doctors at the Basra maternity hospital in southern Iraq have seen a 60% rise in birth defects after 2003 when war ended. Dr Muhsin Sabbak from the hospital is convinced that the rise in defects, such as spina bifida, is because of munitions from the Iraq war.  [6]

Other animal studies affirm that uranium may affect reproduction, the developing fetus, [7] and increase the risk of leukemia and soft tissue cancers.  [8]

The callous deployment of depleted uranium artillery shells is mind-bogglingly awful. The lessons learnt from Iraq should have been sufficient for all nations with these shells to decommission them,

By disregarding the known scientific evidence, the UK government displays blatant contempt towards the long term health impacts on the indigenous population of occupied Ukraine, who have no say in what self-serving crony politicians and the Military Industrial Complex inflicts on the innocent.

This escalation to nuclear dirty bombs may not only be judged reckless, but may rise to the level of a war crime.

Main image: U.S. Military



[2] Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 20107(1), 303-313;

[3] Briner, W. The evolution of depleted uranium as an environmental risk factor, lessons from other metals. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 20063, 129–135. [Google Scholar]


[5] Hinden, R; Brugge, D; Panikkar, B. Teratogenicity of deplted uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective. Env. Health: Global Access 20054, 17. [Google Scholar]


[7] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ATSDR Public Health Statement: Uranium, Atlanta: ATSDR, December 1990.

[8] Filippova, L. G., A. P. Nifatov, and E. R. Lyubchanskii, Some of the long-term sequelae of giving rats enriched uranium (in Russian), Radiobiologiya, v. 18, n. 3,, pp. 400-405. 1978. Translated in NTIS UB/D/120-03 (DOE-TR-4/9), National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia.

About the author: John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball and Joseph A Olson) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (22)

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    Herb Rose


    Ukraine already has a peace treaty with Russia that guarantees the integrity of its borders if they give up their nuclear weapons, which is also signed by the UK and USA. Those who want a Chamberlainesque treaty with a power hungry maniac, believing that this time it will be honored are delusional. The Ukrainians like other east European countries are not that foolish, having first hand knowledge of how Russia works.
    Depleted uranium is used because it has the mass to penetrate armor. Would people prefer lead artillery shells as less toxic or have them change to marshmellow projectiles?


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      Herb the warmonger. Sounds like a liberal.


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      I guess when the Russia uses white phosphorus shells that will be ok as well.


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      Hi Herb,
      You better stick to the history you know from your own experience rather than that passed on to you by the “Ministries of the Truth and Love!”
      Even the corrupt Wikipeadia states these facts in chronological order:
      “On 19 September 2018, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree not to extend the treaty. On 3 December 2018, Poroshenko drafted a legislation to Parliament to end the Treaty of Friendship immediately; support came from Western allies within the United Nations Security Council.”
      There goes your main argument. Not to even mention the USSR was promised Natostan would never expand an inch to the east…
      And if you try to invoke “Putin started it” argument, as in annexing Crimea, that is, by legally binding plebiscite the people of “Autonomous Republic of Crimea” were to quit the deal with Kiev and re-join the RF after Kiev stopped recognizing their autonomy.
      Just guess who wanted control of the military bases in Crimea — was it the Greek Fleet, or Roman Empire, or the wicked Mongols, I can’t think of anyone else, , can anyone??? The Turks never really wanted it, they sold it to Russia!
      (And do not forget I am a descendant of the vicked Czechs, not only of 1938 but also ten and thirty years later (commie putsch of 1948 and Soviet invasion of 1968 => I don’t have any reason to like Russkies! But hate? Hate is always harmful to the haters not to the hated!)
      Cheers, JaKo


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Jako,
        The repudiation of the treaty in 2018 is irrelevant. Putin was not satisfied with regaining Crimea but then needed land access to Crimes. He now wants Odessa to hamstring Ukraine. He has told nothing but lies and if you believe he will be pacified with the Sudetenland, when the plans were shown for taking Moldova (even after the people rejected the referendum on joining Russia) you are as delusional as Chamberlain was with Hitler’s promises.
        I was under the impression that Russia regained control of Crimea from Turkey as a result of the Crimean War, not by purchasing it. Russia still hasn’t returned the land Stalin demanded from Finland at the end of WWII as it is now considered as Russian


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          Herb Rose


          Correction. It wasn’t the Crimean war. In that war it was England, France, and Turkey fighting Russia and Russia lost, In WWI it was England, France, Italy, and Russia fighting Germany, Austria, and Turkey and Russia was on the winning side. Next it was Germany, Austria, Japan, and Italy fighting England France and Russia. America’s warmongering certainly gets you guys involved in a lot of wars, or perhaps it is you who is getting America involved in wars that never seem to end.


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            Hi Herb,
            Good you re-read the Crimean War narrative (ended with a Russian loss in February 1856) — why do you think the “losing side” had still kept control of the peninsula?
            Whatever — any remark about V V Putin as “New Hitler” turns me off — hey, let’s stick with the Cataclysmic Global Worming (pun intended), where we could agree on principles, rather than disagree on propaganda. OK?
            Cheers, JaKo

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    John O'Sullivan


    Herb, yes, that’s certainly the mindset of the neocons determined to fight this proxy war to the last Ukrainian. However, China and the BRICS nations appear to welcome Russia’s successes in helping bring about a fairer multipolar world.


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    Herb Rose


    Hi John,
    It is the Ukranians who are choosing to fight the war, unlike the Vietnam War. The Czechoslovakians were not given that option which led to WWII. Again people think they know what’s best for someone else. A “fairer” world is a matter of perspective and it is worth noting that Russia has fought several border wars with its friendly neighbors, including Chinas. The Ukranian war will only stop further wars when the Russians give up because of the cost, like they did in their Afgan war.


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    Herb Rose


    Hi John,
    It is the Ukranians who are choosing to fight the war, unlike the Vietnam War. The Czechoslovakians were not given that option which led to WWII. Again people think they know what’s best for someone else. A “fairer” world is a matter of perspective and it is worth noting that Russia has fought several border wars with its friendly neighbors, including Chinas. The Ukranian war will only stop further wars when the Russians give up because of the cost, like they did in their Afgan war.


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    John O'Sullivan


    Herb, Ukraine is finished militarily. Sending DU shells is a desperate step as total defeat beckons for the U.S. hegemony and neocon warmongering. I also listen to what China and the rest of the world have to say on the matter. For the BRICS the petrodollar is dead now that China and Russia have agreed that the Yuan will be the new currency for their international energy trade. The US military industrial complex is left where Japan found itself in WW2.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi John,
      After the fall of France everybody knew that England was a lost cause. I guess we shouldn’t have sent aid to them since we were not in the war.Do you believe that we should follow what the world says and accede to whatever the UN wishes?


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      Herb Rose


      Hi John,
      Listen to what the world says. Everybody says man is using climate change and you need to be vaccinated against Covifd 19. Why do you fight these issues. Did you have similar beliefs when Argentina was trying to liberate the Falklands?


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    T. C. Clark


    Tsar Pooty the Great….Putey Putrid Putin….he aspires to be the Ruzzian version of Kinny Jong…he should be eliminated like stepping on a roach. There is good and evil and Putey ain’t good. Old Joe Stalin invaded Finland….he met unexpected resistance and decided to leave…Putey is too dumb to leave.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Howdy,
      Initially I liked Putin. I thought he was a patriot trying to restore his country after the communists had destroyed it. That changed when he began to try to revive the Russian Empire. His neighbors fear him because they do not want to return to vassal states where all their wealth goes to Russia. I had a Romanian girlfriend who lived under Ceausescu and they had nothing. Her father was an educated man who was regularly taken in by the secret police.for questioning and they never knew if they would see him again. The stores had nothing and people stop in lines for hours when ever something appeared. All the money went to Russia to pay for defense. Putin’s actions has raised the specter of returning to that existence so even Sweden and Finland are seeking protection against his Hitleresqus ambition. What do you think Lithuania believes where they have a Russian naval base on their western border and Russia on their eastern border? Remind you of Poland position before WWII?
      I don’t believe a word the man says and neither should anyone else.

      (Corrected your e-mail spelling error) SUNMOD


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        All I’ll say Herb, is that there are far more nefarious things than Putin to worry about.

        I don’t see whether a persons amount of likeableness or otherwise, counts for anything, but the principal is all important. He’s a spanner, and the rest need rid of him to carry out their deeds. I guess that is a feather in his cap isn’t it? Standing up against those that want to total destroy?

        That he has retaliated in the only way possible is what I see, and the past plays no part. The past is history and now is current. I hope he wipes the floor with the lot of them for what they’ve done. The EU want to arrest him for war crimes – as if they can talk!

        Things will turn out as they must, and that’s all anyone knows, but I believe a lesson is in the process of being learnt here. Time will tell if my belief is justified.


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    T. C. Clark


    Putey is just a KGB thug….he is estimated to have $200 billion….his mansion on the Black Sea is $1 billion….all the oligarchs who opposed him are dead or gone….he lives in a fantasy world….look at the huge gold doors and Toy Soldiers who open the doors when he makes his appearance….the only good Putey is a dead Putey.


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      “Putey is just a KGB thug….he is estimated to have $200 billion”
      Well don’t stop there TC, what about his Western counterparts. Can’t call one when the others on the opposing side are exactly the same. Be fair.


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        T. C. Clark


        Do these “counterparts” have names? Hitler liked children…and dogs….he even signed papers with the Prime Minister of the UK that brought “peace in our time”. If you know who Putey is and cannot realize that he belongs with Hitler..Stalin…Mao…Kimmy Jong… When are you moving to Ruzzia….to be under Putey’s regime?


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          You know full well who I mean. Gates etc.

          Hitler has nothing to do with anything and your references to ‘putey’ do you no favours. You just keep referring to anything but the matter at hand.


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            T. C. Clark


            There is nothing wrong with the war criminal putey that a little piece of lead in his head would not cure. Yee shall know him by his deeds…..and associates….Kimmy Jong….Xi Jinping…Syria…Cuba….Venezuela….all the usual scum.

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