James Webb Telescope Proves Stephen Hawking’s Multiverse Theory!

james webb image

Professor Stephen Hawking might have died before the James Webb Space Telescope finally launched.

Still, due to the vast space legacy of the late physicist, many hours of the new space telescope will be dedicated to proving some of his theories!

One of such theories is the very last one Hawking worked on before his death, in which he argued about a multiverse theory that implies an exact copy of you existed in a parallel universe!

The idea that there can be copies of you means there can be copies of everything you know of, including a copy of this planet or this star of the solar system or the whole Milky Way galaxy all can be duplicated in the multiverse.

What is the multiverse theory, and will the James Webb Space Telescope finally prove Stephen Hawking’s multiverse theory? WATCH:

h/t TR

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Comments (11)

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    jerry Krause


    Hi Future Unity and PSI Editor,

    Have no idea who Future Unity might be but I do expect that a PSI Editor should be reading this comment.

    I read: “many hours of the new space telescope will be dedicated to proving some of his theories!”

    PSI has published several articleS by Nobel Prize Winning SCIENTISTS who purposefully state that Accepted SCIENTIFIC IDEAS are uncertain and NEVER CAN BE PROVEN TO BE CORRECT. That only WRONG SCIENTIFIC IDEAS can be proven to be wrong by observations (measurements) which contradict accepted predictions of some SCIENTIFIC IDEA.

    Please, specifically list Hawking’s predictions which might be proven wrong by what might be observed NOW that was not observable before!!!

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Carl Sagan is dead. Hawkins is dead. Jesus Christ is risen. Hallelujah!

    Don’t waste your life on theories. Grasp the truth of the Bible. The eternal truth!


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      Ed, well said.


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    Zoe Phin


    lol. yeah sure. and what are these multiverses contained in?


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    Eric the Red


    Utter BS. As with any other organized body of knowledge, confirmation bias is always an inherent aspect which must be carefully guarded against. In the case of science, confirmation bias creeps in via the design criteria of the instruments intended to perform experiments, then also appears further down the line when the collected data is subject to analysis.

    By the very nature of the paradigm, multiverses can neither be proven nor disproven. Without such falsification criteria, multiverses do not even qualify as science.

    More than ever before, I am convinced that the primary political ideological paradigm of this current age, has infected each and every aspect of society, including science. And by “infected”, I mean to its detriment. Because of this political ideology (call it what you will, I refuse to argue with you), we are witnessing the destruction of western civilization right before our eyes, the degradation of everything that once made it great.

    It looks like people, including those who publish this article, are totally unable to wake up and notice the mental ideological crap in which their thoughts are swimming. I don’t understand such hypnosis, and I am disgusted to see such obliviousness be the cause of civilization swirling down the toilet.


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      Peter Connett


      Although western civilization has been derailed by this “infection” you speak of, we, who are aware need to take full advantage of the peak prosperity conditions that it still affords us.

      almost everything is still cheap, delivered and available. It is an imperative for me to enjoy it as long as it lasts. The longer the flush takes the better. Because I for one am getting the most out of life each day.

      Live for the moment, the here and now, because in the end that’s what matters the most. That and positive vibrations.

      Self sufficiency, self proficiency and self development. The rest is just here today gone tomorrow. .

      Put another way…

      We might be going to hell in a bucket baby,

      At least I’m enjoying the ride!


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        Eric the Red


        Yeah, hedonism is a sorry old story…. good luck with yours.


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    I lean more towards the universe being governed by electricity. All matter congregates on electrical filaments and the inflation is merely the adjustment for equilibrium. Electricity is the foundation for everything from particle interactions to our cells, yet major physics theories rarely, if ever, include it.
    Besides that, I heavily suspect that the James Webb is actually pointed at us instead of space.


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    Herb Rose


    Matter is rare in the universe and yet with these powerful telescopes the smaller an area you look at, the more objects you see. This is because light does not travel in straight lines but continually bends as it travels through electric and magnetic fields of varying strengths. Light will continue to travel until the disturbance is absorbed by an object, which is why the longer infrared and radio waves are more prevalent in space even though they have less energy than shorter wavelengths. The images appearing in the telescopes actually come from a much greater area than the arc being looked at and are actually multiple images of the same objects at different times of their lives. The light emitted by these objects take circuitous routes and different amounts of time to arrive at the telescope. The telescopes are not looking back in time. it is like they are looking at a group of photographs of several people at different times in their lives and thinking each photograph is of a different person.


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    There is No telescope!!! All the images are computer graphics!! Lies, lies, lies…


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    Have any of you asked the question: Where does the light with which we see the colored cloud come from. For it is common knowledge that dust clouds have no light of their own? Or, have anyone of you answered this question..

    My answer is: The source of the light is the billions upon billions of stars that was easily observed every cloudless night before light pollution–the Milky Way or its counter part looking back toward the earth.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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