CDC Recommends MonkeyPox Vaccine for Health Care and Lab Workers

The panel that advises the CDC recommended that shots be given to lab workers and health care workers that may be exposed to the virus in their work. Ten cases of the virus have been detected in the US so far, with nine of them confirmed by the CDC that is using flawed PCR tests that are not intended to diagnose disease.

Monkeypox is said to be transmissible through close skin contact with someone who has a active rash or through respiratory droplets with someone who has lesions in their mouth and are around another person for an extended period of time. Nine of the ten cases reported were men who have sex with men as the vast majority of infections are in gay and bisexual men.

The JYNNEOS vaccine in question is tailored to both smallpox and monkeypox – just as many other smallpox drugs are also believed to be effective against the rare virus.

It comes as the U.S. records its tenth presumptive case of the virus, with a man in Colorado having a suspected infection after a recent trip to Canada, state officials announced Thursday night.

Colorado today became the eighth state to report a case of monkeypox, as the tally of confirmed and suspected infections rises to double-digits.

‘Certain laboratorians and health care personnel can be exposed to orthopoxviruses through occupational activities,’ ACIP wrote in its report.

The panel notes that orthopoxvirus vaccines, like JYNNEOS, were regularly distributed to children in the U.S. to combat smallpox in the past.

Smallpox, a highly devastating, deadly, virus, was eradicated in 1980, though, and use of the vaccines has since been dropped from mandatory to scarce.

Officials still recommend that some parts of the population do continue to receive the shots, though, including people who may be exposed to these viruses at work.

America has a stockpile of over 1,000 doses of the two-dose vaccine in place for a situation like this.

Pet hamsters could be culled to stop monkeypox spreading in Europe

Pets could be culled to protect from monkeypox under ‘last resort’ guidelines drawn up by health officials.

A cull could be ordered for hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs if they are unable to be isolated, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) admitted.

Rodents have been identified as carrier of the disease in west and central Africa.

The ECDC said it is ‘theoretically possible’ that people in Europe could pass on monkeypox to their domestic pets, which could then act as a reservoir and transmit it back to humans.

The country also has 100 million doses of ACAM2000, another pox vaccine, in its stockpile, though that jab has been replaced by JYNNEOS because of its increased risk of negative side-effects.

On Monday, the CDC reported that the country had planned to distribute the shots to the most high-risk group.

Rollout of the vaccines to the high risk groups is expected to begin soon.

The recommendation comes as the U.S. monkeypox tally to reaches ten, with nine cases having been confirmed by the CDC on Thursday.

Colorado recorded the most recent suspected case in a ‘young’, gay or bisexual, man who had recently traveled to Canada.

On Thursday, the CDC confirmed nine positive cases of the virus, with the most recent being a woman in Northern Virginia who has recently traveled to an African country where the virus is common.

The vast majority of infections are in gay and bisexual men, and most are thought to be linked to international travel.

Officials have NOT reported any confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission of the virus in the U.S.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Reuters

Editor’s note: At the start of the Covid ‘pandemic’ there were calls to have domestic cats and dogs put down, now it’s the turn of hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs.

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Comments (4)

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    Charles Higley


    What kind f “vaccine” is this new vaccine? This is an important detail, as the jabs for C-19 were NOT vaccines by any practical definition.


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    The tests for covid are a trojan horse, so people should be wary of the pox tests.
    You should always read the test documentation, to include the test package insert AND the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers.
    From the test package insert, you’ll find out if the test is actually capable of identifying the pathogen.
    If the tests don’t actually identify the organism, don’t take it.
    Likewise, the insert will tell you what they challenged the test against.  For example, recent covid tests didn’t bother to challenge the test against the normal flora in the oral cavities.  This means that the normal flora could be testing positive, but they don’t know because they didn’t challenge their test with it;  Garbage.
    Next, the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers will tell you the risks to the patient.  Covid tests held this clause:
    “risks to the patient could include the following: a recommendation for the isolation of the patient, monitoring of household or other close contacts.”
    That means, if you test positive, false or otherwise, then all of your friends and family are presumed positive and subject to isolation and quarantine (camps).  They did this in Australia, where people in the camps complained that they never took a test in the first place.
    Last, there are research studies that detail the use of nasopharyngeal swabs as delivery devices for nanomaterials, including theragrippers and carbon nanotubes.  

    Don’t be a traitor to all of your friends and family.  Read the test documentation first!


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    Previous pox vaccines are some of the deadliest of all.


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    That should be the kill shot. Damaged immune systems will immediately embrace a deadly virus and kill them even faster.


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