This is Exactly Why OAN Was Dropped by Cable Carriers
It has recently come to light the OAN is being dropped by cable carriers and this has led many to question why.
OAN recently put out that Joe Biden was deliberately provoking a war with Russia and that more evidence was coming to light that the whole conflict was designed to protect US Military labs conducting illegal biological experiments.
For many, especially Americans, the war in the Ukraine doesn’t make a lot of sense, but when you dig under the surface and the media propaganda promoting war and destruction then you understand why leaders are pushing America to kick off World War III.
To put it simple, Ukraine is the Deep State. This doesn’t mean it is a part of the Deep State, it is the Deep State.
Ukraine isn’t even its own country anymore, it has been bought and sold by the West, for the West and the Western puppet has been put in power to do the bidding of his Western masters.
Source: Rumble
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Russ D
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Everything we are being told about this Ukraine-Russia war is a LIE
Zelensky and his cronies are trying to cover up a major corruption scandal in Ukraine – what role is the US playing?
Herb Rose
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Hi Russ,
The Ukrainians are the ones fighting the war. Anyone who has lived under Russian control is unwilling to return to it and will fight. As a Vietnam veteran I can tell you about people who are unwilling to fight to serve other people agenda.
Russ D
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Beg to differ………
“Ukraine is being LIBERATED by Russia, not attacked. The are removing the Khazarian mafia, the US biological weapons labs, and the Biden/Obama money laundering operations. My organizations speaks to dozens of people currently living in Ukraine and they are so happy that liberation has finally come. DO NOT LISTEN TO THE MEDIA….ALL STORIES ARE LIES. The enemy is in the gates, not in Russia. CLUE IN”
-Nick Sylvester
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Herb Rose
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Hi Nick;
The person I talk to is my barber who emigrated from Ukraine and has family living in Odessa. I expect the- difference between being liberated or invaded depends on if you are a Russian living in Ukraine or a different ethnic group. The Tartars have not returned to their native Crimea, after being exiled by the Russians, even though they are now allowed to return.