Study Finds Previously Unknown Massive Volcanic Eruptions In Recent History

It turns out Earth had a lot of huge volcanic eruptions in the past millennia that we didn’t know about. That’s according to a new study.

Ice cores drilled in Antarctica and Greenland have revealed gigantic volcanic eruptions during the last Ice Age. Sixty-nine of these were larger than any eruption in modern history, including Mount Tambora.

By comparing ice cores drilled in Antarctica and Greenland, researchers managed to estimate the quantity and intensity of volcanic eruptions over the last 60,000 years.

Not only were they powerful, but they also changed the climate by shooting nanoparticles into the stratosphere that blot out the sun. Anton Petrov breaks it all down in his latest video:

h/t Joe O.

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    “It turns out Earth had a lot of huge volcanic eruptions in the past millennia that we didn’t know about.”
    There’s an awful lot that mankind doesn’t know about, which is precisely my point.


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Howdy:
      Everything was changed during the Great Flood. Before that there was no rain but as Genesis 2:6 states
      “but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.”
      The whole planet was enveloped so that they now find the remains of tropical plants and animals in the arctic. The dinosaurs were covered quickly and recently. T. rex bones with skin fragments, ligaments, soft tissue, blood vessels with blood cell remains and even DNA fragments have been discovered in Montana. Can only be a few thousand years old. There is evidence in rapidly laid sedimentary layers all over the world as to what occurred in Genesis 7:11:
      “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened”.


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        Hi Mark,
        I mean humanity’s knowledge, scientific matters particularly, will never know the full truth, which is why little things keep coming to light to change the current thinking. How many times do we see sentences such as “xxxx than previously thought”? This just indicates that the truth wasn’t previously known at all, or nothing new would have come to light.


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          Mark, I have a question: If I said science should be founded on humility, would I be wrong?


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            Mark Tapley


            Hi Howdy:
            We are commanded to practice humility. Here are a few verses.
            Ephesians 2:8-9
            For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
            Proverbs 6:16-19
            These six things doth the LORD hate: Yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, Feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren.
            Romans 12:3-8
            3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
            James 4:14
            14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. As you stated, our knowledge is finite and there are many things we will never know. Like Will Rogers said, “we are all ignorant, just about different things.” The worst thing situation is where science is corrupted for an evil agenda. This is what has happened with the fake virus and the phony climate change. Many people that just go about there business have a hard time understanding that there are evil people in the world who recruit others using money, fame, sex, prestige, group inclusion, vulnerabilities and other methods to accomplish an evil agenda.
            Lord Acton stated “power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

            Trying to find something not on bitchute since I think you don’t get that (95% junk anyway). here is Hoover Inst. Professor Sutton on western transfers to the USSR. An interesting side note is that Zionist insider G. W.Bush ran against Chicago mob puppet Reagan in 1980 for the Rep. nomination and was expected to win but when they got to the big state of Florida, Suttons book “Trilaterals Over Washington” was out and so when Bush got up to speak several people waved the book at him and kept yelling questions to him about his membership in David Rockefeller’s (forerunner to the WEF) syndicate. Bush finally just cursed at them and walked off the platform costing him the nomination. Reagan was forced to pick him as V.P. and on the day of Reagan’s attempted assassination by the wealthy J. Hinkley, some of the Bushes were having dinner with Hinkley’s parents.

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            Mark Tapley


            Forgot video I was going to post, here it is :

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            Thanks Mark.
            I watched 25 mins of the video, which I found interesting. I might grab the rest later.
            thanks again.

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            Mark Tapley


            Hi Howdy:
            It’s great to see that PSI is helping to spread the truth about the the global elite’s technique of controlled conflict using the Hegelian dialectic (thesis, antithesis, synthesis). This is the no.1 tool for moving the herd the quickest, in the desired direction as they are frightened by the threat of war and so induced into accepting more government spending for “defense” (insider money laundering) and more encroachments into their natural rights as the elite wave the flag of patriotism. There has to always be an external enemy (axis of evil) for the plantation livestock to focus on while at the same time the kakocracy of criminals has been developing the germ theory medical control plan since kicked off by the Rockefeller foundation with the1918 para-typhus scam, later tagged as the “flu.” This led to the fake Polio “virus”, the use of the neurotoxins thimerosal (mercury and aluminum) with the resultant epidemic of autism. This scam was supercharged with the fake AIDS “epidemic” that brought in hundreds of billions of dollars for the insiders just as the current fake covid has been used as a cover for trillions more in monetized debt dumped on the banking cartel’s friends at companies in the Black Rock-Vanguard interlock.

            War is the most profitable enterprise for the insiders as they profit from the military spending, loans and rebuilding on both sides. It should be noted that once the Bank of England (banking cartel) was established in 1694, Britain was almost constantly at war, which put a drag on their economic competitiveness and accelerated their decline. Today as people in all countries struggle against the impact of this conspiracy they are burdened with the additional malevolence in the form of the phony climate change, which is another entirely fictitious scheme fabricated by the same syndicate based out of the elite’s Club of Rome initiated in 1969.

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            Hi Mark,
            Don’t you think It’s a little more than a coincidence that It appears here right after you posted It? May I suggest ‘Youtube’ followed the breadcrumbs, or more appropriately, the browser header of any reader who clicked the link?

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          Mark Tapley


          Hi Howdy:
          I was surprised it was still on JewTube (ADL is their official censor). The only reason it has not been deleted is that very few people pursue serious issues that effect their lives and that of their progeny. It’s more like what’s Johnny Depp and Amber up to this week. Another fake diversion to distract from the vaccine mortalities, like the queers Will smith and – well I forgot the other ones name.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello Monica:
    Most of the Floridians haven’t figured it out yet but Desantis is just another Zionist puppet actor similar to Crypto Jew and “Green Energy” Award winner (ancestors came over in 1850’s) Abbot here in Texas. Holohoax museum builder Desantis is putting up the fake Rep. image for the goyim but he is a key player on the fake right. Also makes his obligatory pilgrimages to Israel while supplicating before his Khazar bosses.


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      The Anti-Jewish hate goes on. Do you realize if there was a real large Zionist Conspiracy, as you claim, you would have been Dead years ago?


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    T. C. Clark


    Putin drafted Anton and sent him to Ukraine…so we may never see him again. He did omit 536 AD – the worst year in history – he didn’t mention that only about 20% of the ocean floor has been mapped so we don’t know all the possible undersea volcanoes.


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      Geraint HUghes


      The other thing that needs investigating is any underground connection between the Underground Oceans (which contain 3 times as much volume of water than the above ground oceans) and the above ground oceans which we see. When the direct connections, if there are any, which is actually quite likely, are discovered then we can determine what inflows / outflows exist and what determines those rates of inflow / outflow.


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    Mark Tapley


    Hello T.C. and I wouldn’t worry too much about any of the puppet actors going to meet the Zionist Jew actor and comedian in the Ukraine. After all Jill Biden went to have tea with Zelinsky’s wife (probably wants more money for Hunter’s “consultation” work and now even beloved Boris has taken off his stab vest and mask worn in Liverpool so he can stroll with Jew comedian puppet Zelinsky in Keiv.


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      Tom O


      Having glanced through many of your comments through the months I have seen you posting, I will admit I have never seen anyone that thought more highly of themselves and their knowledge than you do. From this point on, I will admit, I won’t even bother to glance at them. What a waste of protein. Spew what you like, it won’t matter to me.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Tom O:
        I never portray any pretentious attitudes or facade of intellectual superiority. However you must have been offended by something I wrote. Well just suck it up Nancy. I post comments to provoke people to think about things they may have not considered. Wether you read them or not is of no concern to me.


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          Nah, you just post stuff because you are a very angry Anti-Jewish person who has found a website that allows you to rant and insult people. Bet you would never say any of this to someone’s face, Homey, Another Web Warrior.


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            Geraint HUghes


            Maybe he is an online warrior from palestine?

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            Mark Tapley


            Hey Lloyd:
            You got my name. Come see me face to to face and find out you smart ass SOB.

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    charles zilich


    previously unknown? highly doubtful. in the vatican archives or at the smithsonian? good probability.


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