The Younger Dryas Impact & History’s Untold Lost Civilisations
TNT Radio presenter and South African podcaster, Jeremy Nell, engages in a controversial and thought-provoking podcast discussion with Younger Dryas impact theorist, Ben van Kirkwyk. Catch the full 90-minute interview below.
Kirkwyk is one among a growing number of researchers intrigued about the possibility that our current civilisation is merely one of many iterations lost in time, wiped out by cataclysmic natural disasters, including the Clovis comet event:
“The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis or Clovis comet hypothesis posits that fragments of a large, disintegrating asteroid or comet struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia around 12,850 years ago, coinciding with the beginning of the Younger Dryas cooling event.” Wikipedia
BEN VAN KIRKWYK explains in the podcast:
“Unique amongst ancient megalithic sites, the twin locations of Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, located high on the Altiplano of Bolivia, represent an enduring mystery for the history of human civilizations. The true age of these ruins has always been a controversial topic, and the man responsible for 50 years of primary excavation and research here, Professor Arthur Posnansky, used a multi-disciplinary approach to conclude that they originated more than 10,000 years ago. Unsurprisingly, this date is dismissed by mainstream archaeology -but just how valid is this dismissal? And what is the evidence behind the claims?”
Watch the full Bitchute video below:
Kirkwyk details his analysis on his blog and his discussion with Jeremy Nell in the Jerm Warfare podcast makes fascinating viewing. Check out more such thought-provoking interviews at Jerm Warfare.
Also, catch Jeremy’s regular show on the fast-growing news talk station, TNT Radio:
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Joseph Olson
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“Nice ruins” graffiti left in Serdad Tomb at Saqqara, Egypt by Greek tourist in 1232 BC
More recent graffiti in America, “Beware of Greeks bearing Trojans”
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Perhaps watch this video by ‘Diamond’ too, about “Cosmic Climate Catastrophe – The Great Year – Sacred Geometry – Hidden History. The end of the world”.
It shows the last 15 civilizations wiped from the planet and covers the Younger Dryas, plus others.
D. Boss
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Graham Hancock has been speaking and writing about this for a long time, and he presents it in this interview, and in his latest book: (GRAHAM HANCOCK – AMERICA BEFORE: THE KEY TO EARTH’S LOST CIVILIZATION)
Jerry Krause
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Hi John O’ and PSI Readers,
You wrote: “Kirkwyk is one among a growing number of researchers intrigued about the possibility that our current civilisation is merely one of many iterations lost in time, wiped out by cataclysmic natural disasters, including the Clovis comet event:” And I read in your short article: ““Unique amongst ancient megalithic sites, the twin locations of Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, located high on the Altiplano of Bolivia, represent an enduring mystery for the history of human civilizations.” (BEN VAN KIRKWYK)
This comment is draw attention to the even more recent history of the Stonehenge. ( As I just reviewed the history of this essay I was happy to find that James McGinn’s and my comments are still included. If one goes to this link, one will find that no one besides James McGinn made a comment. For the topic of our comments still have not be resolved. And as I read what current archeologists are writing about Stonehenge, I am amazed that what R.J.C. Atkinson wrote in STONEHENGE (1956) seems to being totally ignored just as what James wrote still seems being ignored. “Misinformation and blatant pseudoscience is thick in all of the natural sciences. PSI can pretend to be holy than thou, but it is thick with a lot of the same pretentious rhetoric, selective observation, and phoney experts as are the rest of the natural sciences. At the root of it all is a brain-dead, artificially simplistic understanding of H2O. And the silence of fools.”
Maybe James is a bit harsh and it is a fact James and I have had many disagreeable discussions. But a fact is I finally have begun to see what his point is. However, I am not sure that James has yet seen how simple our understanding of H2O can be.
All history is critically important because it is FACT. For “Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku, located high on the Altiplano of Bolivia, represent an enduring mystery for the history of human civilizations.” It need not be any more a mystery than what Atkinson wrote.
Have a good day, Jerry
Charles Higley
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One problem with the Younger Dryas story above is that massive asteroid impact(s) would have warmed the planet, melting the glacial ice, and storing lots of heat in the resulting deeper oceans while also changing the planet’s albedo.
Then, as the glacial period was not over, the temperature dropped again over 100s of years and then there was warming as the planet naturally armed into the present Interglacial.
The assumption that there was a nuclear winter after the impact ignores the enormous amount of heat involved and would mean that the present interglacial period is abnormally long and we should be back by now to glacial conditions. However, realizing that the impact(s) heated the planet, which then took a long time to cool again, and then we warmed naturally, makes the current interglacial normal and just about over.
They have the Younger Dryas backward. And the huge temperature swings are most likely what decimated the larger land mammals, as they spread north with the warming and then could not retreat fast enough as temperatures dropped again. This would put many such species under great stress.
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It depends on what type of Asteroid, doesn’t it? Think of a giant ice ball with near absolute zero temperatures striking somewhere between Siberia and Alaska smashing the land bridge and freezing millions of animals instantly. It would also cover the Northern hemisphere with massive glaciers.
Normal winter temperatures cannot freeze a mammoth so that the meat can be eaten thousands of years later. That is impossible.