UK Govt Forcing Households To Bear The Green-Energy Costs Of Industry

The UK government is today announcing that it will force British households to pay an additional charge on their energy bills to reduce the costs of Net Zero for some 300 energy-intensive industrial users

Net Zero Watch today condemned this so-called “Households Payment Mechanism” as deeply unfair to consumers, but utterly inadequate as help to industry.

It is reported that the so-called ‘British Industry Supercharger’ will cost each household about £3 to £5 per year, suggesting that the scheme will move about £80m to £130m of green-energy costs from industry to households.

This is simultaneously deeply unwelcome for domestic consumers, who are struggling as it is with high energy bills, but trivially weak for businesses.

The measure is not expected to come into force until 2025 when the Office for Budget Responsibility expects levies to support fundamentally uneconomic renewable energy (such as wind and solar energy) to amount to £9 billion per year (and over £10 billion including the Feed-in Tariff for smaller generators).

This huge annual green surcharge is being paid by all energy consumers, with severely negative economic consequences.

The government’s support package for industry is trivial by comparison and seems designed simply to get a few good headlines in response to the bad news of more closures and job cuts in the steel industry.

Dr. Benny Peiser, Director of Net Zero Watch said:

As long as the UK continues to prioritize Net Zero over the national interestenergy security, and economic competitiveness, Britain will lose the last traces of its industrial base, its prosperity, and its global status.”

Dr. John Constable, Net Zero Watch’s energy editor, said:

“The laughably named ‘British Industry Supercharger’ is nasty in principle but pathetically weak in practice.

Instead of playing PR games, the government needs to tackle the root cause of our energy problems, namely the wind and solar, and biomass subsidies that are costing all consumers many billions per year.

The green levies must be cut to the bone. We simply can’t afford them.”

See more here climatechangedispatch

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Comments (4)

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    Gary Brown


    February 24, 2023 1500 Scientists Say ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ – The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked

    Are you aware that 1500 of the world’s leading climate scientists and professionals in over 30 countries have signed a declaration that there is no climate emergency and have refuted the United Nations claims in relation to man-made climate change?


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      Andy Rowlands


      Many people are aware of this declaration and others that have preceded it, but the powers that be have ignored them entirely, and will continue to do so.


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    In saner times this government would cease to exist.


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    Kevin Doyle


    In pure economic terms, a windmill ashore cannot compete at all with a coal or nuclear power plant, thus they are subsidized.
    Now, take the inefficient windmill and spend five times the money placing it on a concrete foundation ten miles offshore.
    Who do you think is paying for this wet-dream scam?


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