Know Your Fats & Oils

Fats are the major constituent of all cell membranes in the body. They are our most concentrated
energy source and help protect against invading allergens, bacteria, and viruses. In fact, fats provide
many life supporting functions.

These include:
Carry and store fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K for healthy skin, reproduction, and
blood clotting
Assist the body in utilizing the B vitamins for digestion, nerve health, energy, and mental well-
Activate the flow of bile from the gall bladder
Elevate calcium levels in the bloodstream and transport it to the tissues for strong bones and
cramp-free muscles
Help the body conserve protein to rebuild vital tissues
Assist in maintaining normal temperatures
Insulate and cushion the vital organs, nerves, and muscles against shock, heat, and cold
Seal in moisture for healthier skin, hair, and nails
Supply pregnant and nursing women with extra reserves and good milk
Protect the cells against invading bacterial and viral infections
Are necessary for hormone production, including sex hormones
Fats, oils, and fat-like substances such as cholesterol and butterfat in mothers milk are also known as
lipids. Lipids became major topics in the 90s, yet there is still a tremendous amount of confusion,
misinformation and suppression of accurate information about this complex subject. Perhaps,
because sickness care and medication for their related illnesses are big business. In addition, this
problem has been exacerbated by the giant edible oil industry, whose main objective is to promote
their highly refined, commercial products.
All fats are mixtures of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in
different proportions.
Fatty acids are basically chains of carbon atoms that have an acid attached to one end with hydrogen
atoms attached to the rest of the carbon atoms. They come in different lengths ranging from three
carbons long (propionic acid) to 24 carbons long (lignoceric acid).

Saturates are short chain fatty acids with an adequate number of hydrogen atoms and no double
bonds within the chain. They are chemically stable and solid at room temperature.

Omega-9 Monounsaturates are medium chain fatty acids that are missing two hydrogens. In place of
the two hydrogens, the adjacent carbons “double” bond to each other in a natural curved “cis”
configuration. Their presence produces a liquid oil at room temperature.

Omega-6 Polyunsatrates and Omega-3 Super Polyunsaturates” are long chain fatty acids that are
missing 4 or more hydrogen atoms and contain more than one double bond between carbon atoms in
their chain. They are more unstable than the monounsaturated fatty acid, easily damaged during
heating, and remain liquid. Omega-3 Super Polyunsaturates have fewer hydrogen atoms and are thus,
more fluid than the regular Omega-6 Polyunsaturates.


Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats, much like amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
Of 20 specific fatty acid used by the human body to function normally, only two cannot be
manufactured by the body. Thus, they are called Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and must be obtained in
proper balance through diet or supplements. These two EFAs are Omega-3 Alpha-Linolenic Acid
(ALA) and Omega-6 Linoleic Acid (LA).

EPA and DHA are derivatives of ALA, which are converted in the correct proportions at the right time,
for their vital functions.

Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) is a derivative of LA, GLA can sometimes mimic and augment the
effects of Omega-3 fatty acids within the body. It is found in high quantities in evening primrose oil.
Arachidonic acid (ARA) another derivative LA, is the precursor of prostaglandins and involved in the
inflammation process.

Other fats, such as Omega-9 Oleic Acid/Monounsaturated fats and Saturated fats are nonessential
fatty acids (NEFA) because they can be produced by the body, provided the EFAs are present.
In their book, “Omega-3 Oils: A Practical Guide,” Donald Rudin, MD and Clara Felix point out that
most Omega-3 studies are based on fish oil.

However, in Dr. Rudins own studies, he found better results with flaxseed oil. This is because flaxseed oil starts with the plant form of ALA (alpha linolenic acid), whereas fish oil contains the animal form, EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid).

The body makes its own EPA and DHA through enzyme conversions from ALA. Although some claim that the amount of DHA made is small, the body doesn’t need much DHA. Most DHA is contained in cell membranes, and is held there with little replacement.

In contrast, ALA and compounds made from it are also needed in the body for a vast number of essential functions. Fish oil cannot provide ALA, and therefore deprives the consumer of this critical

Because of biochemical individuality some people are parasympathetic dominant. These people and
others who have a defect, depriving the body of making the enzymatic conversion from ALA, the
animal source of Omega3 may be a better option. If unsure, it is best to provide both vegetable and
animal sources of Omega-3.

According to Dr. Mercola, Krill oil is superior over fish oil because it also contains vitamins E, A, D, and astaxanthin, which is a potent antioxidant. Research has shown that antioxidant potency of krill oil is, in terms of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values, 48 times more potent that fish oil.
The EFAs are one of the basic food groups that are necessary for life.

Yet surveys have shown that over 60 percent of the North American population is deficient in EFAs, especially Omega-3 (ALA). Similar statistics exist in the UK, Australian, New Zealand, and the Pacific region where the fast/junk food diet has been adopted. The EFAs are vital for normal brain development and function from conception to death.

Omega-3 deficiencies are linked to decreased memory and mental abilities, depression, tingling sensation of the nerves, poor vision, increased tendency to form blood clots, diminished immune function, increased triglycerides and cholesterol (LDL) levels, impaired membrane function, hypertension, irregular heart beat, learning disorders, menopausal discomfort, itchiness on the front of the lower leg(s), infertility, and growth retardation in infants, children and pregnant women.

Consumption of these EFAs in balance are a major factor in creating beauty. Prior to WW11, most
pregnant women and childrens diets were relatively free of damaged fats/oils and supplemented with
cod liver oil to provide the EFAs. Old movies and photographs clearly reveal the beautiful bone
structures, teeth, and body shapes these people developed as a results.

In contrast, deficiencies of EFAs within one generation started to produce deformities such as narrow foreheads, faces, and dental arches, along with stunted growth. The benefits of EFAs and defects from deficiencies of EFAs are also clearly evidenced in the invaluable book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” by Weston A. Price, DDS.

Omega 3 fat and its derivative, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), contained in breast milk, is vital to an infants ability to form myelin – a specialized membrane that protects the nerves. It is also essential for normal development of the central nervous system and brain. When an infant is fed a formula devoid the EFAs, or a nursing mother is deficient in the EFAs, premature births are more prevalent and the childs nervous and immune systems may never fully develop.

Their IQ is also significantly lower.

These conditions are common among consumers living on junk food diets and extreme vegetarian
diets, which are EFA deficient. Sadly, these deficiencies can cause mental retardation or a lifetime of
unexplained emotional, learning, or immune system disorders.

I believe children with EFAs deficiencies are the ones most vulnerable when vaccinated, thereby making them more susceptible to ADHD, retardation, and behavioural problems. Studies have shown these children have an altered fatty acid metabolism.

An EFAs deficiency could be the determining factor for why some children are damaged from vaccination toxicity (e.g. adjuncts), while others are not. Fats also provide protection from viral and bacterial infections.

The best insurance a mother can provide for her baby is to consume a sufficient amount of quality EFAs in balance before, during, and after her pregnancy while nursing. Plus, a child should be nourished with the EFAs in balance throughout its development.

Parents should also learn about the pros and cons of vaccinations from independent sources. EFAs ARE CRITICAL TO THYROID FUNCTION AND THE MANUFACTURE OF PROSTAGLANDINS EFAs are critical to thyroid function and required for receptor function. EFAs, especially Omega-3s, improve the efficiency of hormones on the receptors sites. The same mechanism takes place with other hormonal functions of the ovaries, testes, pineal, and adrenal glands.

One of the most important roles of EFAs is in the manufacture of prostaglandins, which are hormone-
like compounds that regulate every function in the human body at the molecular level. Each cell
needs a daily amount of EFAs in balance to produce prostaglandins because the body does not store
them. Prostaglandins regulate the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems.

Prostaglandins also:
Improve brain function including mood, intelligence, and behavior
Alleviate depression
Function as an anti-inflammatory catalyst in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases
Inhibit cancer cell growth
Control yeast infections and improve intestinal flora
Promote more effective insulin utilization in diabetes
Reduce risk factors in heart disease, lower serum cholesterol and triglycerides, reduce the risk of
thrombosis, and lower blood pressure
• Enhance the functioning of T-suppressor lymphocytes that defend the body from invading
bacteria and viruses
Promote faster healing and recovery
Alleviate asthma, allergies, and symptoms of PMS.
Clear many skin ailments like eczema, psoriasis, and acne
Help to increase the metabolism and loose weight more easily
Improve vision
increase oxygen uptake, energy production, performance, and stamina
Improve glandular and organ function, including liver, kidneys, adrenal, and thyroid
Produce healthier babies and improved digestion during pregnancy

For all their value, EFAs cannot do their job alone. To be effective they must bind with protein to form
lipoproteins before the body can assimilate them. Therefore, EFAs and proteins should be consumed
at the same meal in the proper ratios, along with a daily exposure of full-spectrum light. See “LIGHT, The Ignored Nutrient” by Lady Carla Davis, MPH, Issue #1, The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine and
LIGHT: A Vital Nutrient” by this author at

Since 1900, Omega-6 consumption has increased by about 20 times the previous levels, primarily
because of increased use of highly refined vegetable oils and partially hydrogenated oils in food
preparation. However, Omega-3s are now only 1/6 of previous levels.

Excessive consumption of Omega-6 fatty acids can interfere with the absorption of Omega-3 fatty acids and promote tumour growth. Compounding this problem is the high consumption of sugar, drugs, caffeine, tobacco,alcohol, GMOs, chemicals (e.g. glyphosate), pharmaceuticals, and fluoride, which block EFA enzyme systems and disrupt their conversion to prostaglandins.

The type of fats that humans have consumed for millennia, were almost naturally balanced between
stable saturated animal sources and undamaged EFA from a diet that included wild game and
seafood. In the tropics, fat sources came from the coconut, palm fruit, and seafood. Hence, they did
not cause the health problems that the damaged fats/oils, now being used in most processed/prepared
food products and fast food restaurants, do.

Saturated fats supply the stable Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) found butter, coconuts, coconut
oil, macadamia, and palm kernel oils. They are beneficial for premature infants, burn victims, those
with Crohns disease, and cancer patients.

These fats are not metabolized through the intestinal tract like regular fats and oils, but in the liver like carbohydrates. They facilitate the absorption of minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and essential fatty acids. MCTs are especially good for athletes, because they deliver more energy than glucose.

Dietary fatty acids are available from two basic sources: animal and vegetable. It is important to
ensure that they are not damaged. Below are some of the main sources:


Animal sources: Pork, lamb, beef and fats (lard, tallow, suet). Organ meats, unhomogenized full- fat
goat, sheep & cows yoghurt and cheeses, cream, and butter.

Vegetable sources: Coconuts and coconut oil/butter, palm and palm kernel oil, macadamia nuts.

Butter is not only an animal saturated fat, it is also contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
several types of fats including butyrate, which serves as a base for the making of the brain chemical
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), our natural valium.

Coconut oil is a rich source of Lauric acid, which is also found in mothers milk. It has antimicrobial
properties and has been found to increase the bodys HDLs. Being a very stable fat/ oil, makes it one
of the few oils suitable for cooking and baking. Virgin coconut oil, which is in a more natural state,
has more scent and flavor than deodorized coconut oil.

Both should be processed by a reputable company and packaged in light protected containers. According to Dr. Bruce, author of Coconut Cures, Coconut Water for Health and Healing, and The Coconut Oil Miracle, coconut oil can help moderate blood sugar levels by resensitizing the cells so they better utilize glucose. Hence, insulin secretion is improved and symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be reversed.

However, coconut oil is not suitable for all blood types.

Monounsaturates – Omega-9
Vegetable sources: Coconuts, avocado, macadamia nuts, hazel nuts, almonds, sesame & other seeds,
peanuts, and their oils, extra virgin olive oil. Monounsaturated/oleic acid lowers heart attack risk and arteriosclerosis and aids in cancer prevention.

Unlike what many believe, olive oil does not contain Omega-3 fatty acid. It is mostly a Monounsaturate fat with some Omega-6. Therefore, use it moderately in balance with Omega-3 and only the extra virgin olive oil, packaged in a light protected container. BEWARE: Some cheap olive oils brands are blended with Canola oil, which is GMO (seed) and a damaged fat.

Polyunsaturates – Omega-6
Animal sources: Mothers milk, organ, and lean meats.
Vegetable sources: Pumpkin seed, borage, macadamia, safflower, sunflower, olive, sesame, and hemp
seed oils. Raw nuts, seeds, traces in legumes, algae, and leafy greens.

Super Polyunsaturates – Omega-3
Animal sources: Mothers milk, krill oil, marine oils, and cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel,
herring, carp, sardines, shrimp, oysters, halibut, tuna, sablefish, bluefish, catfish, and anchovies, and
fresh water fish, such as trout and crappie.
Vegetable sources: Linseed/flaxseed oil, perilla, and traces in walnuts, pecans, kiwi fruit, fresh sea
vegetables, algae, and leafy greens. Fresh, organic, cold pressed, flax seed oil, a rich source of ALA, contains approximately 70 to 80 percent EFAs and is especially high in Omega 3. Select only quality, organic oils, packaged in light protected containers from a reputable company. See:

Cholesterol is one of a group of fats found in the blood stream. It travels through the bloodstream
bound to two types of lipoproteins, which are molecules containing both fats and protein. Low
density lipoproteins (LDLs), richest in cholesterol, rebuild and repair damaged tissue.

High density lipoproteins (HDLs) clear fat away from artery walls and return it to the liver for excretion. When arteries are healthy and well nourished, their linings remain smooth and clear. As cells wear out, they are removed by HDLs.

New cells are then replaced as the LDLs bring in more cholesterol in a natural continuous maintenance processes. Cholesterol acts as a perfect lubricant. Well nourished, elastic arteries allow a steady flow of blood to nourish the various organs.

Cholesterol is vital for many important functions of the body and is found in all body tissues. It is
essential in the production of nerve tissue, many hormones, including sex hormones, bile for fat
digestion, and vitamin D.

Lower than normal levels of cholesterol have been correlated with anaemia, acute infection, depression, dementia, autoimmune disorders, and excess thyroid function.

The liver and brain make about 1.5 gm of this waxy fat-like substance every day to help insure the
body has enough of it. About 10 percent of the dry weight of the brain is cholesterol. Reduced
consumption of cholesterol actually spurs the body to increase production of it.

Cholesterol is often implicated in heart disease. However, cholesterol consumption has remained
constant during the past 114 years, while the increase in cardiovascular disease is up some 350
percent. Therefore, cholesterol itself is not the villain, but rather a symptom of heart disease when it
builds up in the process of trying to repair damaged arteries.

Several factors are involved in the development of cardiovascular disease. Through nutritional deficiencies and/or ingestion of damaged fats/oils (trans fatty acids), vessels lose their elasticity, form
lesions, and start to fragment. Cholesterol, in the form of LDLs, is dispatched to the damaged area to
protect the tissue in the same way a scab forms while a cut heals.

However, if the necessary nourishment such as vitamin C, bioflavanoids, and silica, are not delivered,
proper healing does not take place and the HDLs will not remove the cholesterol deposits. Scarring
takes place and plaque builds up to act like a glue. Stress, damaged fats/oils, sugar, cigarette
smoking, coffee (even decaffeinated), diabetes, fluoride, low thyroid function, iodine deficiency, liver
dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease all hinder the bodys natural processes and contribute to higher than normal cholesterol levels.

Various fatty acids from fats and oils combine with glycerol and form triacylglycerols. Triglycerides,
as they are more commonly referred, are another group of fats implicated in the formation of plaque.
These fats are stored in the connective tissues. In excess, triglycerides develop into a fatty stomach or
fat thighs.

Medication, refined flour, sugar, soda, alcohol, and coffee elevate triglycerides in the
blood, and thus, add excess weight. Higher or Lower than normal triglyceride levels may indicate
liver dysfunction. Thus, a balance, along with a healthy liver are vital.

Over the past 70 years, there have been dramatic changes in our agriculture, food processing, and
dietary habits contributing to essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiencies and the consumption of Trans
Fatty Acids (TFAs).

Hydrogenation is a commercial process that solidifies oils by saturating the double bonds in fatty
acids with hydrogen. Hydrogenation changes the beneficial “cis” form of polyunsaturated fatty acids
to the damaged “trans” fat (TFA) not intended for use by the human body. In fact, TFAs derived from
vegetable oils have been shown to interfere with the normal enzymatic metabolism of natural fats and
impede every function of the human body, right down to the cellular level.

The smallest changes in the molecular structure of the natural fats can have devastating effects on body chemistry and produce inflammation, which is an early sign of heart disease. The level of inflammation in the body can be measured by a C-Reactive Protein (CRP) blood test.

The shape of a molecule is important because enzymes and their substrates – the molecules enzymes
act upon – must fit together like a key in a lock. TFAs remains unmetabolized in the human body and
weaken the cell walls, leaving cells vulnerable to viral invasion. This in turn causes swelling and
impairment of the mitochondria.

TFAs, cannot be used by the body to make beneficial prostaglandins.

Most processed foods contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil because of its longer shelf
life. Margarine and vegetable spreads are manufactured at very high temperatures from these
damaged fats/oils and chemicals.

Canola, which is derived from GMO seeds, and soy oils are in nearly all margarines. TFAs are found in commercials cakes, pies, cookies, crackers, bread, chips, pretzels, snack foods, breaded foods, chocolate bars, and salad dressings.

READ the INGREDIENTS section of all labels to avoid these damaged fats/oils.

According to nutrition research expert, Mary Enig, PhD, these altered TFAs, which are called “isomers,” are shaped differently in space. When the TFAs are deposited in those parts of the cell membranes that are supposed to have either saturated fatty acids or “cis” unsaturated fatty acids, they disrupt the bodys normal functions (i.e.: metabolism, heart, immune, respiratory, reproductive systems etc.).

Enigs research revealed that the various mechanisms through which the TFAs disrupt function are related, in part, to the ability of TFAs to inhibit the function of membrane related enzymes, such as
the delta-6 desaturase resulting in decreased conversion of linoleic acid to gamma-linolenic acid; arachidonic acid interference with the necessary conversion of Omega-3 fatty acids to their elongated
tissue Omega-3 fatty acids; and escalation of the adverse effects of essential fatty acid deficiency.

Decades of research at the University of Maryland, as well as research at other institutions, showed
that consumption of TFAs from partially hydrogenated vegetable fats and oils had many adverse
effects in health.

For example:
Heart disease – TFAs raise the levels of atherogenic lipoprotein-1 (Lp(a) in humans.

Cancer TFAs interfere with enzymes the body uses to protect itself against cancer.

Diabetes – TFAs interfere with the insulin receptors in the cell membranes, thus triggering type 2

Immune function – TFAs interfere with both B and T cell function, thus reducing immune response.
Fertility and Reproduction – TFAs interfere with enzymes needed to produce sex hormones; they
decrease the levels of testosterone in male animals and increase the levels of abnormal sperm.

Lactation – TFAs lowers the overall fat content in mothers milk in both animals and humans, thus
compromising the nourishment to the infant. TFAs can cross the mammary gland into mothers milk
and interfere with neurological and visual development of the infant.

Development and Growth – TFAs can cross the placenta, creating many problems for the developing
fetus including low birth weight; they also interfere with the formation of long-chain polyunsaturated
fatty acids needed for growth and development, especially development of the brain.

Obesity – Women who consume TFAs weight more then women who do not consume TFAs even
though the caloric intake is the same.

The increased intake of biologically abnormal TFAs derived from hydrogenated vegetable oils correlates more significantly to the 20th century increase in heart disease and cancer, including breast cancer, than any other dietary change. (Townsend Newsletter (Oct. 1989).

In 1900, cardiovascular disease killed one in seven people. Now, it kills one in two people. This is over a 350 percent increase in the past 111 years in spite of, or perhaps because of advances in technology. (Healing Fats, Killing Fats, by Udo Erasmus, 1990). The “nurses study” which involved 80,000 female nurses with 14 years (1989-2003) of follow-up, revealed that for 2% of energy intake from TFAs there was a 95% risk of non-death myocardial infarction or death from coronary heart disease.

Some city governments in the USA have attempted to tackle this serious health problem by outlawing
the use of TFAs in restaurants. This needs to be done on a national level and in other countries, such
as Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific region, where a large number the population obtain most
of their meals from fast food outlets.

Samoa and the Cook Islands now have among the fattest people in the world that are dying early. Consumption of damaged fats and oils in a junk food diet combined with soda are a major contributing factors.

Unless major changes are made, the long term consequence of damaged fat/oil consumption will
only further exacerbate our modern degenerative diseases, obesity, and mental illness. To learn more
about this go to and, the interview with Dr. Enig and Dr. Richard Passwater

Homogenization is another process that extends shelf life. However, this process breaks up large, digested fat globules into droplets, which are able to bypass digestion. These droplets are then absorbed into the bloodstream, carrying with them a destructive enzyme called xanthine oxidase (XO) that damages arteries. Heart disease is more prevalent in countries where homogenized milk is consumed. AVOID homogenized milk and its products.

To side step the TFA problem, the giant oil industry is now genetically modifying (GM) their oils.
However, genetically modified (GMOs) fats/oils, such as Canola oil and margarine are foreign to the
body, play havoc with bodily systems and have unknown long-term consequences. Increases in
asthma and allergies are but a few of the symptoms.

In addition, these GM fats/oils appear to be changing the normal shape of the human body. For example, a person may develop an overly large fatty (turkey) neck, thighs, hips, or stomach that no amount of exercise can eliminate. These abnormal body shapes have become a common sight among consumers of these GM damaged fats/oils.

Canola is one of Canadas chief exports and also a large crop in Australia. Canola oil is widely used
in thousands of processed/prepared food products, restaurants, and even many so called health food
products. Some well known commercial brands of peanut butter have replaced the natural peanut oil
with Canola oil to make it more spreadable. Studies have shown that Canola oil, destroys vitamin E,
suppresses the immune system, and blocks (inhibiting) enzyme function.

These GMO oils damage the gut’s healthy microbiota, which then leads to ‘leaky gut‘ diseases. Its effects are accumulative, sometimes taking years to show up. As with all GMOs, this oil can have serious long-term ramifications in human development and the health of future generations. See: “The Great Con-ola”
by Sally Fallon Aug.-Sep. Nexus Magazine, 2002.

Cooking can damage even the best of oils, because heated polyunsaturated oils oxidize rapidly and
contribute free radical damage to the body. Do NOT cook with polyunsaturated oils.
Unfortunately, many chefs, restaurants, schools, and hospitals use Canola oil, which is toxic to start
with, in food their preparations.

When choosing a restaurant, find out what kind of fat/oil they cook with. Tell them you want to avoid these damaged fats/oils. The more people speak up the sooner chefs/restaurants will make the necessary changes. Avoid all fried foods and food products containing or prepared with these damaged fats/oils. Unrefined rice or palm oils may be better options, but much depends on the source and processing procedure.

The best options for cooking are water, poultry broth, organic wine, a small amount of butter, ghee, or coconut oil. Olive oil, though mostly a monounsaturate, should not be used in normal cooking because of its omega 6 content. Instead, use cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil, moderately for flavouring upon

Monounsaturates and Saturates can be heated at low temperatures (below 160C/320F). Oils at room temperature become rancid more quickly than refrigerated oils.

Interaction with oxygen and light creates peroxides or free radicals that cause rancidity. Therefore,
avoid oils packaged in clear glass or clear plastic bottles.

Use of independently certified organic seed in the production of unrefined oils is critical. The
composition and quality of key nutrients in organic seeds is much higher and the seeds are free from
pesticides and herbicides. Read labels carefully and look for the “Omegaflo” process, developed by
Omega Nutrition, a pioneer in the industry.

 Omega Nutritions oil is independently QAI and JAS certified. Omega Nutrition, packages their oils in completely light- protected, dark high-grade plastic (HDPE) bottles to ensure the EFAs are well protected. Their oil can be found under the following labels: Omega Nutrition and Jarrow Formulas in the USA and Canada; Atowa, in Japan; Integrated Neutraceuticals in Hong Kong; and Natures Glory in Singapore.

Remember, it is not the fats themselves that are detrimental to health, but the damage that is being
done to them and the imbalances being created. Read the small ingredients section on the food label
of every product you buy.

Research the companies behind the products. And, remember, fats/oils can be damaged by six factors: heat, hydrogenation, oxygen, light, homogenization, and genetic modification (GM). Therefore, avoid all fats/oils such as margarine, spreads and vegetable oils that have been damaged by any of these six processes.

Dont be fooled by the sales hype on labels. “Low-fat, light, pure, and cholesterol-free” are meaningless if the fats/oils are damaged in the manufacturing process. It is far more important to consider the type of fats/oils, rather than simply counting the grams of fat.

TV programs, dieticians and medical practitioners, who continue to recommend damaged fats/oils, are doing a great deal of harm. All the exercise and money in the world wont reduce the enormous increases in degenerative diseases and the current epidemic of diabetes, obesity, and mental illness, until TFAs and damaged fats/oils are removed from our food supply, and the EFAs are restored in balance.

Natural fats found in whole nuts (without added oil), avocados, seeds that are not rancid, and organic
dairy (suitable for your blood type) do not create a problem in a healthy body, when the EFAs are
supplied in balance.

Because of biochemical individuality, climate, and living conditions, the amount of fat needed varies.
As a general guideline, most people need from 15 percent to 30 percent of their calories from a
combination of quality super/polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and saturated fats. The ideal
Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acid ratio for adults is approximately 1:1.

Encourage your government to stop wasting billions of dollars on “sickness” care, when a much more
effective approach would be to ban the use these unhealthy damaged fats/oils in the food industry.
Encourage family members, friends, restaurants, schools, and practitioners to learn about fats and oils.

Enig MG, Munn RJ, Keeney M. Dietary Fat and Cancer Trends — A critique. Federation Proceedings 1978;
Sampugna J, Casterline J , Enig MG, Keeney M. Influence of a margarine containing diet on aryl hydrocarbon
hydroxylase activity. J Amer Oil Chem Soc 1980; 57:Abstract # 178
Enig MG. Modification of Membrane Lipid Composition and Mixed-function oxidases in mouse liver
Microsomes by Dietary trans fatty acids. College Park, MD: Doctoral Dissertation, University of Maryland,
Healing Fats, Killing Fats, Udo Erasmus, Alive Books 1986,
Beyond Pritican, Ann Louise Gittlemen, MS, Bantam Books, 1989;
The New Supernutrition, Passwater RA.. New York: Pocket Books, 1991;
Enig MG. Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A comprehensive report covering 60 years of research. Silver Spring, MD: Enig Assoc., 1993:
Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Manson JE, et al. Intake of trans fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease among women. Lancet 1993; 341:581-585;
The Facts About Fats, John Finnegan, Celestial Arts, Berkley, CA 1993;
Know Your Fats, Carla Cassata, Lets Live Magazine, Feb. 1994;
Omega-3 Oils: A Practical Guide, Donald Rudin, MD, and Clara Felix. US: Avery, 1996.
Pharmacological Research, Vol. 40, No. 3, 1999
Lloyd A. Horrocks and Young, K. Yeo, Health Benefits of Docosahexaenoic Acid DHA, Dept. of Biochemistry, The Ohio State university, Columbus, Ohio, USA and Lipid Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, Taegu
35, Republic of Korea, 7 January 1999 Article No. phrs.1999.0495, available online at on Ideal
The Great Con-ola, Sally Fallon Aug.-Sep. Nexus Magazine, 2002;
Know your Fats, Enig Mary G. Bethesda Press, 2005;
Light. The Ignored Nutrient, by Lady Carla Davis, MPH, The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine Magazine, Issue #1, Jan-Apr 2011.
The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine, Issue #2, September – December 2011
© 2017 Lady Carla Davis

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (2)

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    Charles Higley


    Generally, a good article.

    However, dietary cholesterol is NOT deposited to cover damage. Osmotic swelling by high blood glucose opens pores that allow small, cholesterol-deficient lipoproteins into the endothelial lining and the resulting irritation (aka atherosclerosis) causes scarring. The cells behind the scar tissue cannot obtain cholesterol from the circulation and start to make their own endogenous cholesterol. With no feedback from the circulation, these cells make too much cholesterol, resulting in plaque behind the scar. Scarring is always first and cholesterol deposits come later behind the scar. One can be on a cholesterol free diet and still have scarring with cholesterol behind it. In summary, dietary cholesterol is entirely NOT in this process. The VLDL, LDL, and HDL system is a cholesterol delivery and recycling system and it is wrong to mess it up with liver poisons like statins.


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    Excellent article – very informative thank you.
    A personal observation – flax seed oil is given to horses as a supplement for tight ligaments and tendons and it works. It also softens the coat which develops a deep shine. I tried taking it my self and had two incidents; fell off my bike , a slow minor fall and I bumped into the corner of a piano stool. Both incidents produced massive bruising the length of my thigh for a minor sore spot. I later read that flax seed oil causes haemorrhaging in susceptible people.


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