Will The Turkish Earthquake Unleash Science From Statisticians Shackles?

On the morning of February 6, 2023 the people of Turkey and Syria were struck by a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake, followed by a 6.7 aftershock and then a final (we hope) 7.5  quake in the late afternoon.

The effects of the three-fold quake struck deep into Syria and as of this writing, over 23,000 deaths, and 500,000 injured have been counted in Turkey and Syria, along with tens of thousands of injuries and incredible destruction to infrastructure.

Were it not for the political obfuscation that has derailed all fields of science over the past decades, then this tragic loss of life would have been entirely preventable.


Because despite the clamorings of the priests of standard model geology managing the US Geological Survey, the fact is that earthquakes are completely forecastable.

However, the USGS website says:

โ€œCan we forecast earthquakes? No. Neither the United States Geology Survey (USGS) nor any other scientists have ever predicted a major earthquake.

We do not know how, and we do not expect to know how any time in the foreseeable future.โ€

Take the singular case of Dutch scientist Frank Hoogerbeets, representing the self-funded Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) who published the following tweet a full three days prior to the February 6th disaster:

Reflecting on the method he and other like-minded scientists use within the international forecasting community, Hoogerbeets explained:

โ€œAs I stated earlierโ€ฆthis would happen in this region, similar to the years 115 and 526.

These earthquakes are always preceded by critical planetary geometry, as we had on the fourth-fifth of Februaryโ€

What sort of โ€œplanetary geometriesโ€ is Hoogerbeets talking about?

It isnโ€™t that Hoogerbeets uses a crystal ball, believes in astrology or has better data than the scientists of the US Geographical Survey, but rather that he is simply a real scientist who doesnโ€™t believe in dogmatic procedures masquerading as โ€œscienceโ€ if they donโ€™t actually work.

His method of looking at โ€œplanetary geometriesโ€ as an important component to his success was laid out in a three minute introductory video Earthquakes and Electro Magnetic Waves:

Earthquakes and Electromagnetic Waves Reloaded (odysee.com)

It should also be noted that this was not Hoogerbeetsโ€™ first successful forecast.

On February 2, 2023, the SSGEOS published that there was โ€œpotential for stronger seismic activity in or near the purple band (indicating the east side of South America) in 1-6 days.โ€ This warning was followed by a February 5, 2023 5.6 magnitude earthquake that struck Cuiquimbo Chile.

On January 29, 2023, SSGEOS predicted stronger seismic activity in an area which he outlined on a map as southern China and northern India. This was followed within a day by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake that hit southern Xinjiang.

Since setting up the SSGEOS in 2014, Hoogerbeets and his team have made hundreds of successful forecasts which stand in loud contrast to their mainstream rivals whose commitment to statistical probability theory, and linear computer modeling have resulted in dismal failure consistently for decades.

What sets Hoogerbeets apart from the statisticians who have come to dominate the field of seismology is simply his emphasis upon the electro-magnetic, chemical, and galactic properties of earthโ€™s dynamics.

Unlike the modern โ€œseismologistsโ€ who assert that everyone must adhere to the absurd โ€œelastic rebound theoryโ€, which presupposes the sole cause of earthquakes is located within tectonic plates and gravitational forces, those scientists who make successful predictions in this contentious field choose instead to focus on the electromagnetic properties of the earth and broader solar system (and galaxy) shaping the earthโ€™s environment.

As Hoogerbeets states:

โ€œBased on our research, it appears that gravity is not responsible for larger earthquakes at the time of critical planetary and lunar geometry.

The most likely force acting on Earthโ€™s crust at the time of critical geometry is electromagnetic.

This could also explain the lightning in Earthโ€™s atmosphere prior to larger earthquakes which could be the result of atmospheric forcing induced by electrogmagnetic charge from critical geometry between celestial bodies in the solar system.โ€

Throughout Hoogerbeetsโ€™ writings and educational videos, the Dutch forecaster explains that space between planets and between stars is not empty but permeated by subtle but efficient magnetic fields, and electric currents which feed into each of the planets, moons, and sun.

The analogue used for this process is not a computer model with abstract notions of โ€œgravitational forces pulling on objects within empty spaceโ€ as is so often the case, but rather an electrical process with the sun acting as a form of dynamo and the planets acting as both antennas that simultaneously receive, transform, and emit signals according to certain specific wavelengths.

Quoting RCA Radio Engineer John Nelson whose 1500 atmospheric condition forecasts in the 1960s were made with a 95.2 percent accuracy, Hoogerbeets wrote:

โ€œThe similarity between an electrical generator with its carefully placed magnets and the sun with its ever-changing planets is intriguing.

In the generator, the magnets are fixed and produce a constant electrical current.

If we consider that the planets are magnets and the sun is the armature, we have a considerable similarity to the generatorโ€

This property of the planets and moons within the solar system was confirmed by the Voyager and Cassini satellites which recorded specific EM waves emitted from all planets ranging from radio wave, microwave, infrared, and even smaller wavelengths.

It was also outlined beautifully by Safire project lead scientist Dr. Michael Clarage in his recent 16 minute video, โ€œFunction in the Cosmosโ€

Michael Clarage: Function in the Cosmos | Thunderbolts โ€“ YouTube

Admittedly, what causes the EM emissions/absorption between planets is not understood. Also not fully understood is how these emissions influence activity both within the atmosphere, ionosphere of the earth โ€” not to mention the deep crust, mantle, and core of the earth. Humans have, after all only pierced 16 km through the 60 km crust and have no direct knowledge of the mantle or lower.

Despite our ignorance of so much, we do know some things about the magnetic fields and resonances within our solar system, and simply acknowledging this reality and its influence on the affairs of earth is itself the first step to making a discoveryโ€ฆ which is more than can be said of the standard theory gatekeepers attempting to keep new discoveries from emerging.

Core Precursors to a Science of Earthquake Forecasting

One of the factors which appear to be playing a much larger role within the science of earthquakes involves the chemical secretions of elements like radon from ground water near earthquake epicenters days and hours before and after an event.

What causes the release of radon is still unknown but this was what technician Gianpalo Giuliani was looking at when he predicted a 2009 earthquake that would strike lโ€™Aqila Italy days later.

Another particularly important variable in earthquake forecasting involves the behavior of the large layer of ionised plasma surrounding the earth beginning at 40 miles and stretching to 600 miles above the surface.

This zone is called the ionosphere and is replete with electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules driven by the constant fluxes of radiation (mostly UV and Xray) emitted by the sun, but also influenced by the EM pulses of other planets within the electrical circuit that is our solar system.

As Sergey Pulinets described in his Principles of Organizing Earth Quake Forecasting based on Multi Parameter Sensors (October 16, 2020): โ€œIn the case of ionospheric precursors, the precursorโ€ฆ manifests itself in the form of a strong positive variation of the electron concentration over the earthquake preparation zoneโ€

In the relatively recent case of the deadly magnitude 9.1 earthquake that struck Japan, it resulted in the tsunami that smashed into the Japanese coast in March 2011 killing over 20,000 and leaving $38 billion in damage in its wake.

As can be seen in the graphic below, this tragedy would have been entirely forecastable had anyone looked at the spike in electron density in the ionosphere above the epicenter which began eleven days prior to the disaster as demonstrated during a forensic analysis by Chinese researcher Fuying Zhu at the Wuhan Institute of Seismology in August 2011.

Another study conducted by Japanese seismologist Kosuke Heki not only substantiated Zhuโ€™s findings but went further back and found the same electron fluxes in the ionosphere days before the 2010 magnitude 8.8 earthquake struck Chile killing 524 people and prior to the 8.3 Hokkaido earthquake in 1994.

In 2011, a team of researchers began pouring over data accumulated by the DEMETER satellite which was the most advanced satellite designed to trace earthquake precursors from space while it was operational between 2004-2010.

The researchers were looking for any electromagnetic anomalies that would have given the government of Haiti time to foresee the 7.0 earthquake that took the lives 250,000 people on January 12, 2010.

The team published a paper on their findings where they wrote:

โ€œOne day (11 January 2010) before the earthquake there is a significant enhancement of electron density and electron temperature near the epicenterโ€ฆ Statistical processing of the DEMETER data demonstrates that satellite data can play an important role for the study of precursory phenomena associated with earthquakes.โ€

As is the case in most instances of electromagnetic/chemical precursors, the project had no budget to pay for any staff to analyse the data in real time, and thus nothing was seen or done.

Earlier work on successful forecasting which turns the supposed rules of โ€˜elastic rebound theoryโ€™ upside down include the work of Stanford electrical engineer Dr. Antony Frasier Smith who accurately forecast a Magnitude 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area California two weeks before it struck on October 17, 1989.

Dr. Frasier-Smith had installed sensors near the eventual epicenter of the quake which noticed a 20-fold spike in ultra low frequency (ULF) radio waves 14 days before the shock, and which rose to a 60-fold spike above average three hours prior to the event.

Similar precursors were observed by researchers in Armenia before a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in December 1988 and again days prior to a magnitude 8.0 earthquake in Guam in August 1993.

Inspired by Dr. Fraser-Smithโ€™s 1989 forecast in California, a scientist named Tom Bleier set up Quake Finder in Palo Alto California in 2000 which currently oversees a network of 125 magnetometers around the San Andreas Fault which makes up the massive earthquake dense zone called the Ring of Fire stretching from Japan around Russia, Alaska and the western coast of the Americas.

Working with a group called โ€˜Stellar Solutionsโ€™, Bleierโ€™s team has spent 20 years accumulating evidence of similar precursors that have occurred before dozens of small to medium earthquakes.

Another team of researchers took Frasier-Smithโ€™s insights and reviewed the case of the massive Taiwanese earthquake of September 22, 1999 that resulted in 2500 deaths and $300 billion of damages.

Not only did this team discover the ULF signals days in advance, but also found multiple points of connection to solar wind streams that accompanied those ultra low radio emissions that emerged from at least 8 km below the earthโ€™s surface.

Another electromagnetic precursor that has borne fruit has been infrared emissions which also spike prior to large earthquakes. This was observed  by NASAโ€™s Terra Earth Observing satellite on January 21, 2001 which caught such โ€œthermal anomaliesโ€ in Gujarat India five days prior to a 7.7 magnitude earthquake that killed over 20,000 civilians and destroyed 350,000 buildings.

This anomaly disappeared immediately after the quake ended.

As can be seen in the image below, the magnitude 9.3 earthquake/tsunami that killed 228,000 people in Sumatra, Indonesia on December 26, 2004 was preceded by an anomalous spike in infrared radiation five full days before the tragedy.

Unfortunately due to the dismissal of this entire field of science as โ€œfringeโ€ heresy, these precursors are either not listened to, OR they were only discovered AFTER the disasters struck as no financial resources were made available to staff the facilities needed to interpret the data in real time.

There are many more cases of earthquake forecasting which could have been raised that take into account all those parameters mentioned above and more.

Keplerian Roots of Modern Forecasting

It is important to hold in mind that this is not a new or โ€˜fringeโ€™ field that emerged in recent history, but goes back literally millennia. Perhaps the earliest outline of planetary geometries and harmonics playing a direct role upon the material conditions of nature on earth was developed in the Timaeus dialogue by Plato in 360 BCE.

While the Pythagorean study of the harmony of the spheres and the lives of humans remained in the realm of philosophy for two millennia after the Timaeus was written, it was the scientist Johannes Kepler who first established an actual science of astrophysics and planetary forecasting with his Mysterium Cosmographicum (1594), followed by his New Astronomy (1609) and culminated in his Harmonies of the World (1619).

It was in this last work which saw Kepler consummate 30 years of research on the Pythagorean hypothesis and shaped his famous third law (aka: harmonic law) of planetary motion.

In Book 4, Chapter 7 of the Harmonies of the World, Kepler writes:

โ€œThe view that there is some soul of the whole universe, directing the motions of the stars, the generation of the elements, the conservation of living creatures and plants, and finally the mutual sympathy of things above and below, is defended from the Pythagorean beliefs by Timeaus of Locri in Platoโ€ฆ a Christian can easily understand by the Platonic mind, God the Creator and by the soul, the nature of thingsโ€ [p. 358]

Kepler worked through several chapters outlining the planetary and lunar geometries (which he dubbed โ€˜aspectsโ€™) that conform to visual harmonies in the form of archetypal angles generated from elementary polygons.

Those elementary geometries include, but are not limited to triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons and octagons as well as the internal angles generated from these shapes. With this accomplished in book three of his Harmonies, Kepler outlined a set of angles that define specific quantized states using the earthโ€™s relationship to various planets, the moon, and the sun.

Kepler was no numerologist and recognized that numbers were not self-contained causes but rather the effect of those archetypical shapes that permeated all physical space-time. For example, numbers like 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 would be expressed by the elementary shapes (triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, octagon) that can then be combined into the five Platonic Solids and 13 Archimedean polyhedra.

When nested into each other, these Platonic solids determine a set of proportions which Kepler used to guide 30 years of research into the causes for the positions of the planets around the sun which he also speculated was moved by an electric fluid within his New Astronomy[1].

Internal angles contained within the elementary shapes are also treated as properties of qualities rather than self-contained quantities. For example: Squares generate internal angles of 90, while triangles feature internal angles of 60 and 120 degrees. Pentagons generate internal angles of 135 and 72 degrees while hexagons generate internal angles of 120 and 60 etc.

In his Harmonies of the World, Kepler demonstrates the musical proportions of these numbers as functions of resonance/consonances demonstrating a model of the solar system built on the well-tempered musical scales featuring both major and minor modes.

Within Book Four of the Harmonies, Kepler breaks from the astrologers and statisticians dominating the โ€˜standard modelsโ€™ of his day by outlining various verifiable weather phenomena that coincide with these โ€œaspectsโ€ saying:

โ€œI was moved to thatโ€ฆ only and solely by observation of the weather and study of the aspects by which it is excited.

For I saw that with great consistency the state of the atmosphere was disturbed whenever planets were either in conjunction or configured in the aspects commonly spoken of by the astrologers.

I saw that there was generally calm in the atmosphere if few or no aspects occurred or if they were quickly completed or concluded.

Indeed I considered that this business should not be considered so lightly as the common herd of forecasters usually does.โ€

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here canadianpatriot.org

Header image: nagalandpost.com

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Comments (3)

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    Some very good points raised. I especially appreciate your laying-out of the built-in contradiction of โ€œperfect predictabilityโ€ & โ€œperfect randomnessโ€. I personally believe there are various third points of view that link those two opposites.


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    What about buildings to withstand earthquakes? Apparently Turkey introduced new regulations but they have been ignored and builders allowed to pay for avoiding regulations. It was reported that 75,000 new buildings do not comply.


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    In 1980, my place of employment near Los Angeles had an earthquake preparedness person come in to speak to us on what to do in an event. It boiled down to โ€˜save yourselvesโ€™, nothing you can do for patients. He also stated that โ€˜theyโ€™ (government) would know a few days, minimum, ahead of time that a large earthquake was coming but they would tell โ€˜no oneโ€™. Why? He asked us to imagine the panic that would ensue: all roads & freeways clogged with vehicles of people trying to get out, supermarkets inundated & looted of food (we know now that toilet paper would disappear 1st๐Ÿ˜) โ€“ you can imagine the rest. And itโ€™s fact, not fiction that this is exactly what would take place. So forcasting an earthquake to the populace would be inconceivable. However, practical things could be made ready such as being prepared on an instants notice to shut down utilities, limit fires.
    What I wonder is this: if they do in fact put the number of satellites predicted in these pages into space, does that change anything as far as the frequencies between planets noted in this article? Does it change the geometry ? And a question on earthquakes: the ones that appear to be caused by frackingโ€ฆare these different in any way from others or โ€˜coincidence โ€˜๐Ÿค”


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