Listen to This Epic Big Bang, Black Hole Debate!

Almost considered ‘settled science’, but now back in the melting pot of a heated debate: Big Bang and black holes. Whether you are a seasoned scientist or curious layperson, don’t miss this extraordinary and passionate real time debate.

Albert Einstein is still considered by many to be the 20th century’s greatest theoretical scientist. His Big Bang theory has long been the universally accepted scientific explanation for how our universe began.

And what of black holes? Well, it may surprise many to learn that black hole “non-believers” include Einstein and Schwarzschild, yet their names are continually put forth as backers of this theory.  With so much misunderstanding over the mathematical finer points it is little wonder that most onlookers can feel befuddled and confused.

They often say that there is no better way to gain insight into the pros and cons of any scientific debate than to witness opposing protagonists cross intellectual swords and battle it out.

If you feel the same, then you will relish this lively two-hour podcast, below:

Listen to Stephen Crothers versus Joe Postma, two heavy hitters in cosmology, go toe-to-toe respectfully trading intellectual punches and decide for yourself whether the standard model of modern cosmology is right or wrong.

Among the arguments, Crothers says that the equation scientists use in their formulation of black holes is wrong because it doesn’t actually give a boundary condition for the supposed edge of a black hole.

No boundary = no black hole.

The equation physicists use to describe the boundary of a black hole is totally arbitrary and is an artifact of a bad equation first formulated by one David Hilbert. Postma defends the consensus and argues that there is sufficient real-world evidence to support the standard model.

About John O’Sullivan John is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

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Comments (44)

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    Joseph Olson


    Some of my published research on Cosmology > “Big Bang Rebuttal (CFP 4/22/2010) > “Cure for Cosmology’s Peptic Ulcer” (CFP, 4/25/2010) > “Mysterious Dr X says, Universe is NOT Expanding” (CFP 5/22/2010) > “Federally Funded Franken Science” (5/26/2010) > CFP = CanadaFreePress

    Dr James Fetzer and I will do hour BitChute video on the Einstein-Godel Metric, in which TIME TRAVEL is AXIOMATIC


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      Mark Tapley


      “TIME TRAVE IS AXIOMATIC.” Yeah right Olson. Like in those unequivocal nukes.


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        Hey Tapley I left a comment on the other big bang article that will soon be off the front page here at principia scientifica. Here it is again concerning the earth being not a globe:
        Tapley you are almost always spot on with your comments. You are wise to the Zionist ownership of all governments, the quackzines, germ theory, and many other topics. Kind of surprised you still believe in space balls and a globe. Never too late to learn right?
        Check this website out. It’s on to the International Jue and many other subjects as well as the earth not a globe.

        Oh yeah, forgot about the ships and planes. See the earth is flat and a disk of sorts. Think of a pizza. The North pole is the center and the crust is Antarctica. There is an equator and the tropics. It’s like an azimuth equidistant map. Which is exactly what the UN and WHO use as their logo. If a plane flies East or West for great distances there will be a very gradual turn towards North just like a compass. The pilot or sailor would never notice. Flights going due South would end up somewhere on the crust eventually. Flights going North would arrive at the North Pole just like on a globe. Curiously enough, nobody has ever circumnavigated the earth over the South Pole, and nobody ever will because it’s impossible. Check out pictures of the Antarctic coastline. You will observe 200 foot tall ice walls going seemingly forever. That is what contains the oceans on the flat earth. You are welcome.


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Gordongoodguy:
          Did not intend to be offensive on my original comment but only inject some humor. Just as the rain falls on the Just and the unjust alike, God’s unmerited grace and offer of eternal salvation extends to all mankind regardless of wether they believe the world to be spherical or flat. We both recognize the global Zionist criminal syndicate as the one great conspiracy dedicated to the destruction of all nation states to be replaced by a one world tyranny. Everything the controlled governments do is a lie and a fraud intended to convince the sheep to forfeit their natural rights for the illusion of security..

          best regards, Mark


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      Mark Tapley


      Hello Olson:
      I will be the first to admit that I am no structural expert, but I am no fool either. There are two problems with your assertion as to the use of nuclear devices to bring down the trade centers. First of all the demolition of the towers was entirely consistent with standard demolition as can be seen on numerous videos. The foundation is blown out first and then the rest of the structure is synchronously imploded to fall within the building’s footprint. Crews were involved for weeks, floor by floor, wiring charges to cut through the steel beams (to exact lengths for transportation on trailers and barges) and pulverize the massive quantities of concrete that created the huge cloud of cement dust. Even the squibs from the detonations are visible as the charges are triggered from floor to floor. Several demolition contractors even stated that it was standard demolition. That is until the Dutch demolition expert’s “accident” after which the rest of them got the message. I will link video.

      The second problem with you allegation of the use of nukes is really the same as with Covid 19. First we must verify the existence of the virus and of nuclear explosives. And I’m not referring to those fake “atomic blasts” tests the governments use to simulate atomic explosions. You my note that it has been almost 80 years since the first and only case in which the alleged atomic bombs were supposedly used over Japan. Does it not seem a little strange that in all these years no country has ever used the again. Kind of like that Apollo moon landing in 1969. In his book “Revisiting Hiroshima” Michael Palmer MD provides an exhaustive analysis of every detail in the alleged atomic attack on Japan. It was just a typical napalm attack. I also recommend Akio Nakatani’s “Death Object” The Nuclear Weapons Hoax.”

      Whenever the government runs a psy op like a 911, WMD’s, fake war in Ukraine, fake Floyd event or fake virus, court experts like you and Fetzer are always sent in to distract the herd and cover up the most obvious explanation. There is no virus and there are no unequivocal nukes.


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      Jason Verbelli


      Time is constant under Galilean transformations.
      Einstein inappropriately used Lorentz Transformations.
      “If the velocity of light is even a tiny bit dependent upon the velocity of the light source, then my entire theory of relativity and gravitation is false.” –Einstein

      Einstein said that if any other solutions could yield the same predictions and conclusions as relativity… That relativity would not be needed and would eventually collapse.

      Here is one such alternative solution to the Invariance of the Wave based from classic Physics and Galilean transformations.

      Yielding the same results without needing relativity, extraneous corrections… And without illusions:
      ∂²Φ/∂x² + ∂²Φ/∂y² + ∂²Φ/∂z² – 1/c² (∂²Φ/∂t²) = 0

      The HYPOTHETICAL OBSERVER would find
      Φ = ΦₒSin2π (νt + 1/λ x)
      to be a solution of the wave equation of the PRIMARY wave at velocity c relative to S, where νλ = c, ( because it’s coming from the source) but at velocity c’ (from another frame of reference) ≠ c relative to the rest frame.

      The ORDINARY OBSERVER would find
      Φ’ = Φ’ₒSin2π (ν’t’ + 1/λ’ x’)

      That works to be a solution of the wave equation of the SECONDARY wave at velocity c relative to S’.


      Thus t’ = t (meaning, time is the same from all frames of reference, not the velocity of light)

      Both the HYPOTHETICAL and ORDINARY OBSERVER would find that the velocity of the wave being observed is always:
      ν’λ’= [ν(1± cv)][λ(1± cv)-1]= νλ = c relative to its MOST primary source.

      Differentiating the equation for Φ twice after t and x, the HYPOTHETICAL OBSERVER gets
      ∂²Φ/∂t² =−Φ(2π)² ν² = ν² λ² ∂²Φ/∂x²
      ∂²φ/∂x² + ∂²φ/∂y² + ∂²φ/∂z² – 1/ν² λ² ∂²Φ/∂t² = 0

      The ORDINARY OBSERVER derives
      ∂²Φ’/∂x’² + ∂²Φ’/∂y’² + ∂²Φ’/∂z’² – 1/ν’² λ’² ∂²Φ’/∂t’² = 0

      t’ = t (Time IS the same from all frames of reference)

      c’ ≠ c (The velocity of light is NOT the same from all frames of reference)

      c’ = c ± v (The velocity of light in one frame of reference is dependent upon the velocity of the light source relative to an observer in another frame of reference. Whether that light source is approaching or receding away from that observer)

      Time is the same from all frames of reference, NOT the velocity of light.
      A transverse relative time shift, which is a direct consequence of absorbing and ceasing a primary wave and then shifting and re-emitting between frames of reference. Yielding a pure classical equivalence of “time dilation”:
      τtr = τₒ / √1 – v²/c²
      (Tau naught t times r, equals Tau naught, divided by the square root of 1 minus v squared divided by c squared)


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Jason,
        I have no idea about the math and argument you are presenting but I did find it interesting that Einstein said if the motion of the object emitting a light had any influence on the speed of light it meant his theories were wrong. And yet people contend that the red and blue shifts observed in the ;light coming from distant stars is a Doppler effect resulting from the motion of the star emitting the light.


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi John O’Sullivan and PSi Readers,

    John, you have taught me to keep my essays and comments brief because most PSI Readers do not have time to read long ones. And I have remarked that I can read far faster than a understandable speaker can speak. And while I do know a little about Postma’s mathematics and ideas I knew nothing about Steve Crother’s mathematics and ideas. So, I Googled Steve and found the best source was an hour video. Which, despite my reluctances to even start listening, I did and I only had to listen for a minute, or two, as Steve began to question Einstein’s special theory of relativity to see that I could never agree with where he appeared to be going. And it is important that I was hearing it from Steve and not about anyone’s opinion about Steve’s ideas.

    PSI Readers, you can go to ( to quickly read a sample of my ideas inorder to make your own decision if you might have more time to read some of what I have written and plan to write after submitting this comment.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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      Mark Tapley


      PSI readers, get the truth about Jerry’s icon the radical Zionist and plagiarist Einstein who stole (his wife really did it for him) the work of numerous real scientists.


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        Ah yes. The Zionist Conspiracy!


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          Mark Tapley


          Not just alleged con spiracy but facts. Einstein was a well documented Zionist. You are one of their useful idiots.


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          John Gabriel


          No conspiracies here. I can’t help but roll my eyes at theatrical physicists (Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and their followers) every time I see articles on relativity and black holes.

          How sound can any such theory be when not a single “theoretical” physicist actually understands the concept of time?


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      Steve Crothers


      Dear Mr. Krause,

      You have not advanced any proof of any error in my mathematical analysis of Special Relativity. I welcome your proof of where you think I have erred. Here is my paper:

      Crothers, S.J., Special Relativity and the Lorentz Sphere, Physics Essays, V.33, No.1, p.15,

      ABSTRACT. The Special Theory of Relativity demands, by Einstein’s two postulates (i) the Principle of Relativity and (ii) the constancy of the speed of light in vacuum, that a spherical wave of light in one inertial system transforms, via the Lorentz Transformation, into a spherical wave of light (the Lorentz sphere) in another inertial system when the systems are in constant relative rectilinear motion. However, the Lorentz Transformation in fact transforms a spherical wave of light into a translated ellipsoidal wave of light even though the speed of light in vacuum is invariant. The Special Theory of Relativity is logically inconsistent and therefore invalid.


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        Herb Rose


        Hi Steve,
        There is also an inconsistency with a constant speed of light in a vacuum. If Planck’s Law is correct, that the energy of light is a function of its frequency, than red light has less energy than blue light. How can their velocities (V) be equal but their energy (V^2) be unequal?


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          Steve Crothers


          Dear Mr. Rose,

          I don’t quite understand your point. According to the physicists, the energy E of light is proportional to the frequency f:
          E = hf
          or if frequency is designed by the Greek letter nu (v),
          E = hv
          where h is Planck’s constant.

          In classical physics, kinetic energy of a moving mass m at a speed v is:

          E = m(v^2)/2

          Yours faithfully,
          Steve Crothers


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            Herb Rose


            Hi Steve,
            Frequency is the number of wavelengths per second or a velocity. If all wavelengths travel the same distance per unit of time how can one wavelength have more energy (d^2/t^2) than a longer wavelength?

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    Geraint Hughes



    You mentioned that no starlight has been witness from a certain distance from Earth? Where did that information come from. Have we sent out satelites with visual detectors capable of relaying back to earth that far out?


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      Joseph Olson


      ambiguous question to Joe O or Joe P > as far as space data, watch “Perplexing Apollo Questions for NASA” with Dr James Fetzer > 50 years of epic lies


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    Mark Tapley


    Forgot to post video relating to comment to Olson. Sorry about that but here it is:


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    James McGinn


    Question for Steve Crothers

    I have a question regarding CMBG. This is an honest question that I don’t know the answer (not a “gotcha” question).

    In your opinion, is it possible to measure the cosmic microwave background using procedures that eliminates any possibility that it is coming from H2O in earth’s oceans? What procedures might you suggest? How about in low earth orbit? Or even the far side of the moon?

    Thanks in advance for your response.

    James McGinn / President of Solving tornadoes
    The ‘Missing Link’ of Meteorology’s Theory of Storms


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      What do you think of this super authentic official NASA footage of the “dark side of the moon”?

      And this from a SpaceX “space rocket”?

      Have you tried correlating and comparing “moon landing” footage with underwater physics?


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        Oh and it’s also completely reasonable that NASA lost their original “moon landing” footage, their supposed most impressive achievement ever…and are recreating it for more “authenticity” with the help of a CGI company.


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        Mark Tapley


        Hello Alcheminister:
        I can usually get bitchute but I live out in the country and can usually not get JewTube because I think the satellite channel is loaded down. JewTube uses the ADL (B’nai B’rith) to censor all activity, so you only get Zionist approved “information.” When the fake virus first started I pulled up a video of an MD speaking about fat metabolism with another doctor. As soon as it began they brought up the issue of “covid” cases. I commented about the two being bought out. Checked back about 30 minutes later and it was already gone.

        I seldom comment anymore on bitchute. Most of it is controlled operatives pushing the fake right Chabad Lubavitch puppet Trump and a variety of false narratives to keep the herd believing in the fake virus such as Joel Olson’s buddy Jim Fetzer, Del Bigtree, Stew Peters, High Impact, Ramzi Paul, and long time Zionist front man Alex Jones. If you comment that nukes are fake,
        Fetzer will delete the comment.

        There is an establishment gate keeper for just about all of the right wing segments on Bitchute including Brien Ruhe for space aliens and three sites for the nationalist genre that venerate the Zionist puppet actor Hitler. MGTOW sites and lots of stuff promoting flat earth. I scan through there usually once per day and once in a while you can get some real information on the fake virus or NASA money laundering but overall Bitchute is being taken over by the same establishment MSM as everything else.


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      Steve Crothers


      Dear Mr. McGinn,
      It has already been done. First, in the 1980’s professor Paris Herouni used the most sensitive radio telescope ever built (54/2.6), in Armenia, to sample the CMB monopole. The self noise of that antenna is 2.6 K. There is no possibility for extraneous microwaves to enter the detector of 54/2.6 owing to its ingenious design by professor Herouni. When he sampled for the CMB monopole the antenna returned 2.6 K, just the self-noise of the antenna; i.e. 0 K for the CMB. In other words, there is no CMB. Secondly, the PLANCK satellite was located at L2, ~150 million km from Earth. It did not find a the CMB monopole signal there; because it is not there. You can learn about professor Herouni and his measurements here:

      Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille:
      The Herouni Antenna – The Death of the Big Bang!

      Yours faithfully,
      Steve Crothers


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        Jerry Krause


        Hi Steve and James and PSI Readers,

        I do not know much about microwave photons (energy) except that the temperatures of the earth’s surfaces are claimed to be measured by some satellite instrument which measures the intensity of these long-wave length photons which a not significantly scattered by cloud droplets as the shorter IR photons, also being emitted from the earth’s solid and liquid surfaces because of these surfaces’ temperatures.

        And I know that energy intensity of the microwaves being emitted by these (any) surfaces is always less than that of the IR photons.

        So, the sensitivity of the instrument which measures the energy of microwave photons must be much greater than that of IR photons. But while the satellite microwave instrument seems (by observation) to have a sensitivity sufficient to measure the temperatures of the earth’s surface, there is the critical factor of the distance when trying to detect the cosmic microwave photons.

        So Steve, because I have used a balance, sensitive to detecting a difference of a millionth of a gram mass, I know all instruments have a clearly limited sensitivity of whatever they are being used to measure. Hence, you should have not stated “In other words, there is no CMB” you should have more accurately written “the level CMB is not sufficient for the microwave instrument to detect. Which, the distance factor. between the surface source of any microwave emission and the microwave instrument to which you refer, given what has been long and clearly understood from observations, makes anyone’s claim, to actually measure CMB, ridiculous.

        Have a good day, Jerry


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        James McGinn


        Interesting. Thanks for the info.

        BTW, I first encountered this CMB issue in an interview with yourself on Youtube. Frustratingly I didn’t make a reference to the video and even forgot your name and was subsequently unable to find it again. Assuming it is still available, might you have a link to that interview? I remember the interview taking place in a small room. You were sitting on a couch and the interviewer was directly across from you.

        Thanks again,

        James McGinn


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    @James McGinn,
    Go to the Sky Scholar channel by Pierre-Marie Robitaille and watch the video on the Herouni antenna, The conclusion after watching is that there is no signal coming from the “big bang”.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Rickard and PSI Readers.

      The conclusion should be that any CMB reaching the Herouni antenna is less than the background CMB radiation of our solar system which cannot be detected as the big gas planets past overhead.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        Or…. there is no C.M.B.


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          Jerry Krause


          Hi Matt,

          When the earth’s temperature is measured by microwaves being emitted from the earth’s surfaces, why is this not CMB being transmitted toward space? Is there no localized warm solid or liquid matter in space? We see stars which to the naked eye are merely points of light without breadth like the theoretical point of geometry. Except, as one moves closer to the star we ultimately expect it to begin to appear large like our sun.

          “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”. (Einstein)

          Have a good day, Jerry


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    Mr. Krause,
    Self noise is measured when no signal is present.


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      Jerry Krause


      Hi Richard and PSI Readers,

      Self Noise was a term I had never heard. So I Googled it and found it was related to electronic microphones. One question: Is there an absolutely ‘sound proof’ room where there is absolutely no noise [signal]? I ignore the possible random motions of electrons in the electronic microphone.

      Have a good day, Jerry


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        ‘Self noise’ is generated by components of a circuit regardless of microphones. It is not related purely to audio amplification alone.


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          Mark Tapley


          Hello Howdy:
          White noise, background noise an analogy for the political circus staged to distract from the real agenda. I link video of Trafager square: The Warburgs (Rothschild) Kelergi plan is working.

          Also Zionist front man Elon Musk (grand father was technocracy president in Canada) and the real agenda behind the Twitter buyout:


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            Hi Mark,
            Bitchute won’t work for without me changing browser settings so I rarely use it.
            The imgur image is just bluster. These people can say what they like, I believe differently, what they say will fail, and they will pay the price. If one doesn’t believe in sin, then Karma is inescapable and will come to collect.

            James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what [shall be] on the morrow. For what [is] your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”

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          Mart Tapley


          Hi Howdy:
          As you state we must keep things in the proper prospective as far as the things of the world. Ultimately God’s plan will prevail.
          Ephesians 6:12
          “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

          As for the here and now the Zionists are moving rapidly to their final goal of the imposition of a totalitarian global tyranny. They do not consider the wages of sin.
          Galatians 6:7-9
          ” Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”


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            Hi Mark,
            Yes, there will be suffering in the shorter term.

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    Herb Rose


    Cosmology is based on Einstein’s theories.
    Einstein states (see Jason’s quote in his comment above) that if the motion of the object emitting light in any way effects the light then relativity, the constant speed light, and the resulting theories are incorrect.
    Since the data cosmologists use is the red shift and this red shift occurs because of the movement of the star, then their data disproves the theories that they base their theories on.
    If the shift in light occurs during its transit then time (and change) must occur at the speed of light and again all the theories are wrong.
    No matter the cause the red and blue shift prove Einstein’s theories wrong.


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