New study: Face mask usage correlates with higher death rates

Using data from 35 countries and 602 million people, peer-reviewed study confirms previous research and cautions use of face masks “may have harmful unintended consequences.”

A new peer-reviewed study entitled “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe” has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic, based on data from 35 European countries with populations of over one million people each, encompassing a total of 602 million people.

The study noted that the average proportion of mask usage in the period investigated (October 2020 until March 2021) was 60.9 percent ± 19.9 percent.

Governments and advisory bodies have recommended and often mandated the wearing of face masks in public spaces and in many areas mandates or recommendations remain in place, despite the fact, the study notes, that randomized controlled trials from prior to and during the epidemic have failed to show a benefit to the wearing of such masks with regard to COVID transmission.

“Positive correlation between mask usage and cases was not statistically significant,” the study also found, “while the correlation between mask usage and deaths was positive and significant (rho = 0.351, p = 0.039).”

That is to say, more mask usage correlated with a higher death rate.

The study used a variety of statistical methods to study correlation but “none of these tests provided negative correlations between mask usage and cases/deaths … Surprisingly, weak positive correlations were observed when mask compliance was plotted against morbidity (cases/million) or mortality (deaths/million) in each country.”

The study also noted that the public may have gained the impression that masks could be helpful due to the fact that mandates were usually implemented after the first peak of COVID cases had passed.

However, it became evident that masks were not in fact helpful later that same year, when widespread mask usage does not appear to have mitigated the severity of the COVID wave of winter 2020.

“Moreover,” the study concludes, “the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences.

See more here:

Header image: WBUR

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Comments (6)

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    Mark Tapley


    When the current fake covid 19 virus was initially started, Fauci was interviewed on a JewTube video where he stated and I paraphrase “that the masks may even cause more harm than good.” A few days later this video was deleted and he changed his tune 180 degrees, later even recommending double masking. Evidently the criminal syndicate did not initially realize how effective the masks would be, to not only induce pneumonia and other respiratory problems but mainly as a psychological conditioning tool to continually reinforce the fake virus narrative along with the Rockefeller CDC and Jew MSM.

    Even though fake viruses and fake vaccines have been used on large scale now since the “vaccine” induced 1918 “flu” with the Rockefeller’s dozen hog and chicken substrate blood toxins originally for what was termed “para-typhus” it was not until shortly before Fauci and the fake AIDS “epidemic” of the 80’s that congress passed the Bayhe Dole act which supercharged the patenting of fake vaccines developed under gov. approval and brought in hundreds of billions that were no longer retained by the government but could be claimed by individuals and groups (big Pharma). Now fake vaccines became wildly lucrative for individuals that move from the CDC to big Pharma just like our top brass of the Pentagon “retire” to multi million dollar positions with Mossad companies after serving Jewmerica.

    All the controlled countries had their fake PCR tests ordered back in 2018 long before the fake virus was sprung:
    Also Dr. Kaufman explains everything collapses without the existence of a virus:


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      I would find reading your comments if every other word wasn’t “jew”. I think you could put your point across better without the continual usage of slurs. I think you have valid points and are probably a smart person, but I usually just skip reading your posts because of this


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    again use of the words “may have’. well they sure as hell DO HAVE a correlation with death rates.


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    Jewtube??? Really???


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    Russ D


    Face Diapers are for Doctors who work in ORs, people who work in HAZMAT and IDIOTS who believe they will stop a virus


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    I would find reading your comments if every other word wasn’t “jew”. I think you could put your point across better without the continual usage of slurs. I think you have valid points and are probably a smart person, but I usually just skip reading your posts because of this


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