Fauci: Courts Have No Right to Impede CDC Regulations

Someone might want to knock Anthony Fauci down a few pegs from his high-horse position.

In this brief video, Fauci was asked for his opinion on the recent federal court ruling that the CDC exceeded its authority with a federal transportation mask mandate.

According to Fauci, the CDC bureaucratic science should supersede any constitutional, legal or limiting positions by the legislative or judicial branches of government.

In essence he’s saying the CDC is above the law.


The CDC is a subservient regulatory agency just like every other agency within government, and is just as subject to the laws and legal limitations of the constitution as any other agency would be.

However, in the worldview of Fauci and the Branch Covidians, the power of ‘science’ puts them above the law.

See more here: theconservativetreehouse.com

Bold emphasis added

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Comments (5)

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    The people have the right to impede and outright stop the CDC from doing any more damage to the citizens of the U S .


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      Auntie Vaxina


      Couldn’t have said it better. F CDC.


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    Mark Tapley


    Whenever governments become totalitarian there is always a move by the executive branch and military to broaden there powers. Under the U.S. Constitution all powers of the federal government are strictly enumerated and delegated. To reinforce the injunction, the founders added the 10th amendment which states:
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    The government has no authority to be involved in any aspect of health care or just about anything else other than providing for national defense (not attacking their own people as the sodomite Lincoln) maintaining a federal court system within strict boundaries within the constitution and enforcing contracts. Government actions should be so unintrusive as far as the average individual that the great majority of the population would hardly ever consider the central government, much less encounter a situation where these petty tyrants consider themselves overseers of domestic animals on their plantation.


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    Michael Castleblack


    Fartsie Fauci has fouled the air again. Trying to keep some semblance of fame but demonstrably an ass.


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