CDC report admits 74 million Americans have Refused Covid Vaccine

The American people have seen right through President Biden’s propaganda and lies on the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections because according to CDC data, 70 percent of the entire population of the USA have not had either a first, second or third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

President Joe Biden has lied to the American people and is still lying to the American people. In July 2021, Biden falsely stated that:

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,”


“If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die.”

Then in December 2021, Biden falsely claimed:

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”

There is plenty of evidence out there that proves the above statements made by President Biden are outright lies (see here), but the most hilarious evidence of all must be the recent outbreak that occurred due to journalists and Government leaders attending the ‘Gridiron Dinner’ at the beginning of April 2022. An annual event in Washington DC.

All guests at the event were required to show proof of vaccination. A week later at least 72 of the 630 fully vaccinated/boosted guests tested positive for Covid-19.

But it would appear the majority of the American people can already see through President Biden’s lies without us needing to put the record straight. Because according to data published by the US Centers for Disease Control, 74.2 million Americans are still completely unvaccinated, and a further 157 million Americans have refused a second or third dose of the Covid-19 injection.

Meaning 50 percent of the entire country has potentially become wise to the propaganda and lies spouted by the American Government, Dr Anthony Fauci, and the mainstream media over the past two years.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides the following data on Covid-19 vaccinations in the United States –

Data for Dose 1

Data for Dose 2

Data for Dose 3

We’ve created the following chart based on the figures provided by the CDC above, showing the total vaccination uptake vs the total vaccination refusal in the USA per dose –

As we can see from the above according to the CDC, 257 million people have had a single dose, 219.7 million people have had a second dose, and 100.7 million people have had a third dose as of May 2nd 2022.

This means on top of the 74.2 million unvaccinated, a further 38 million people who had the first dose refused the second dose, and a further 119 million people who had the second dose refused the third dose.

This equates to 70 percent of the entire population of the USA who have not had either a first, second or third dose of a Covid-19 injection.

However, the above chart includes children under the age of 5 who are not eligible for Covid-19 vaccination. So we’ve created the following chart based on the figures provided by the CDC above, showing the total vaccination uptake vs the total vaccination refusal in the USA per dose among those who are eligible for vaccination –

On top of the 54.7 million people eligible for Covid-19 vaccination who have chosen to remain unvaccinated, a further 37.9 million people who had the first dose refused the second dose, and a further 90.2million people who had the second dose refused the third dose.

This brings the possible number of people who have now woken up to the lies and propaganda spouted by the Government and mainstream media over the past two years to 182.8 million; 55 percent of the entire population of the USA.

Approximately 183 million people in the USA are now refusing to partake in the largest real-world experiment ever conducted, even though their “elected” President told them it was their patriotic duty to get vaccinated because he falsely claimed the vaccinated do not spread Covid-19.

President Biden is probably breathing a sigh of relief that so many people have chosen to ignore his lies. Because a study of official data published by the Government of Canada has found triple vaccinated individuals are now four times more likely to be infected with Covid-19, 2 times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and 2 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated individuals.

One reason why this could be occurring is that the Covid-19 injections are causing Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease and antibody-dependent enhancement. But this would not explain the increased risk of infection.

But there’s another condition that would explain the increased risk of infection as well as the increased risk of hospitalisation and death.

And that condition is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

See more here:

Bold emphasis added

Header image: Henry Nicholls / Reuters

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PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (9)

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    Geraint Hughes


    How do we avoid another lock down this Winter? They have manipulated and falsified the data the past two winters, there is nothing to stop them doing it again this one. Are we all to rise up and just flat out ignore them?


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      “Are we all to rise up and just flat out ignore them?”
      That would be good, but it might be even better if a certain amount of disdain is involved.


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    Darn right we have refused and will always refuse. We see right through big pharma’s, the CDC and FDA’s lies and propaganda. Joey is not a medical expert or an expert at anything other than being a 50 year long DC Swamp rat.


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    charles zilich


    74 million or so is a good cohort to rebuild a new nation with.


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    Ken Hughes


    Some of us smelt a rat when they falsified the death certificates to get the Covid numbers up, they falsified the number of “cases” by using the PCR test, (at 45 cycles). Finding out the rest of the lies was inevitable after that.


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      Experts? I wouldn’t be able to call those I’ve seen selling those lies experts. I mean, what is a virologist an expert at? Talking shit?


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        Britney spears is an expert and I think it may have been Kim Kardashian saying the human double helix DNA is negatively charged and because the mRNA shot is positively charged the attractant charges have the potential to neutralize the genes from functioning to potential.

        I am still trying to get a better understanding of this so am anxious to see what Justin Bieber will reveal with his expert opinion.


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    Mark Tapley


    Yes Saeed and after the cattle have settled back down and are just trying to graze the declining pastures of the global plantation, their very limited attention span will be distracted by convenient fake contrived war, pre planned side shows (Roe vs Wade, Depp/Heard, Will Smith etc.) massive Currency depreciation by the banking cartel for their buddies at Black Rock, the fake political parties, climate change and whatever the MSM spins out, until time to roll out another fake virus. Then will come the Zionists favorite tool out of the bag, the Hegelian dialectic thesis, anti thesis, synthesis.


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