Glenn Greenwald Releases Video on ‘Typhoid Mary of Disinformation’

Glenn Greenwald is one of the few honest left-leaning reporters left on the scene today.

This weekend Greenwald released a scathing documentary on MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace (pictured), the “Typhoid Mary of Disinformation.”

Greenwald put together a collage of her many lies from the past few years including the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the Trump phone records hoax, and the origins of the coronavirus.

This is a powerful video.

Of course, Glenn Greenwald could release a new video every day for the next year on the fake news purveyors in the mainstream media.

Literally, the fake news mainstream media has lied about every major issue for the past six years.

See more here:

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    Kevin Doyle


    We were told the 21st Century would be the ‘Information Age’.
    Instead, history wil eventually document the obscene ‘Disinformation Age’, as we know it here in the third term of Caesar Barackus Hussein Obama, leader of Darkness.


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      Tom O


      Kevin, “disinformation” IS information, just useless. We still are in the information age. Now it is up to us to develop our own filters to tell the BS from the real deal.

      The problem has been, really, people are no longer taught to use what is between their ears as means to generate their own thought, but are instead taught to accept whatever they are told is a reality. There is no social issue – including mass murders – that don’t trace back to how and what we are taught. Education has had a by far greater effect on the US culture than has the disintegration of the family. ALL of the ills of the society are rooted in the manner in which we are taught as well as the substance being taught.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Tom O;
        What we are taught or not taught begins long before we ever darken the school house door of government indoctrination. It in fact begins even before birth, within the first environment of the mother’s womb. Most childhood experts agree that by the time a child is in the fourth year, the basic character is already developed. Children need both the male and female influence in the nuclear structure of the home first, way more than they need to be institutionalized and commoditized into the father of American “education” John Dewy’s “cogs in a socialist system.”

        If you take two similar children age 5 and begin one in school and hold the other one out, to just play, then 4 years latter start him in school, he will soon catch the first child simply because of normal brain development with age. The governments are well aware of this. The main purpose of government education, is indoctrination, and the sooner they start the better the indoctrination process will work. In fact the U.S. education system is modeled after the Hindu caste system which the English copied as a way to keep the livestock in they’re proper rut. After all, the elite of all countries want every material advantage possible for their progeny over the serfs. And that means an underperforming immoral debased waste of time and talent in a stagnated dumbed down academic swamp.

        The American public system has been in calculated decline since the days of Thomas Mann but the main dumbing down process began to escalate after WW2. We know this from military testing all the way back to WW1. Now there are many large areas of the country such as the city of Chicago where 50% of the adult population are functionally illiterate. This is before the current CRT, gender fluidity, multi cultural, environmental agendas hit the classroom. The demoralization and destabilization of any country begins with an attack on the most critical social structure, the family unit. This is where changing the people in order to change the culture, to change the government begins. Only by pulling the women from the home and weakening the family first, could the current Frankfurt School academic disaster have ever been put in place.


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    The main stream media NEVER EVER TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING . They alter , delete , edit , omit and add wording to fit their narratives 100% of the time and have been doing that for decades .

    A small example of main stream media sources below , all listed names are guilty of it and can NEVER be trusted.

    Cnn, Msnbc, Abc, Cbs, Nbc, HuffPost, NYT, WashPost, The AP, BuzzFeed, Politico, NewsWeek, The Hill, Rolling Stone, Sky News, Mediate, The Atlantic, USA Today, Time magazine, LA Times, Politifact, Reuters, BBC, Wikipedia, Boston Globe, Vox, The Miami Herald, Mother Jones, Factcheck .or, HLN , Yahoo, MSN, NY Daily News, Vice, Univision, People magazine, PBS, NPR, New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Aurn, National Journal, BI ,

    It’s very very very difficult to find factual information these days since all search engines only link to propaganda sources .

    Try searching for political info on Google and other main stream search engines for instance , the ONLY links they will show you are from the above sources . Twitter and Facebook will also ONLY link to the above sources .

    99.9% of all factcheckers are liberal owned and funded as well and their sole purpose is to confirm the lies that the above sources report . It fools a lot of people because they truly believe factcheckers are legit factcheckers but nothing could be further from the truth .

    By far the best way to know with 100% certainty what’s factual info is to seek out what the above listed sources insist is disinformation because what they claim is disinformation and not trustworthy is ALWAYS 100% trustworthy .

    What the above sources promote as real news IS NEVER EVER real news .


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      Kevin Doyle


      Your list is quite thorough. However, you overlooked lifestyle magazines such as GQ, Esquire, Town & Country, and Sports Illustrated. All Leftist platforms.


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    The Federalist ( One of only a small handful or sources that is trustworthy) came out with a great piece not too long ago .

    Your Default Assumption Should Be That Everything Corporate Media Says Is A Lie

    The media’s deluge of lies about the Rittenhouse case is a disturbing reminder that the corporate press lies about everything all the time.

    As far as corporate media are concerned, the massacre in Waukesha, Wis., on Sunday was a “Christmas parade crash.”

    That’s how the attack that killed six people and injured more than 60 others is being described by ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Newsweek and others. Notan intentional attack, not a massacre allegedly committed by a violent career criminal already facing multiple felony charges, but merely a crash. The New York Times is calling it a “tragedy.”

    Not to be outdone by major news outlets, The Daily Beast rushed to remind its readers that “there are no indications of any additional motive for the Waukesha killings, or any reasons to label it domestic terrorism. That didn’t stop these right-wing trolls.”

    Oh no we wouldn’t want to assign ideological motives to a case too soon. But these damn right-wing trolls sure will! No mention from the Beast, of course, of the worst possible example of that in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, which every major news organization gladly went along with.

    Here’s the thing. The next time you read an article in the New York Times or the Atlantic, watch a bit of breaking news on MSNBC or a panel on CNN, or hear a report on NPR, your default assumption should be that what you are reading, watching, or hearing is not true. Either it is an outright falsehood, a distortion of the facts, or not the whole story. That should be your posture toward literally every piece of news you consume from corporate media from now on.

    There is ample justification for such a posture. It’s justified by every single major news story in recent years — the Russia collusion hoax, the origins of the pandemic, the Black Lives Matter riots, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the debate over Covid vaccines, the January 6 riot, and especially the Rittenhouse trial, to name just a few. Every one of these stories, and many more besides, were dishonestly reported by a corrupt media establishment that you should never trust again.

    Consider the Rittenhouse trial. How many times in recent weeks did you hear that Rittenhouse “crossed state lines” with an “illegal firearm”? Or that his mother drove him to Kenosha, Wis., that night? Or that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist and the men he shot were black? How many times did you hear that the Kenosha riot was over the police “killing” of an “unarmed” black man, Jacob Blake?

    You probably heard all of that, a lot. We all did. None of it is true. The corporate press lied incessantly about nearly every little detail of the Rittenhouse case, and it was aided in that deception by Big Tech, which has also forfeited any presumption of trust by its users.
    In the immediate aftermath of the Kenosha riots last summer, Facebook proclaimed that Kyle Rittenhouse had committed “mass murder,” blocked all searches of his name, and censored all “praise or support” for him, including links to fundraising sites contributing to his defense. Eventually, fundraising sites like PayPal and GoFundMe did the same.

    Facebook wasn’t alone. Before Rittenhouse’s trial, Twitter censored and suspended users who dared to say the teenager hadn’t done anything wrong and acted in self-defense. After a jury acquitted Rittenhouse on all counts, confirming that indeed he did nothing wrong and acted in self-defense, Twitter continued to censor users and suspend accounts that declared Rittenhouse’s innocence, even though it was now a matter of judgment in a court of law, not opinion or speculation.

    Big Tech’s official position, long before the trial, was that Rittenhouse was guilty. For Twitter, at least, Rittenhouse remains guilty in some sense, despite his acquittal on all charges. If you wanted to post about the case on these platforms, there was only one opinion you were allowed to have.

    It was the same with The New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story last year. Twitter banned the Post over it, suspending its account and demanding the paper delete all tweets about the story, which turned out to be completely true, as the Post insisted it was and as Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski confirmed at the time.

    Regardless, most corporate outlets worked to suppress the story until the election was over. Only this past September did Politico admit the story was true. Yet The New York Times continued to call it “unsubstantiated” before quietly deleting the false claim amid pushback.

    It is the same with nearly every major issue in every major new cycle. During the gubernatorial election in Virginia, where the influence of critical race theory on public school curricula became a flashpoint in the race, we heard over and over from corporate outlets and talking heads that, actually, critical race theory isn’t even taught in Virginia schools! Glenn Youngkin, they said, was simply lying. But of course they were the ones lying, along with Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe, whose lies cost him the election.

    Once you notice what is happening, it is impossible to un-see it. Just this past weekend, a shocking report by The New York Times about how Hunter Biden helped a Chinese conglomerate secure a major cobalt mine in Congo was assiduously ignored by every major news network. The networks showed zero curiosity about President Biden’s son facilitating the purchase from an American company of one of the world’s richest cobalt mines in 2016, when Joe Biden was still vice president. Instead, ABC News hyped online Black Friday deals, while CBS and NBC News focused on LeBron James’ suspension.

    On and on it goes. If the media are not lying outright, they are distorting or ignoring major stories that undermine their preferred narratives. You won’t have to wait long for this to happen again. It will probably happen this week.

    When it does, remember that this is what the corporate press has been doing for years now. They are not interesting in informing their readers and viewers, they are interested only in telling you what to think. That is their entire raison d’être.

    And rest assured that if you do somehow end up with the wrong opinion, Big Tech will silence you.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Cn:
    All MSM is controlled operatives under control of the CIA. Back in the 70’s it was also revealed in a senate hearing that all MSM “news” casters and top people in the networks are operatives for the CIA. It was also revealed that almost all book publishers in the U.S. are also under CIA control. All of the MSM and the bulk of alternative is always controlled by the elite in order to implement the Zionist Agenda. Real trials are never televised.Only fake trials such as Rittenhouse. Weinstein, the George Floyd fake trail and many others. The same thing can be said for fake shootings, fake Floyds and Boston bombing type events, they are used to propagandize and distract the goyim.


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