Svalbard sea ice back for seal births and polar bear feeding bonanza
It seems that every fall and winter for the last decade at least, there has been hand-wringing about the lack of Svalbard sea ice and what a tragedy this is for polar bears
And like clockwork, before the end of winter (30 March) every year, the pack ice returns in time for spring: for ringed and bearded seals to give birth–and for the polar bears to gorge themselves on the fat newborns.
This year there is even ice as far south as Bear Island (Bjørnøya) and it’s only March 15th.
This has happened several times now in the last 10 years.
So much for the catastrophe!
And soon Norwegian biologists will be out checking on the health of these bears, which they do every year and report their results online for everyone to see.
Global sea ice at mid-March
Sea ice chart for Barents Sea
Sea ice graph for Svalbard
Sea ice chart for Svalbard
See more here polarbearscience
Header image: isbjorn-JA
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Jerry Krause
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Hi Susan and PSI Readers,
Susan, thank you for the update. PSI Readers, please note the fact that the data of Susan’s figures are being observed for reasons other than polar bears.
Have a good day
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Global warming is a scam , always has been.
New Field Study Observations Prove Polar Bears Are Thriving
Another Assumption About Polar Bears Proven False
K Kaiser
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The polar bears are fine.
The “climate-activists” (like the FFF and glue-acrobats) not so much.
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Polar bears in Canada have made their way to Newfoundland. Family and friends reporting sightings.
Jerry Krause
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Thank you for this comment, for I finally learned some personal information about you, as well as about the polar bears which Susan maybe did not know about.
Have a good day
Jerry Krause
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Thank you for this comment, for I finally learned some personal information about you, as well as about the polar bears which Susan maybe did not know about.
Have a good day
Koen Vogel
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Climate change is a two-edged blade:sometimes it cuts for you and some times it cuts against you. . The poet said it best: oh the times they are a changin’
Jerry Krause
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Hi Koen,
“oh the times they are a changin’”. Very good. And the book The Holy Bible is a HISTORY BOOK of these changes SINCE the BEGINNING.
Have a good day