Attention To All Our Newsletter Email Subscribers


As some of you know, we use Google’s Feedburner to send out our daily newsletter. We have discontinued that service and are providing instructions on how to sign up for our new newsletter service. So why?

Given Google hasn’t updated Feedburner since they bought it in the mid-aughts, refuses to fix the many bugs, and hasn’t improved it in over 10 years, we’ve decided to use the newsletter service for your daily digest of each day’s posts.

The daily digest culls each day’s articles and provides them to you in one tidy email at the end of the day (5 pm EST, varies based on your location) or you can choose to get notified as soon as a post is published.

Due to various legal and tech reasons, we can’t export and import your email addresses into this new system. You must sign up again using the form in the sidebar. ↗️

Unless you sign up, you won’t receive the newsletter moving forward. Please check your spam folder!!!

You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of the newsletter or change how often you get them under Manage Subscriptions. From there, you can change the delivery from Instant, Daily, or Weekly.

This is all managed by, which is integrated with our site.

Hopefully, the transition will go over smoothly. The emails will look a little different and we’ll be working on any bugs that may arise.

Please use our contact form if you have any issues. The new RSS feed can be found here for persons using an RSS reader.

Remember, you must sign-up again if you wish to get the newsletter.

We apologize for the inconvenience but realize this is the best path forward as we continue to grow and need to rely on products that will be kept up to date.

Please Donate Below To Support Our Ongoing Work To Defend The Scientific Method

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (6)

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    Phil Palij


    So glad you are getting off the Google feedburner.

    Bearing in mind your content I have been surprised your emails have been getting through at all. In fact stopping email newsletters slowly over time from websites and causes Google and the Silicon Valley Mafia doesn’t like is a classic way of strangling them. And then of course there is Big Brother Google blocking your domain from its servers – protecting you from nasty horrible facts…

    Well done, I hope to start receiving PSI newsletters again soon


    PS Is anyone building a network that doesn’t touch or pass through the Silicon Valley/CIA/MI6/GCHQ/5EYES hubs? Just thinking out loud.


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    Cheers, John. Best of luck with the new service.


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    I thought the meaning of digest was one email with the new articles listed in it, but so far it has been many emails a day – I hope you can get this fixed and soon, as I love your site and articles.


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      Please go to the bottom of the email and click Manage Subscriptions (see instructions in post above). From there, you can change it to Instant, Daily (what you want), or Weekly. Thanks, Tom


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    John Doran


    Pleased to hear this fine site is determined to improve and prosper.


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    K Kaiser


    Dear John,
    Best wishes for the change and thanks for your all your good work!


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