COVID Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological Disease

The COVID-19 vaccine was developed with Operation Warp Speed in less than one year as the vaccine has not been adequately tested.

In this interview, return guest Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT for over five decades, discusses the COVID-19 vaccines. Since 2008, her primary focus has been glyphosate and sulfur, but in the last year, she took a deep-dive into the science of these novel injections and recently published an excellent paper [1] on this topic.

“To have developed this incredibly new technology so quickly, and to skip so many steps in the process of evaluating [its safety], it’s an insanely reckless thing that they’ve done,” she says. “My instinct was that this is bad, and I needed to know [the truth].

So, I really dug into the research literature by the people who’ve developed these vaccines, and then more extensive research literature around those topics. And I don’t see how these vaccines can possibly be doing anything good. When you weigh the good against the bad, I can’t see how they could possibly be winning, from what I’ve seen.”

Significant Death Toll Will Rise in Months and Years to Come

Months into the vaccination campaign, statistics tell a frightening story. Seneff cites research [2] showing deaths are 14.6 times more frequent during the first 14 days after the first COVID injection among people over the age of 60, compared to those who aren’t vaccinated. That is extraordinary. You can read the full paper here.

Other data, [3],[4] reviewed in the video above, show that after COVID-19 vaccines were implemented, overall death rates have increased, with the exception of a few areas. Interestingly, Seneff believes she may have discovered why. It appears countries in which COVID-19 vaccines have not raised mortality rates are also not using glyphosate.

I immediately suspected glyphosate when I started to see COVID-19,” Seneff says. “I’ve written a book on glyphosate called ‘Toxic Legacy,’ and I have an entire chapter in that book on the immune system. Glyphosate, I believe, is a train wreck for the innate immune system, and when your immune system is weak, your body has to overreact to the virus. It can’t kill the virus.

So, it ends up [causing] collateral damage and wrecking your tissues. You get into this cytokine storm kind of situation where you destroy your lungs and you can’t cope. It’s not really the virus. It’s the immune reaction to the virus that’s killing you, and that’s because your immune system is too weak. If you have a strong innate immune system, I believe you wouldn’t even get symptoms from COVID-19.

When you look at the statistics on which countries are hit hard and just can’t get ahead of this virus, they’re clearly the countries that use a lot of glyphosate and developing biofuels based on glyphosate-exposed plants. So, I think that’s a critical piece of the puzzle as well. Glyphosate is in the atmosphere … [and] people are breathing it. So now you’re getting a direct attack on the lungs immune system, which makes you very susceptible to COVID.”

Ultimately, Seneff believes, as I do, that the COVID-19 “vaccines” will end up killing far more people than the disease itself, and will in fact make the disease worse. Seneff cites a disturbing case history of a cancer patient in the U.K. who was treated for severe COVID-19 for 101 days.

The antibody cocktails they gave him didn’t work, and after his death, they concluded that the predominant SARS-CoV-2 variant in his body had a dozen different mutations in the spike protein. Somehow, his body figured out how to evade the antibodies, which is a critical piece of the puzzle.

“I think the vaccines are doing the same thing,” Seneff says, adding that, among the immune compromised, only 17% of vaccinated individuals actually produce antibodies.[5] Surprisingly, these people may actually have drawn the short end of the stick. The antibodies may not work because their immune function is low, thereby allowing the virus to build resistance and mutate.

“I think you have a lot of immune compromised people in a country where glyphosate is destroying people’s immune system, and that gives tremendous opportunity for the virus to mutate. The vaccine is going to accelerate that process because we’re vaccinating immune compromised people left and right.”

COVID-19 Vaccines Are a Public Health Disaster

The typical unprecedented vaccine takes 12 years to develop, and of all the unprecedented vaccines in development, only two percent are projected to ever make it through phases 2 and 3 of clinical testing.

The COVID-19 vaccine was developed with Operation Warp Speed in less than one year, which makes it virtually impossible for this vaccine to be adequately tested for safety and efficacy.

Hundreds of millions of people are now being vaccinated around the world, based on nothing more than preliminary efficacy data. Disturbingly, while sudden death is one apparent side effect, the vast majority of side effects won’t be known until a decade or more from now.

Seneff predicts that in the next 10 to 15 years, we’ll see a sudden spike in prion diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases at younger ages, and blood disorders such as blood clots, hemorrhaging, stroke and heart failure.

“It’s a nightmare,” she says. “And I can see how it can happen. Basically, the vaccine is so unbelievably unnatural, and it has a single-minded goal, which is to get your body to produce antibodies to the spike protein. The RNA has been manipulated. It’s not natural RNA because it has methyl-pseudouridine on it … And the goal is to keep it alive.

Normally, if you get injected with RNA, you have enzymes in your system, in your tissues, that will immediately break it down. Your body knows it must get rid of the RNA. What you do with the vaccine is you make sure [your body] can’t get at it …

Then there’s the lipid [that the RNA is encased in]. The lipids are very abnormal, very weird … They’re not natural but they have some cholesterol in there, probably to help it look like a natural LDL particle so that your cells will take it up. It’s not being taken up by the ACE2 receptor.

It’s not being taken up the same way that the virus is being taken up. It’s a totally different mechanism that brings it into all the cells. You’ve gone past all the mucosal membranes. Usually, a virus is going to come into the lungs or any kind of cavity where there’s a mucosal system that’s going to hit the virus first.

The virus [will trigger] your natural mucosal system to respond to it and clear it if you’re a healthy person, and that’s the end of it. [With the vaccine], we never get a chance to do that. You’re just getting it shot right into your muscle, past all the barriers and the muscle goes crazy … sending out all kinds of alarms.”

Understanding Your Immune System

As your cells start producing the viral spike proteins, your immune cells rally to mop up the proteins and dump them into your lymphatic system. This is why many report swollen lymph nodes under the arms. This is also a sign of breast cancer. The antibody response is part of your humoral immunity. You also have cellular immunity, which is part of your innate immune system.

Your innate immune system is very powerful. And, if you’re healthy, it can clear viruses without ever producing a single antibody. Antibodies are actually a second-tier effect when your innate immune system fails. The problem is your innate immune system is definitely going to fail if you get a COVID-19 shot, because it’s bypassing all of the areas where your innate immune system would be brought to bear.

Your body will essentially believe that the innate immune system has failed, which means it must bring in the backup cavalry. In essence, your body is now over-reacting to something that isn’t true. You’re not actually infected with a virus and your innate immune system has not failed, but your body is forced to respond as if both are true.

How COVID-19 Vaccine Circumvents Healthy Immune Responses

But there’s more. As explained by Seneff, the synthetic RNA in the mRNA vaccines contains a nucleotide called methyl-pseudouridine, which your body cannot break down, and the RNA is programmed to trigger maximum protein production. So, we’re looking at completely untested manipulation of RNA.

It is very important to recognize that this is a genetically engineered mRNA for the spike protein. It is in no way shape or form the same that SARS-CoV-2 produces. It’s been significantly altered to avoid being metabolized by your body. Additionally, the spike protein your body produces in response to the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA locks into your ACE2 receptor.

This is because the genetically engineered NEW spike protein has additional prolines inserted that prevent the receptors from properly closing, which then cause you to downregulate ACE2. That’s partially how you end up with problems such as pulmonary hypertension, ventricular heart failure and stroke.[6],[7]

As noted in a 2020 paper,[8] there’s a “pivotal link” between ACE2 deficiency and SARS-CoV-2 infection. People with ACE2 deficiency tend to be more prone to severe COVID-19. The spike protein suppresses ACE2,[9] making the deficiency even worse. As it turns out, the vaccines essentially do the same thing.

How Long Might Effects Last?

As mentioned, RNA is highly perishable, so to get it past the enzymes that would normally break down free mRNA, it’s encased in a lipid nanoparticle combined with polyethylene glycol or PEG. The PEG helps protect the RNA from breaking down. The RNA can easily enter the cell via natural endocytosis pathways, taking advantage of the nanoparticle design made to look like an LDL particle.

They strategically chose a cationic lipid, meaning it’s positively charged. “Usually you have phospholipids in your membranes that are negatively charged,” Seneff explains. The problem with cationic lipids is they disturb the plasma membrane and cause an immune response.

However, that may also be a key reason for why they were used. Typically, conventional vaccines contain an aluminum adjuvant to initiate an immune response. Aluminum was not appropriate for the COVID-19 vaccines, but the cationic lipids serve a similar function spectacularly well.

Being extremely toxic to the cell membranes, the positively charged lipids trigger immune cells to rush in to aid the cells and mop up the spike protein now being produced, while also being the vehicle that allows the RNA to slip into the cells. Once inside the cell, the mRNA delivers the instructions to produce enormous amounts of spike proteins.

Importantly, there’s no telling how long these instructions will persist. Manufacturers are guessing the synthetic RNA may survive in the human body for about six months, but we really don’t know if that’s true or not.

Again, the alterations they’ve done to the synthetic RNA are meant to prevent it from breaking down. It could be years or even decades that these spike proteins are being produced, and you will find out shortly why this is a really bad scenario.

“The really worrisome thing, which I talk about in the paper, is there’s potential for it to become integrated into your DNA,” Seneff says. “If that happens, it will last your entire lifetime, and you may pass this new genetic code on to your offspring.”

Tracing Spike Protein From Cells to Lymph to Spleen

As explained by Seneff, your immune cells mop up mRNA and spike protein and dump them into your lymphatic system. From there, they make their way into your spleen, where they can remain for quite a long time.

“There are all these different immune cells that have different roles, but it’s the dendritic cells and the macrophages that are initially going into the muscle, picking up the mRNA, taking it over to the lymph system, traveling through the lymph system to the spleen and piling it up there. The spleen was the highest concentration of all the organs they looked at in animal studies. The liver was second.

It wasn’t the COVID-19 vaccine, but it was a messenger RNA vaccine. So, it was the same concept. The other vaccines, the ones that are based on a DNA vector, they also go to the spleen. I think they like it when they see that it’s going to the spleen because you have these germinal centers in the spleen that are focus groups for making antibodies.

So these dendritic cells are in these germinal centers in the spleen, and then they bring in the B-cells and T-cells, and those are the ones that make and perfect the antibodies, because you need to go through a whole training mode to get the antibiotics to be exactly matched to that particular spike protein. That happens predominantly in the spleen.”

Potential Vaccine Shedding Mechanism Revealed

Seneff also sheds light on the mysterious reports of unvaccinated individuals experiencing unusual bleeding symptoms after spending time in proximity to a newly vaccinated person. She believes this may be due to exosomes being released from the lungs.

If you are a person who’s producing these exosomes from your spleen and shipping them out, there’s no reason why you can’t ship them out to the lungs. In fact, they’ve shown experimentally that those exosomes do get released from the lungs,” Seneff says.

So, to be clear, what’s being “shed” or spread by vaccinated individuals is the spike protein — which is itself toxic — not the SARS-CoV-2. So, it’s not an infection but rather the shedding of a toxic protein.

“If you’re breathing it in, you could be getting an increased risk, it seems to me. I mean, it sounds really farfetched, but it looks like it could happen, just from the logic of what goes on in biology. It could happen that you would breathe in these exosomes containing these misfolded prion proteins, which are not good for you, and exactly what happens when they go into the lungs, I don’t know. I have no idea.”

Can mRNA Vaccines Change Your DNA? That Is the Question

Getting back to the potential issue of gene editing, I’ve been accused of being scientifically ignorant for stating that COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines but rather a form of gene therapy. But when you delve into the genetics and molecular biology of this vaccine you discover that they are in fact a form of a stealth gene editing tool that can change your DNA and integrate instructions to make even more spike proteins.

It’s counterintuitive because, typically, mRNA cannot be integrated directly into your genes because you need reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase converts RNA back into DNA (reverse transcription). Seneff, however, discovered there’s a wide variety of reverse transcriptase systems already embedded in our DNA, which makes this possible. She explains:

“There was this long period of time in which we had the mantra that transcription is DNA to RNA to protein. That’s basic biology — DNA, RNA, protein. But then, in 1970, David Baltimore at MIT… discovered reverse transcriptase in retroviruses (RNA tumor viruses), which he won the Nobel Prize for.

It turns out, and I didn’t know this until I started digging into these vaccines, that we actually have plenty of reverse transcriptase in our own cells. We have plenty of it. And it’s these long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) that are able to take our RNA back to DNA and to put that DNA back into the genome.”

LINEs and SINEs are sequences of nucleotides, pieces of DNA, and they make up a huge percentage of the genome. For example, LINE1 is 10% of your genome. Most of the time they’re inactive and scientists were puzzled about what they actually do. They’re rather strange, as they fold DNA backward and stick it back in different areas. For example, in people with Alzheimer’s, the amyloid beta protein gets duplicated all over the place in their genome.

“They get like a big fat genome with extra copies with different variations in those copies. And they do that through RNA,” Seneff says. “So, you have a mechanism for evolution. The primary mechanism, I would guess, is through taking the DNA, turning it into RNA, mutating the RNA because RNA mutates much more easily than DNA does, and then turning it back into DNA and sticking it back into the genome.”

In a nutshell, LINEs and SINEs appear to be activated when an alternative solution for a problem is needed. One such problem could be glyphosate exposure. When the body is too sick to function normally, it finds a way around the problem by mutating proteins. “It’s a process that we use to deal with environmental toxic chemicals that we’re confronted with generally,” Seneff says.

So, in summary, mRNA can be reverse transcribed and converted back to DNA by LINEs and SINEs in your body. This cloned DNA can then be integrated into your genome. In this way, it truly is genetic editing.

Are We Creating a Generation of Super-Spreaders?

What comes next is truly chilling. Seneff cites research [10] showing that sperm has this ability to take exogenous mRNA, either from a virus or an mRNA vaccine, and reverse transcribe it into DNA and then produce plasmids that contain this cloned DNA. The sperm then releases these plasmids around the egg, which takes them up.

The egg hangs on to those plasmids and puts the new code into the cells of the growing fetus. Hypothetically, a man having been vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine could produce a child born with the genetic code to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

This is not a good thing, because this means the child will not have antibodies against the spike protein. Since it’s part of their genetic code, it registers as one of their own proteins and their body won’t produce antibodies against it. If that child is exposed to SARS-CoV-2, their immune system won’t react at all. What happens next is anyone’s guess, but it’s bound to be severely problematic in one way or another.

“Exactly how sick they’ll get or whether they’ll get sick at all, I don’t know,” Seneff says, “but their immune system won’t react and they’ll be able to carry that virus for their entire life and then pass [that genomic trait] on down to their children …

Now, if I don’t react to [the virus] and I let it grow, what happens? Do I get sick? To what extent is the illness [COVID-19] the consequence of the immune response, rather than the virus itself? We don’t know that, really, but many say the real problem is the overactive immune response.

People are dying of the immune response to COVID, they’re not dying from the virus. The virus is not killing them. It’s the immune response to the virus that’s killing them. So, if you don’t have an immune response, what happens? Nobody knows.”

Even if such a child were to be unaffected by the virus, we could be looking at a serious problem, as they could turn into lifelong super-spreaders and a chronic hazard to everyone around them. At least that’s what happened in cows.

This is taken from a long document. Read the rest here:

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Comments (21)

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    BBC Radio Presenter discusses the side effects she’s experienced since receiving her Covid jab


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    Again, that article is loaded with BS.

    An example is “So, to be clear, what’s being “shed” or spread by vaccinated individuals is the spike protein — which is itself toxic — not the SARS-CoV-2. So, it’s not an infection but rather the shedding of a toxic protein.”

    Why do those “truthers” not address the fundamentals?

    Toxins elicit morphological responses, physics and nature tend to equalization, antibodies (not specific to supposed “viruses”) are elicited as a 1:1 response (within the body’s capacity) as an intermediary neutralizing result. They do not provide “future protection”, are a measure of toxification and that is also KNOWN as high antibody loads are associated with being diseased (and as explained, they are resultant).

    What is implied with this, because it’s some peculiar language that manages to overlap with and project a common propagandist fearmongering suggestion based on fraud.

    “So, it’s not an infection but rather the shedding of a toxic protein.”

    If your body “sheds” a protein, that’s resultant. Something caused that. It’s not causative, it’s somewhat neutralized, etc.


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      Oh and the “spike proteins” are not naturally evidenced.


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      What does a moron such as Mercola think the vaccine “spreads”?


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        Maybe he could explain to me how it is that, a few particles of some supposed shit, which can’t move, have no ATP function, reproductive function…while those supposed “spike proteins” are synthetic, apparently associated with vaccines…administered from a causative toxic source trillions/quadrillions of times more substantial than any phantom “shed”, somewhat neutralized products FROM that…causes disease.

        So essentially. If you think of “shedding” as being a causative thing, you’re a retard.


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      Joseph Olson


      NOM DE PLUME ~ fake name of an anonymous attacker, allowing false accusations with no evidence of qualifications, or actual COWARD’S identity. Judge assertions with desertion


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        Which accusations are false? Where is the refutation?

        Here’s an example of delusional reasoning associated with antibodies:

        Some questions to ask yourself. Do toxins elicit antiody responses? Do people get recurring disease (for instance, recurring RTIs in winters or with unaddressed toxicity, deficiency)? Are vaccines sold based on the notion of eliciting “immune responses” (which are measures of damage framed as protection)? Are high antibody loads not associated with disease?

        I posted some comments for Marc Girardot about the non-existent “virus functionality” and such once and he conceded that I was “biologically correct”.


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          Oh and I disagree with some of the shit Marc says there as it is contradictory (considering the non-existent “virus” functionality), but he wrote that before I posted those comments to him.

          T-cells, for instance, are measures of severe toxicity. A clue is for instance this, my sister, when working for instance with HIV and TB vaccines (funded by the likes of B&M gates) was trying to elicit T-cell responses (which she apparently did) in humanized mice. How was that achieved? With high toxicity.


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          Oh and how would “spike proteins” shed, if they are not even found in/from those who are vaccinated?

          I can link to some things Marc Girardot and McCullough (I’m loathe the reference either as they are subversive and perpetuate the fundamentals of the fraud regarding “viruses”, but there is the occasional “insight”) said/showed regarding that.

          Besides that, I already mentioned, the vaccines are the causative source and VERY substantial and they supposedly produce billions of “spike proteins” constantly, internally in the vaccinated.

          So here are 2 scenarios:
          1 – Vaccinated: Get injected with actual substantive toxic crap which supposedly produces shitloads of “spike proteins” and other various morphological results, forms of damage internally.

          2 – Potential “shed” particle receiver: You hypothetically encounter miniscule amounts of somewhat neutralized products of those “spike proteins” that are externalized and have to go through FAR more of your defenses…

          If you reckon scenario 2 causes illness, you basically think 10^18 is the same as 10^-18.

          But also, by that reasoning of those “shed” particles causing illness, everyone would be sickened (especially those who administer vaccines) and probably dead already as practically everyone’s associated with the vaccinated numerous times. AND in scenario 1 there, those vaccinated would kinda drop dead nearly instantly.


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        Doug Harrison


        I agree, Joseph. I have read much unsupported tripe from this poster and have never seen him write anything positive about any other poster or author. This is in itself a disease of the mind for everyone has some positive attributes but it seems he/she cannot see anything positive in what any other person writes.


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          That’s fucking ironic.


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    Science will kill us all.


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        Saeed, I don’t mean to be too critical. But I think the focus on the supposed “isolation” of the “virus” is pointless.

        My reasoning is because of the failure of reductionism (loss of contextual information, entropy). Most pharmaceuticals are technically, chemical “isolates”, all of them synthetic.

        To state it more plainly, it loses systemic contextual relevance because of that, lacks ontological, systemic consideration.

        For instance, if I take some of your blood (an “isolate”) from your body, removing it from its functional environment, add a bunch of toxic shit to it based on singular “labeling” (quantization inherently loses information), ignorant of the flaws (that is assuming everything I do is “settled science” and “correct”, which is a myth) of very limited processes and consideration, methodology, observation, interpretations, motivations…that has massively deviated from the original representation…uhm, that’s called BS.

        Trying to use an electron microscope, for instance, is basically useless regarding physiological matters. The reason being because it is used on massively altered (and alters) material and none of the flaws are considered (industrial stagnation).

        You know, that notion of say, “observation” changing a result (usually associated with homogenized institutional indoctrination). So if you think looking at things changes them, just imagine if you look at things with guns or lasers…or PET scans…or a stick loaded with toxins shoved up their nostrils.


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    mRNA gene therapy does exactly what moderna and pfizer says it does…changes the desire of your genes from keeping you alive and healthy to destroying your health and hastening your demise. Know that your premature sickness and death is serving a distinct purpose which is that of preserving the planet for the likes of joey, schwab, gates, fauci and the rest of the demented gang of parasites.


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    On the contrary, I see that shit as measures of insolent desperation (their old, dying and shit). They require massive amounts of marketing, constantly lie, require security guards, etc. They’re like insolent cancerous fragments that are being expelled and quite underestimate the capacity or even consciousness of he Earth or Sun (hey, imagine you looking at ants is like the sun or earth looking at you).


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      Sorry, meant as a reply to Tom.


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        And excuse my shitty typing.


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    Here’s link to a Pfizer document giving protocols for investigation of the efficacy of their Covid-19 “intervention:”
    Section 8.3.5, particularly through addresses “exposure” to the intervention. It appears they require 24 hr notice of exposure through “inhalation of skin contact” with the “intervention.” For what it’s worth.


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    Typo. I meant to write: “inhalation or skin contact” with the “intervention.”

    I’m wondering how one would inhale or get skin contact with the intervention. Possibly while administering the jab? Note, it does not say inhalation or skin contact with someone who has been administered the “intervention.”


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