The A.I. Transhumanism Occult Trap and the Way Out
In this video, Bernhard Guenther discusses the A.I. Transhumanism Occult Trap and what we can do about it. It is clear we live in the digital age of information and A.I. has already taken over many tasks and there have been numerous attempts to merge man and machine.
While technology has many benefits and positive aspects anyone with common sense can see the immense dangerous of the A.I. and Transhumanism agenda. From an occult, spiritual perspective this agenda can further entrap humanity and diminish the soul.
From a bigger picture, matrix perspective the long rate agenda is the full takeover of the physical vehicle by occult hyperdimensional hostile forces, priming and genetically modifying human bodies through medical treatment, hormone therapy and much more. This is a program of hybridisation which is priming humanity’s transmutation into shell vehicles for hyperdimensional possession.
As Guenther himself said: “We are being lured with the counterfeit of what we are actually yearning for, which is the Divine and true soul being within us to come more forward. The looming age of A.I. and Transhumanism will be a battle over our souls, as it already is. It will change the world and humanity in unimaginable ways. It will overtake most people, for we are not ready for it based on humans’ average level of being [soul embodiment].
Keep in mind that the vast majority of Big Tech players and A.I./Transhumanism proponents and developers are materialists who do not recognize a spiritual reality, let alone a soul or the Divine. They are the atheist black magicians who want to “play God.”
Most “regular” people do not have the soul capacity, emotional, psychological, and spiritual intelligence to handle this technology with a conscience but are driven by a mechanical attachment to conditioned desires, stuck in materialism, addicted to pleasure, dopamine, and physical appearance – as opposed to healthy grounded conscious holistic self-care of body, mind, and soul.
If you are not actively engaged in psychological and spiritual self-work to uncover the truth of your being and grow your soul (making it the master of your life instead of letting your conditioned wounded ego personality run the show), you’ll be more vulnerable to this deception and take-over….”
The negative aspects of A.I. and Transhumanism sneak themselves into our lives through cultural and social trends. A recent example of this is the hype about the Lanza A.I. app where many people jumped in and swapped their real profile pictures for A.I. generated images. Even people who speak out against the Great Reset, Transhumanism and the A.I. takeover have taken the bait.
Lisa Renee explains this perfectly: “Transhumanism is a school of thought that seeks to guide us toward a posthuman condition. Essentially, this is about creating artificially intelligent hybrids or cyborgs to replace the organic spiritual consciousness of humans.
Most of these options are designed to disconnect the human soul from the human body and prepare the body to be used as a shell for a new host. Effectively, this is integrating technological and pharmaceutical hybridization to damage human DNA, as preparation for body snatching.”
Humanity is slowly being conditioned and programmed under the pretence of fun to identify more with a virtual version of themselves. This means humanity gets more disembodied and this collective state of disassociation is the perfect entry point for other forces to come in and we can see this with the rise of the Metaverse and VR.
Many occult aspects to A.I. need careful consideration and it is already changing us and the idea of beauty has already become more artificial. This has become normalised and is based on unconscious trauma responses built into us.
This is essentially MK Ultra mind programming happening on a mass scale but the takeover will not happened by force. The adverse occult forces understand the universal law that they need your consent to get you into an entrapment of agreement.
Source: YouTube
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“occult hyperdimensional hostile forces”
If that is acceptable, then anything I’ve ever said is completely sane also. Therefore:
People can believe what they like. The body does not belong to the person living the life. It’s certainly a vehicle, but not for control by mortals. Humanity is playing the part as directed, but things will be suspended when the time is right. Shhh! You know who…
John Thomas Bakkila
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You need to get out more.
Get some fresh air, or something.
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You don’t know, what…. you don’t know…….