Voyager Spacecraft’s Terrifying New Signals Unlike Anything Ever Seen

voyager 1

Voyager 1, Earth’s farthest spacecraft is exploring the area of space where nothing from Earth has ever flown before. But in a new turn of events, Voyager 1 seems to be sending weird signals from beyond the solar system — and nobody really knows why.

The spacecraft has sent back stunning images and vital data from interstellar space that has previously been shrouded in mystery.

Are 45 years of space adventures finally taking their toll on Voyager 1 or could it be something else altogether?

This video will be taking a look at the Voyager’s remarkable journey thus far and the new MYSTERY in deep space that has left scientists and researchers puzzled.

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Comments (23)

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    Herb Rose


    Exactly how are these signals terrifying?


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    Joseph Olson


    Radiation, RF signal strength, is subject to inverse square law, and at this distance would be impossible to receive


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Joseph,
      We are able to receive radio waves, infrared light, and even visible light from objects at far greater distances (thousands of light years instead of 20 minutes) than this relatively close satellite and that signal is also decreasing with distance .


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    I don’t believe this device can “keep the antenna pointed precisely at Earth” over the claimed distance at all. The reason the antenna is transmitting end on, suggests the radio wave will be conical, thus best chance of hitting the intended receiver.

    My take is that the attitude controls are worn or broken. 45 years is a long time for gyroscopes to run even in precision bearings. It’s ‘old school’ tech to start with, that is now past it’s best. A testament to past engineering quality that it still works at all.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Howdy,
      The dish shaped antenna is for receiving and concentrating signals coming from Earth, not for sending signals to the Earth. There are large dish antennas on Earth for receiving the weak signal (radiated in all directions) from the satellite.
      Once the satellite is in deep space what is going to change its trajectory? There would only need to be minor nudges to keep the receiving antenna pointed at the Earth.


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        Hi Herb,
        NASA say it is two downlink channels. One for scientific transmission and the other for vehicle state telemetry.

        If the vehicle needs to keep accurate targeting on the Earth from such distance, even minute changes in attitude will lose the link, plus the Earth is in orbit, thus constant changes are necessary, again magnified by distance and much more precision than pin-point accuracy required. If the gyros are parked to save power and have to spin up, but are not perfectly synced against each others speed of acceleration which is possible given age, a skew will result. Same when spinning down.

        Nobody knows what deep space holds, Herb, so it may not be buffetless plain sailing.


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Hodt,
          There appears to be no problem with the communication between the satellite and the Earth. Both can send and hear messages with the other so the telemetry is fine. The problem is with the messages being received on Earth. I am of the opinion that the satellite became a democrat and has disconnected with reality and is speaking nonsense.


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            John Galt


            Then it is screwed as it waits for its next booster.

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    It’s rather obvious what’s wrong…the voyager has Pluto-Pox.


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    The only thing NASA (“to deceive”, in Hebrew) has Ever sent to “Space”, is our imagination.
    They even admit it themselves, that the furthest they have Ever been is “Low Earth Orbit”. 1 example being stated in a short presentation about their “Orion” spacecraft.
    So, I can’t say I’m that interested in watching yet another CGI cartoon about their “imaginary” voyages, when there are other more realistic events taking place in this World, which actually threaten the Whole of the Human Race.
    It’s way past time people got wise to the deception and got the wasted finances diverted to something far more important, like Homelessness, Poverty and Hunger.

    The so-called “Space Agencies” are a Major deception, scamming the tax payers of $$€€”BILLIONS”££¥¥¢¢, each and every year, since this horrendous SCAM began.

    Please wise up and Stop playing their game.
    There are thousands of other businesses reliant on this “Space” scam continuing and they are milking us for every penny they can, as often as they can. But don’t just take my word about this, as if you would anyway 🙂 Look into it deeper for yourselves. You WILL be Shocked at what you find, I promise.
    Just Avoid Mainstream Media and their own websites, unless checking in?formation for comparison, to what you find elsewhere.
    All the best.


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      John Galt


      And the Earth is flat right?


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      It frustrates me that we have the ability to build something like this that communicates from 25 billion miles away, and we are not able to solve problems closer to home.
      Maybe those ‘weird’ signals are a sign for us to wake up! If we could read them.


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        You deal with Gov’t Bureaucracies. THAT is why the problems are never solved, using taxpayers’ money that is not theirs.


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      D. Boss


      How is it that apparently rational persons can hold such nonsense viewpoints? OK “Andy” how is it that we have communications, GPS, and weather satellites that operate from between 10,000 and 22,300 miles above earth’s surface – if we have never achieved anything beyond low earth orbit – which is roughly 150-300 miles in altitude?

      Can you objectively refute that the images you see on this website, do not correspond to what you see on the ground?

      You cannot view the entire globe from a mere 200 mile orbit! Furthermore, today here in S Florida we are experiencing the first effects from a tropical disturbance and the satellite images directly correspond to observations on the ground:

      Andy’s statements are objectively false in that we have provable information that we have achieved high, geostationary or elliptical orbits of many satellites. Weather satellites are at 22,300 miles and GPS cannot function without many satellites in high orbit (10,900 nautical miles).

      I think Andy may want to book a flight here: (If you still believe the earth is flat, here is your opportunity to find out for yourself)(A 747 pilot routinely gets messages from flat earthers and he challenges them to see first hand their “impossible flight”)


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello D. Boss:
        There is no doubt they can put satellites in high orbit. But not people. NASA even admits that going past low earth orbit causes problems because of the Van Allen Belt. Of course none of this affected the fake Apollo money laundering program, the fake shuttle flights that supposedly only went out less than 200 miles anyway, the fake mission too Mars or the fake space station. Remember poor Christa Mac Auliffe. Well this scum bag has been located 30 years later along with all the other fake Challenger Crew members less one. Just another NASA scam to line the pockets of their criminal friends.


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      Well. as someone who has family members who worked on the Shuttle project et al, you have bought into unsupported conspiracy theories. I believe you are on the wrong webpage/site and if you are the ANDY who posts a lot of articles, you have just made suspect many of your informational products. I guess ICBMs and satellites, all the various probes sent out were all fake, Yeah, right. I have seen MILLIONS in local monies spent on homelessness and it is now worse in THIS area. You sound like a Marxist Socialist. SAD!


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        Hi Lloyd, the ‘Andy’ you’re referring to is not me. I am Andy Rowlands, assistant editor at PSI. I support your views on conspiracy theories 🙂


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      You Speak the Truth Andy! I’ve always believed exactly that!


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    The amazing part is that NASA was able to find a part of the radio spectrum that has no background noise.. /S
    Logic and reason tell us that for a Radio with 5-15 watts of output power to communicate with another “like” radio millions and millions of miles apart, they must share a frequency with ZERO background noise..
    To think other wise is not logical or even reasonable..
    To even consider a laser beam type of link is beyond the current abilities of earth technology..
    Sorry folks, it sound good but just not reasonable…


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      By those nasty Zionists who try to perform anal probes on you, right?


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