Some effects of using Microwave ovens

All of the pepper seedlings pictured above were grown under identical conditions for 200 days, except for one difference.

The plants in the top three frames (A, B and C) were watered daily with tap water that had first sat in a glass flask for one hour. The plants in the bottom three frames (D, E and F) were watered daily with tap water in an identical glass flask, except the flask had first sat next to this WiFi router for one hour:

That study, done at the Islamic University of Gaza, was published in 2020.

The same scientists had previously watered corn seedlings and pepper seedlings for 30 days with water that had been heated in a microwave oven and then cooled. The journal in which that article was published did not contain photographs of the plants, but the results were just as dramatic. Plants watered with water that had been previously microwaved did not thrive.

“The leaves of seedlings that were watered with microwaved water had a color of pale green and their texture was smooth as compared to the control. On the other hand, in the case of control, the leaves had a color of dark green and the texture was rough.”

Scientists in Pakistan, in a study published in 2019, obtained similar results with six different types of plants, in an experiment that also lasted 30 days. Water that had previously been microwaved for one minute decreased the plants’ root and shoot length, their diameter, their weight, their chlorophyll content, and their leaf area, and delayed their flowering.

But again, the published pictures tell the story better. The “control” plants were watered with water that had not been previously heated. The “tap water” plants were watered with water heated on a stove and then cooled. The “microwave” plants were watered with water heated in a microwave oven for one minute and then cooled:

Animals fed microwaved food fare just as poorly. Scientists at the Federal University of Technology in Nigeria fed two groups of young rats an identical diet including boiled rice and stew, beans, yams and boiled fish — identical except that the food for one group was microwaved for four minutes and then cooled. After three months, all blood parameters were impaired in the rats fed microwaved food.

Red blood cells decreased by 12 percent, white blood cells decreased by 30 percent, packed cell volume decreased by 25 percent, and hemoglobin concentration decreased by 19 percent. Lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils all significantly decreased, while neutrophils significantly increased. This study was published in 2015.

In a followup study, published in 2017, rats were fed an identical diet for 42 days that had either not been microwaved, or had been microwaved for 2, 4, or 6 minutes and then cooled. All rats fed microwaved food had significantly lower levels of antioxidant enzymes, Vitamin A and Vitamin E in their blood. The longer their food had been microwaved, the lower the levels of antioxidants and vitamins in the rats’ blood.

Another research team, at the University of Lagos, measured antioxidant levels in the brain and liver of rats fed microwaved food for six weeks, with similar results, published in 2014. “It was observed from the result that the activities of antioxidant enzymes decreased drastically (p<0.05) in rats fed the microwaved food as compared to their controls.”

A researcher at Koya University in Iraq fed pregnant rats either food cooked in a conventional oven or microwaved food for 18 days and then sacrificed them and examined the pancreas of their embryos. The pancreas of embryos whose mothers had eaten microwaved food showed pathological changes. Pancreatic tissue was damaged, including damage to the β-cells of the islets of Langerhans, which are the cells that produce insulin.

And in 2021 still another team of Nigerian researchers, at Crawford University, fed rats for three weeks on rat pellets that had been either unmicrowaved or microwaved for 1 minute and 30 seconds. The rats fed on microwaved pellets had significantly altered levels of total cholesterol, total triglycerides, HDL, LDL, ALP, AST, ALT, total protein, and total and indirect bilirubin, by the third week. And they had significant alterations in their white blood cell count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and packed cell volume after just one week.

And another team of researchers, at the National University of Medical Sciences in Pakistan, fed adult mice microwaved mice pellets for four weeks and then examined their testes. The mice fed microwaved food had significantly smaller diameter seminiferous tubules and significantly smaller height of the germinal epithelium in their testes.

Back in the 1980s I wondered why I would get stomach pain after eating restaurant food, a pain which would last for about 30 minutes. It did not happen every time I went to a restaurant, but only sometimes, and at random.

One day, as an experiment, I began a policy of specifying, whenever I ordered food in any restaurant, that I did not want any of it to have been cooked or heated in a microwave oven. From that day until today, I have never had that kind of stomach pain from eating at a restaurant. I have also never, in my life, microwaved any food at home.

A microwave oven does not heat your food directly. Instead, it puts electrical energy into your food, which is converted indirectly into heat. Water is a polar molecule, which means it has a positive and a negative pole. An electric field forces any polar molecule to line up in the direction of the electric field.

Since a microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2.45 GHz, i.e. 2.45 billion hertz, its effect is to force all the water molecules in your food to line up in the same direction, and to flip back and forth 2.45 billion times per second. The friction from all that motion heats your food.

Clearly there are also long-term effects on the body, since the above studies have found that eating microwaved food has profoundly deleterious effects on your blood and organs.

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Comments (36)

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    Geraint HUghes


    Has this been published in any of the MSM journals? It should be.


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      Hi Geraint,
      Me thinks that the answer to your question could be expressed as: “It would be…”
      Cheers, JaKo


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi PSI Readers,

    “The journal in which that article was published did not contain photographs of the plants, but the results were just as dramatic”. I looked at “that article”. In table 2 I found that the initial length of the 10 corn seedings used in the two microwave tests was 0 while the lengths of initial corn seedings, used for the non-microwave tests, were far from 0. I have no idea how this table made it past any peer review process.

    I urge readers to read everything that is conveniently available.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    This is very interesting.
    One would expect that someone would have performed those tests before releasing microwave ovens to the public. But no…
    Then, they wonder why we don’t trust them with some new experimental jab that in its previous version killed all the test animals…


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    If one believes the article, than maybe this would interest you:
    “The hypothesis that water “treated” with intention can affect ice crystals got serious attention from the scientific community from the results of this experiment when the water was pilot tested under double-blind conditions.”


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    Herb Rose


    When water absorbs infrared radiation it builds internal structures (liquid crystals) that store this energy. (Read Dr.Gerald Pollack’s book “The Fourth Phase of Water”) As infrared heat is added a point is reached where the liquid crystals begin to melt (a liquid crystal has two melting points) and the energy is released into the water. (This is why it takes 540 calories/gram to convert 100C water into 100C vapor.) The melting begins at the last crystal structure formed and then proceeds to melt the rest of the crystal reversing the process of crystal growth.
    I would speculate that the microwave energy is not following this pattern but destroying internal crystal structures as well as surface structure causing destruction of internal energy structures thus depriving the plants of a stored energy source needed for their growth.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Herb:
    So quality water needs to be natural, and chemical free to retain its internal structure. Not Chlorinated, fluorinated and run through the municipal water plant.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Mark,
      Natural water is not chemical free. Water is a powerful solvent that dissolves minerals, so it naturally contains all sorts of metals and chemicals (including chlorine and fluorine) depending on the soil it passes through. These chemicals are important for living objects. Distilled water is quite corrosive and will leach minerals out of a person’s body if they drink it.
      Dr. Pollack’s experiments show how the absorption of energy promotes crystal growth (Exclusion Zone) that naturally separates impurities in the water (including desalination) in the liquid crystals and concentrates them in the liquid portion.
      The concentration of different chemicals depends on their solubility and other chemicals present with the chemicals exceeding their solubility either precipitating out as mineral deposits or being released gases (Chlorine, CO2). It is the concentration of chemicals in the water that determine if they are toxic or essential to health so you cannot say that adjusting the level of a chemical in water is always bad. In bottled (purified) water toxic minerals (like iron, calcium, salts, etc.) must be added to prevent the depletion of these elements in your body.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Herb:
        I was of course not referring to naturally occurring minerals but only to added chloramines and fluoride. I read that Coca Cola is the biggest bottler of water in the U.S., using the Kansas City municipal tap water. Goes through osmosis system which takes out everything. Doubt anything is added back. My own water here in E. Texas comes from wells 500 ft down. I had a sample checked years ago and it has several minerals including selenium. No fluoride. The question is, what is Herb drinking up there in “the city of brotherly love.”


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Mark,
          I don’t believe chloramines are added to water but are a result of a reaction between ammonia and chlorine. Most of the minerals found in water are not in the form of molecules but exist as ions so the toxicity is different. I know that if bleach and ammonia are stored or shipped together the gassing will produce a poisonous ammonium chloride gas but the adding of chlorine gas to water (done to kill off all bacteria and other pathogens by plants not using the more modern ultra violet light systems) will naturally de-gas (the smell at a swimming pool) removing the excess chlorine. (I am sure your well water has chlorine ions in it)
          Reverse osmosis is the pumping of water through a semi-permeable membrane to reduce the amount of ions in the water. It is how desalination is done and it does not result in ion free water, like distillation does.
          Our water (I’m a teetotaler) comes from the Delaware river and its tributaries so it contains the minerals common to this area.


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            Mark Tapley


            Hi Herb:
            I read the following about municipal water:
            Chloramines (also known as secondary disinfection) are disinfectants used to treat drinking water and they: Are most commonly formed when ammonia is added to chlorine to treat drinking water. Provide longer-lasting disinfection as the water moves through pipes to consumers.Apr 18, 2022.

            Chlorine as you know is what they used in mustard gas. Should not even shower in chlorinated water much less drink it. You’re municipal water from the Delaware will have chloramines which can be easily filtered out at home. It may also contain fluoride which is more difficult to remove. There’s no telling what those Turkey’s down at the water plant are pouring in Herbs water.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Mark,
            Why should they need to disinfect water since bacteria and viruses don’t cause diseases?
            All non distilled water contain chlorine ions so unless you shower with distilled water (will destroy plumbing) you can only avoid chlorine in water by not bathing.
            Ammonia is equally completely soluble in water and cannot be removed easily. The only way to remove these ions, other than by distillation, is to have them react with oppositely charges ions to form insoluble salts. Not a home remedy (A water softener removes heavy metal ions and negative charged ions by replacing them with sodium and chlorine ions. (If you wish to remove chlorine ions you must replace them with Florine ions, since Florine is the only halogen more reactive than chlorine.).
            In newer housing copper water pipes have been replaced (because of cost and toxic copper ions) with PVC (PolyVinyChloride) pipes. You cannot easily remove chlorine from water.
            You need to stop believing everything you read that agrees with you.

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            Mark Tapley


            Hello Herb:
            I didn’t say I was in favor of chlorine in the water. But all municipal systems use it. They have lots of filters advertised to remove chloramines from municipal water. Fluoride is harder to remove. Not even charcoal filters will take it all out. This information is common knowledge, not anything I had to pick out. I don’t even have filtration coming off my wells because the water is so pure. And no one is putting chloramines in it either as they do in all municipal systems. My point was that you might want to find out if they are also adding fluoride to your water.

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      Jerry Krause


      Hi PSI Readers and Herb,

      Herb wrote: “Water is a powerful solvent that dissolves minerals, so it naturally contains all sorts of metals and chemicals (including chlorine and fluorine) depending on the soil it passes through.”

      This is a very important reproducible observed fact about water!!!

      Have a good day, Jerry


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    The first line of enquiry would be, ‘does microwave reduce the level of dissolved oxygen in the water?’.


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      Herb Rose


      Hi Matt,
      Any heating of water will reduce the solubility of gasses in the water so I don’t think that the heating by microwave would make any difference.


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        Hi Herb. I used to commercially fish for fresh water eels. They had to be alive to sell them.
        Water tumbling over rocks was well aerated and life sustaining. On the other hand a summer flood meant that water sitting relatively stationary on flood plains would easily lead to dead eels in the fyke nets.

        As a curiousity New Zealand has the biggest species of freshwater eels on earth. I have caught them at 22 pounds, credible reports of them over 30 pounds and myths and legends of them up to 60 pounds.

        A 22 pound eel is as fat as your thigh just above the knee. I hope your garden is flourishing with the new season.

        Cheers Matt


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Matt,
          When I was young I use to catch eels in ponds (still water) and in streams. I never ate them, they looked to much like snakes. Here on the east coast of the USA eels migrate to the Saragossa Sea to reproduce, then die. Is there a common spawning ground in the ocean for your eels or is the reason they grow so big is because they are celibate?
          My garden is doing well at raising weeds and bugs but it has been a cool May and everything is running late.


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            Hi Herb. I am aware of the Saragossa Sea eel mating science.

            The New Zealand Long Fin Eel breeds in the deep water of the Tonga Trench. One key issue with this area is the oceanic currents disperse the leptocephalus back to New Zealand which then grow into elvers before entering estuaries and river mouths from the ocean.

            The really big eels are female and age at migration for breeding varies a lot and is dependent on water temperature and food abundance. Some big eels will eat an eel of around two or three pound and hibernate until the meal is digested. Ducks and rats are a favourite food source and during floods they follow the rising flood water and gorge on earth worms and slugs etc.

            With New Zealand’s Fishery Quota Management System any eel over 4 kilograms must be released. The barriers known as hydro dams is where some fisherman capture elvers and transport them into the upstream hydro lakes for farming, or ranching eels. Eels trying to migrate down through the hydro dams get chopped into 400 mm pieces by the turbines.

            The slow growing old females in the cold alpine rivers do eventually migrate.

            One time I wounded a duck on a coastal pond and my labrador was swimming after the woundy when a large eel, scenting the duck blood in the water, grabbed my dog by the tail or back leg and started dragging him under. I rowed out and rescued my dog. The biggest eel I caught in the pond that night was 20 pound and of course the woundy was cut up into eel bait.
            A very facinating fish, the eel.

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Matt,
            I was scuba diving in Cancun Mexico and saw a Moray eel protruding from a hole in the coral with a head at least 8 inches in diameter. I wonder how closely the eels which spend their entire lives in salt water, are related to the fresh water eels?

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            Hi Herb. The moray and conger eels can be pretty salty but the fresh water eels can be pretty aggressive too.
            I have heard of big eels attacking trout whilst the trout were being retrieved by trout fishermen in the Ruakituri river. To get to this upper section of the river the eels have to climb the 72M Te Reinga falls which they do when still elvers.

            If you put a fresh water eel into sea water the sea water will kill it. As the eels prepare for the breeding migration they go through a metamorphosis.. Enlarged eyes, blue in colour. The shape of the head changes
            When the baby ‘glass’ eels return they spend time in the brackish water where they adapt to the fresh water and begin to gain pigmentation.

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          Mark Tapley


          Hello MattH:
          Its probably a good thing that you this halted this rouge activity. Jacinda would not approve of any of it.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Matt and Herb,

      You two are having a very good, civil scientific conversation. Except, Herb there are no chlorine ions. The correct terminology is chloride ions. And I know that you (Herb) know this.

      But call this to your attention because long ago Louis Elzevir (the publisher of Galileo’s Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (1638) wrote in his Preface to this book, as translated): “Intuitive knowledge keeps pace with accurate definition.”

      Keep up the good work with possible corrections.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Hi Jerry. I was wondering when you would begin patrolling the watchtower of the citadel.

        The genesis of my comments is the observed life supporting attributes of water with high dissolved oxygen content. I do not know at what stage water can be described as anaerobic and whether there is any molecular change in the water or whether dissolved oxygen is just that, oxygen dissolved in water the same way salt or sugar can be dissolved in water.
        I read an article that some people try to produce high oxygenated water for drinking for health benefits and it was claimed in the article that too high an oxygen content can ce unwise and behave like hydrogen peroxide.

        Any comments?

        Cheers. Matt


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Matt,

        A week + a day ago I learned about Dr. Douglas G Frank, another genius beside the one (whose name I cannot remember just now) you already know. This one has significant scientific achievements but has for 1.5 years been going around the US using his mathematics and experiences speaking for nearly 2 hours to audiences from 20 to maybe 200+ and telling them what they (individually) must do to maybe to over turn our 2020 presidential election, or to stop the voter fraud in future elections.

        He is having the same problems I consider I am having here at PSI. Which he admits he has had from time to time. They are lazy. Consider you and Herb. You refer to your personal experience more than Herb. But Herb is being to become more like you. But you seldom develop unique personal ideas as Herb does.

        Back in the 1970’s I was very involved in out political process. We have US representatives whose terms, if elected, is only7 2 years. So they are continually running for the next election as they have the second job of being a ‘good’ representative of the people who elected them. And I finally saw how thankless this job is because a wide margin of victory maybe 55

        Have to go


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Matt,

        will complete this thought. “And I finally saw how thankless this job (politician) is because a wide margin of victory maybe 55% to 45%. So from the beginning there are nearly half the voters who oppose you and your ideas. Science isn’t like that.
        At the worst is 90% to 10%.

        This thought was to lead to the fact that there is this woman who now running for a US Senate seat after losing 3 or 4 times before for either a US Representative or Senate position. Our state is the most liberal of the 50 I believe.

        And I have just advised her. using my two decades more experience as a scientist that she need to make refuting the theory of the greenhouse effect of atmospheric carbon dioxide a possible way to do the impossible win. For I claimed that nothing can help the USA until that wrong theory is refuted.

        And Matt, I do not really know if anyone here (PSI) really understands that the measured facts that the atmospheric temperature has never been measured to be less than the atmospheric dew point temperature; both measured at the same place and time.

        Relative to super oxygenated water. After pondering I have thought of the BENDS if a deep water diver’s body is not slowly depressurized. I have mainly read this is because of the nitrogen dissolved in the blood but I expect it also because of the excess oxygen dissolved in the blood also. One might try increase the oxygen pressure in a bottle of water just as carbon dioxide is. We know carbon dioxide reacts with water to form ions which I would not expect oxygen to react with water. Instead I would expect oxygen to dissolve in water just as nitrogen does. But it would be an interesting experiment to pressurize water with oxygen and watch how fast the bubble escape from the liquid.

        Has anyone tried this???

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Jerry,
          Your proof is invalid. I will try to explain it again.
          A temperature drop in the atmosphere will not be measured immediately by a thermometer (Inaccurate in a gas) because it takes time for the molecules of air colliding with the thermometer to absorb energy from the thermometer. Therefore while the temperature of the atmosphere is declining the reading on the thermometer will always be greater than the actual temperature.
          The water in the air will react faster because water is far better at transferring heat than the glass or liquid in the thermometer. The water will come out of the atmosphere as dew before the thermometer registers an accurate temperature. The formation of dew is an indication that the temperature of the air has dropped below the dew point no what the thermometer is reading.


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Herb,

        This might not end up close to your comment but I really do not like short lines.

        I accept that thermometers would have a thermal inertia. However, how rapidly do you consider the temperature of the atmosphere normally changes?

        To avoid this possibility one could slowly warm the surface on which dew has formed and measure the temperature of the surface with an IR thermometer. You seem to forget the prediction of the GHE is the atmosphere’s temperature would be about 33C or 58F less if the there was no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Jerry,
          The temperature of the atmosphere changes faster than the surface because it is a gas and there are far fewer molecules to equalize with the energy.
          Since everything the GHGT is based on is untrue and violates the laws of physics its predictions and premises are meaningless. Why do you think that every prediction of the catastrophes of global warming have failed to appear?
          It starts by ignoring the laws of thermodynamics that say all objects absorb radiated energy and the atmosphere is heated by the Earth’s surface.
          The 5% of uv light reaching the surface has enough energy to burn your skin off (not so visible or IR) yet the 95% of that energy absorbed by the atmosphere just disappears without adding energy to the O2 and N2 molecules in the atmosphere?
          It completely ignores the effect of water cooling the surface by evaporation and transporting that energy to the top of the troposphere, yet water is millions of times more plentiful than CO2 and far more effective at absorbing IR. This is the argument by Knut Angstrom that caused Savvanti Arrhenius to admit that the GHGT was wrong back in the 1890s and withdraw it.
          When the gas molecules in the atmosphere have more velocity/energy than the vibrational energy within solids, they will transfer energy to the solid (law of conservation of momentum) even if they have less kinetic energy. You can’t measure the temperature/energy of the atmosphere by measuring the surface temperature.
          Your stubborn belief that the thermometer gives a measurement of kinetic energy and is accurate in a gas (despite not being designed for it) and belief that water is a gas means you will never have any idea of how the atmosphere works.


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            Jerry Krause


            Hi Herb,

            Arguments cannot disprove (refute) a wrong SCIENTIFIC IDEA (THEORY); only reproducible observed facts can do this.

            Have a good day, Jerry

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            Herb Rose


            Hi Jerry,
            Here is an experiment you can do to determine what a thermometer is measuring. All you need is a standard thermometer and 100 identical candles.
            Place the thermometer in the center of a circle then light one candle on the circumference. Note the temperature reading on the thermometer.Place more lit candles on the perimeter, noting any change in the temperature, until you have placed all the candles. Since all the candles give off the same kinetic energy, if the thermometer is measuring the mean/average kinetic energy, there should be no change in its reading as more candles are added.

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            The radius of the circle Herb, the size of the candles?

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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Herb,

        One cannot model the natural heating of the Earth and its atmosphere by the Sun, along with a small contribution of geothermal heat, with candles.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Herb Rose


          Hi Jerry and Howdy,
          Howdy: the smaller the circle and larger the candles the faster and larger the effect.
          Jerry: You are copping out. Nowhere did I say this was a model but a test to see what information your instrument (the thermometer) is providing. You know what the results will be and that they will contradict your’s and Einstein”s belief about the thermometer so you try avoidance to hide.


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            “the smaller the circle and larger the candles the faster and larger the effect.”
            Thanks Herb, that was the thing I was getting at.

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