The New World Order: Echoes of colonial conquest

All of us turned out to be victims and accomplices of the apocalyptic madness that engulfed our civilization, the world community, represented by 193 independent states, ignoring science, turned out to be on the verge of general disorganization and humility before the financial and forceful onslaught of the IMF, UN and WHO, pursuing their goals, far from medical problems.

Based on numerous studies carried out in different countries, we can come to the following conclusions:

It was not possible not only to isolate, but also to identify the SARS-COV-2 virus.

Historically, no virus has ever been isolated, which means: “The whole science of supposed ‘virology’ – and therefore the whole methodology presented by the WHO-UN-WEF-DARPA-White House, in particular – testing, prevention, and the pandemic itself is based on scientific fraud and is an artificially created False Reality that does not explain the Disease and in fact projects a false and unproven confabulation of Contagion.

Severe acute respiratory diseases that have occurred in recent years can be attributed to a variety of biological warfare carried out using electromagnetic radiation (4G and 5G) and numerous sprays of metal nanoparticles in the upper atmosphere, as well as nanographene in vaccines, water, saline, etc. , as described by many physicians and as discussed by Dr. Robert Young in several podcasts, including this one. Find out more here:

The Covid scam has frightened, demoralized and subdued the population. The pandemic has clearly shown the loyalty of corrupt governments to medical terror, which provoked a lot of diseases and deaths caused by injections.

The climate change scam has created an additional and unfounded fear among the population. And now, the deliberately created hysteria over the Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to massive shortages of fuel and food, leading to hundreds of millions of deaths.

A plan for world domination, population reduction and complete control over the rest of the earthlings is already in action.

Remember the wonderful fantasy novel by H. Wells “The Struggle of the Worlds”, which describes the future invasion of the inhabitants of Mars to Earth. It says: – “The intelligent inhabitants of Mars, who have run out of food on their planet and foreseeing its cooling in the near future, have long been staring at a vast and flourishing world located only 35,000,000 miles from Mars in the direction of The sun, on the planet Earth, richly supplied with everything that they so lacked, and inhabited by living beings, obviously, poorly developed.

To recapture this world from these “animals”, to take possession of it, to move to it from the finally dying Mars – has long been their cherished dream and even the only way out of the difficult situation in which fate has put them.

Needless to say, of course, that during such a migration to Earth, they decided not to spare man, its original owner, just as he himself does not spare not only lower animals, but even the lower races of his own kind, without any mercy exterminating unfortunate Aztecs, Mayans and red Indians in North America and other inhabitants of the Earth remote from Europe. If the cruel law of the struggle for existence already dominates on Earth, then it should dominate all the more on Mars, the inhabitants of which really have no other choice but to destroy or perish themselves.

In Wells’ novel, the Martians, having done quite a few troubles on Earth, die in the end, and the author accompanies this with the following reflections: “With billions of lives, a person has bought himself the right of birthright on Earth, and this right cannot be taken away from him by the first alien who comes across no matter how powerful he is. The Earth itself will find a means to protect its firstborn son. It was not for nothing that he lived, worked and died on her mother’s breast, contributing to the development of a peculiar order, a peculiar harmony, which no one dares to violate with impunity!

“In general, however, the invasion of the Martians should be of great benefit to us. It has deprived us of that complacent confidence in the future, which leads only to laziness and moral decline, to fragmentation in the face of the arrival of not only an external, but also an internal enemy.

The Russian-speaking reader, who grew up in a classless society, will unwittingly have to face the anti-social politics of the modern corrupt establishment. People don’t want to face the fact that we no longer live in a democratic society. Today the world is completely controlled by an oligarchy, and this oligarchy is spreading nonsense about the permissible population of the Earth.

Numerous annual studies have shown that over the past two decades, the rate of world food production has grown faster than the rate of world population growth. The world is already producing more than 1.5 times more food than it needs to feed all the inhabitants of the planet. That’s enough to feed 10 billion people, a population peak expected by 2050.

Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. Approximately one third of the food produced for human consumption each year – about 1.3 billion tons worth US$1 trillion – is wasted or wasted. That’s enough to feed 3 billion people.

All this is due to the quality standards in most countries, which are too dependent on appearance, the crop is sometimes left unharvested and rots. For example, in Europe, 40 to 60 percent of fish caught is thrown away because it does not meet supermarket quality standards.

So the reasons for the decline in the population of the Earth are completely different. According to Gates, this would mean an absolute reduction in the world population (2010) from about 680 million to one billion people.

Narcissistic and self-anointed, rules not by claims to divine right, but by claims to higher reason and virtue. Oligarchy is a principle of irrational domination associated with hereditary oligarchy/nobility and some aristocratic priesthoods. Oligarchy is based on the idea that certain families are born to rule as an arbitrary elite while the vast majority of any given population is doomed to oppression, bondage or slavery.

The oligarchy believed for millennia that the Earth was overpopulated: the oligarchic commentary on the “Trojan War” was that this conflict was necessary to prevent “Mother Earth” from being oppressed by more people.

A thousand years ago, the self-proclaimed kings and kings of Europe rushed to conquer power and expand their land territories. Throughout this period, bloody wars were fought, where the aristocracy used intersecting creeds to justify the policy of caste superiority, social hierarchy, authoritarian rule. Political aristocratic structures considered this an expression of natural law.

Royals and aristocrats run all religious organizations, secret societies and secret organizations such as Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Scientologists, Skull and Bones, Kabbalists, Wiccans, Five Percent, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Shriners, etc. They own the organized crime syndicates, including all the mafias, drug cartels, street gangs and biker gangs.

They control global organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, CERN, the Law of the Sea, Interpol, the Disarmament Conference, the Red Cross, the Geneva Conventions, etc.

These criminals have infiltrated to every government. agency in the world through paedophilia, child sacrifice, criminal financing, bribery, secret organizations and mafia tactics. They developed all governments as corporate entities and charter subsidiaries of their corporate houses and monarchies.

These international criminals have millions of accomplices and supporters of their programs. These are mass traffickers, mass murderers and war criminals who commit crimes against humans.

Social institutions are captured by capital. As they lose their function to the people, they are further bought and sold by the oligarchs to become a propaganda machine for the ruling class. Global finance created this nightmare in Shanghai and then blamed it on socialism to convince the citizens of the United States, Britain and Japan, nations that are now wholly owned by global finance, that they are free and that China is a communist dictatorship.

Any “socialist” system in which the government plays the role of controlling global finance, redistributing wealth, or protecting workers must be ridiculed and dismissed as a dictatorship.

Mankind already went through the Great Overload – about 1000 years ago, when Catholicism, on the basis of false documents, arrogated to itself the right to be the vicar of God, and to determine kings and emperors: – it ended with the Inquisition.

Now it is being repeated with much more control and management, and will also give the ruling class the right to determine who to live and how to live. The WEF/UN Agenda 2030 Great Reset takes control of the monetary system, control of the people system with new rules, tracking, biometrics, vaccination passports, digital IDs, facial recognition, smart cities. Think about it – “smart city” is not for you, it’s smart for them, not only control, but also the management of the masses by hidden G5 means.

By deliberately shutting down small businesses and small towns on the outskirts, they are shifting the masses to the cities where they build their smart grid control system, and investors are buying up houses to rent out, so they want everyone to be on “preferential” credit terms. Digital ID and want all people, products, resources and food to be tracked and tracked through the blockchain. This gives them the ability to control access, spending, thermostats, energy consumption, food, water and healthcare.

Regional Governments do not yet realize that they, too, are falling into this “meat grinder”, here money and connections will not be the solution. The historical falsification of the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race is still going on, so there are no privileges for anyone. Gene therapy will touch every one of the billion.

The fantasies of a satiated aristocrat – a billionaire are boundless, the Colosseum will reopen for comfort and entertainment. The millstones of genetic architecture will give out satyrs and bacchantes, ghouls and chimeras will replenish the animal world of the Earth.

Let’s return to our reality, and we see:

In February 2022, Chile passed a law making it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees with genetic disorders. The bill was “initiated at the initiative of the Honorable Senator, Mr. Alejandro Navarro Brain. In response, many people in the freedom community started asking questions. Does anyone expect a large increase in the number of genetically handicapped people? [1]

We, the people of the 21st century, are bombarded with poisons at every turn – and we sort of cope with it ourselves. Our air is polluted. Our water is filled with pollutants. Our food, if we’re not super vigilant and can’t afford organics (and even then), contains god knows what. Glyphosate is everywhere, as are the “timeless chemicals”.

On top of that, we deal with emotional stress on a daily basis, geo-engineering toxicity, electromagnetic pollution… seriously, it’s a miracle we’re still alive considering how our governments treat us like cockroaches!

And now we have a new ambitious player in the field of messing with our body! Meet the biological bandit, new injections! As we all know, COVID injections are designed to turn our bodies into spike protein factories (in the words of the CDC, “harmless bits”).

On September 30, 2021, David Schweikert of the Republic of Arizona introduced a bill (HR5457) that, if passed, would make Artificial Intelligence (AI) a medical practitioner with the right to prescribe medicines.(2)

Let’s first look at the text of the bill. It says the following:

“Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act to clarify that artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies may qualify as a medical practitioner authorized to prescribe drugs if authorized by the relevant state and approved, approved, or authorized by the Office of Food and Drug Administration. food and medicine, and for other purposes.”

As Dr. Joseph Mercola writes: “So far, we have seen scientific and medical censorship, useless official protocols, forced closures of hospitals, artificially created shortages of personnel – and perhaps at least in part we are seeing this because it helps to advance 4IR”?


It seems that what we consider generally good for humans, such as personal access to a caring doctor or “regulatory barriers” protecting our privacy, are all natural things that our aspiring hosts see as undesirable.

When it comes to medicine, in the New Normal, sovereign doctors (and sovereign patients) are a liability and an inconvenience. The New Normal does not imagine human subjectivity, neither philosophically nor economically. The new normal is effective asset management, where ordinary citizens are an asset class, just like cars or minerals.

Assets should be useful and should not think. The whole basis of the New Normal social system is the denial of free will.

The new rule does not take into account privacy or personal space. This is a new digital order – with citizens united in AI-driven homogeneity. This is not about balance or sustainability, but about turning our creative energy into fuel for machines.

It is essentially anti-life.

Along with the massive reduction of medical personnel, educators will also be unnecessary – one computer will be able to check the tests of millions of schoolchildren and students. It is already customary for us to pass exams at the traffic police for obtaining a driving license. And this AI is no different, only the quality of education and medical services will depend on the host of WHO.

Their notorious New Normal is not for people. This is for the “masters” of people. (By the way, AI is not a person or consciousness, no matter how they twist it. AI is software. Someone owns the software, including medical software. Someone pays for it, someone writes it, someone patents it, someone owns it.In my opinion, this whole “AI becomes conscious” thing is a well-funded scam – just like selling “immortality” through conversion into a data packet. )

Do you believe at the present stage of development in a working tool called “artificial intelligence”? I don’t believe! This is all for muslin young ladies, any technically competent specialist will characterize AI as an application program with a given database and a tuned matching algorithm. It is more like a slot machine, where the percentage of winnings depends on the choice of the owner, which one you need and get.

But then it’s even more interesting, the “Electronic Government” program is already working in all countries, so not only can a new decree be published, an order can be made from the center (WHO), but also the transfer of State assets can be coordinated without the participation of not only elected deputies, but also the president.

The main goal of the “New World Government”, or rather the “shadow Aristocracy” is the seizure of land and the simultaneous seizure of all raw materials, mineral and water resources. Full control over sowing and release of agricultural and livestock products. This is where the prophetic words of Klaus Schwab are manifested: – “You will not own anything and you will be happy.”

Encouraged international emigration, which has increased in the last decade, contributes to the weakening of the protection of national lands, squeezing the most active members out of the countries. Because, a Syrian or a Libyan will not be able to defend his legal rights to the lands where his ancestors are buried on the Champs Elysees in Paris, or at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Namely, by the principle of taking over all the lands on the planet, B. Gates “bought” corporations into the hands of the world government, or rather their billionaire owners. In fact, corporations will no longer have to pay taxes on the development and extraction of minerals that went to the Republican budgets. No, more precisely, there will be no international borders, no customs duties. Apparently, the black aristocracy stopped oil production, “mothballed” it for their future life.

When “elites” cooperate among themselves, they take what they can, regulate what they can’t, and slaughter everyone else. This is the World Economic Forum in a nutshell.


  1. Brave new world of genetically modified humans.
  2. Destruction of medicine? A bill allowing recipes with the help of AI.

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Comments (3)

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    For most readers, the national sign replaces the political economy of Marx, and the “Gulag” of Solzhenitsyn, inspired by you, or rather inoculated, is Stalin’s socialism.
    “The free labor force develops for the same reasons as the force of expansion of capital. Consequently, the relative size of the industrial reserve army increases in parallel with the growth of the forces of wealth. But the larger this reserve army in comparison with the active labor army, the more extensive is the permanent overpopulation, whose poverty proportionate to the pains of his labor.”
    The law of capitalism, Karl Marx.
    The prevailing, at present, despotic power takes advantage of the complete lack of solidarity between wage earners and the unemployed, we go with the flow, not wanting to stand on the shore opposite to capital. And the further we swim, the less likely we are to go ashore.


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    Yeshe in 1927 Comrade. Stalin said in the article “Notes on Contemporary Topics”:
    “English capitalism has always been, is and will be the most malicious strangler of people’s revolutions. Beginning with the Great French Revolution at the end of the 18th century and ending with the current Chinese revolution, the English bourgeoisie has always stood and continues to stand in the forefront of the smashers of the liberation movement of mankind … But the English bourgeoisie does not like to fight with its own hands. She has always preferred proxy war.”


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